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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

So either Nintendo has no idea what their consumers are into

Oftentimes, when Nintendo makes some decision that doesn't work for me, I jokingly tell people that they've just figured out which thirtysomething adult who loved their products as a kid that they can try to alienate the most, and that they're probably doing so as some covert experiment to see how long I'll keep coming back to them.

So yeah, this doesn't really surprise me either. Nintendo is so unlike Disney in the sense that Disney knows how to tap into adult nostalgia and the positive brand association that adults have with their IPs after having cultivated that positivity as children; Nintendo has no clue.




So fun. :)
He CRT filter is ace.

Nice setup, but you need to dust that fucking tv stand and consoles asap lol


Mine doesn't arrive until Thursday but a buddy brought his over last night and we played Mega Man, poorly, for hours. We suck at games now. If this thing didn't have save states I'm pretty sure we would have stopped shortly into the gong show that is Wily's fortress.

That cord length is seriously a huge what the fuck question about this thing. It's obscene how short they are. I get it, we both commented we felt like kids sitting on the floor together to play the games but it gets real old real quick.

There are, actually. You can create a save state, at any time up to four times, for each game. You just press the reset button.
There are, actually. You can create a save state, at any time up to four times, for each game. You just press the reset button.

you might want to reread what he posted..he's saying if it DIDN'T have save states they would have been screwed.

EDIT: hurry up delivery guy, I want to fire up my Pro but I know as soon as I start playing something I'll get a knock at the door.
Only real complaints: cord length (duh) and I wish there was an extra button (even on the back of the controller) that lets you reset and power on/off from there.

(yes, this is me acting like a spoiled brat, it's nice to want things, etc.)

Otherwise, it is AMAZING. The nostalgia is almost overwhelming. Massive grin on my face as I played Level 1-1 this morning. Looks great on a HDTV (thanks for the HDMI port, NCL), and whilst I'm still getting used to it, the save system's cool(I just accidentally boot up the game instead of the save state a lot). The tiny form factor is perfect as well. Exactly what I needed after an awful week at work@

Hope everyone who wants one gets it soon.
But while I was there, we were approached in line by someone who identified himself as the product manager who asked why we were so excited that we were willing to line up for it. He said that they didn't see this coming at all and honestly sounded slightly dazed. "You can play these other places, you've played all of them before." Then we talked about the quality of the emulation for a while, the design, and how these are contributing factors.

I said that for the SNES I could see it being even bigger and, again, I was surprised that he seemed so shocked. "Would you all really buy a Super NES one?" He turned to the other people in line, who all agreed that the SNES was an even bigger part of their childhoods, with a more beloved collection of games.

He was so surprised by everything we were saying. So either Nintendo has no idea what their consumers are into or they are so dedicated to artificial scarcity that they are pretending to be oblivious in public.

The NES mini is purely nostalgia porn. If hearing the jingle at the end of every SMB level doesnt make your spine tingle, then you probably weren't around for that era and wouldnt get why people are tripping over themselves to get one. That sounds like the person you are describing.

Tall Paul

Anyone run there's through the hdmi in on the XB1? Plan to use that and self power via the rear USB...when the uk restocks the blooming thing!
Realized yesterday that my living room TV has bad input lag response time. Very hard to play Super Mario Bros. Thought it was the game at first and was like "wow this aged terribly" lol.

Oh well, looks great on my PC monitor.
Is there any way to get a portable screen that is battery powered with and hdmi and USB-port to play this on the go (ok I mean on the toilet)?

Would be godlike


So what setup has everyone gone for? I like how modern TVs can power it via USB. Not sure why Nintendo didn't talk more about this.

The NES is a living/gaming room device so no excuse for the ridiculous length of the controller cable. A desk setup might feel a bit strange?

The little box is so light and portable, it will work well as a party device.

Will still need to get an extension cable at some point but it's a great little system. Really enjoying playing it so far and feeling that nostalgia!


How are the buttons mapped on the Wii Classic Controller for this? Does it force you to use the A and B buttons like 3DS VC with Y acting like another B button, or can I use it SNES style with Y replacing B and B replacing A?
The only saving grace of the tiny cord is it makes the system more presentable on a shelf when you're not using it. Otherwise wtf were they thinking. Thankfully I have a 5 meter hdmi cable.
How are the buttons mapped on the Wii Classic Controller for this? Does it force you to use the A and B buttons like 3DS VC with Y acting like another B button, or can I use it SNES style with Y replacing B and B replacing A?

There's no option to remap buttons but y doubles up as a so you could use y and b as b an a if you can get your head around the buttons being reversed (i.e. A being to the left of b, like using a neo geo pocket)


Neo Member
was anyone able to pick one up from amazon yesterday? the website started crashing at 2:00 pm and i was unable to pick one up. reading posting amazon, a lot of people experience the same thing. :(


was anyone able to pick one up from amazon yesterday? the website started crashing at 2:00 pm and i was unable to pick one up. reading posting amazon, a lot of people experience the same thing. :(

I think I saw like 2 gaffers who were able to get one.


Neo Member
Is the sort by release date bugged? If I sort by release date the order seems incorrect for some titles. Like Super Mario Bros being listed before Mario Bros. I'm using the Europe NES classic. Anyone else noticed this?


I really wonder why Urban Champion isn't on the console. Nintendo always seemed so fond of it (even got a 3DS "3D Classics" port).


Just picked mine up at Nintendo NY, but I've got to go in to work now. (Actually running late, but it's an office job so I can easily make up the time at the end of the day.) Glad I went because they just officially cut off the line.

But while I was there, we were approached in line by someone who identified himself as the product manager who asked why we were so excited that we were willing to line up for it. He said that they didn't see this coming at all and honestly sounded slightly dazed. "You can play these other places, you've played all of them before." Then we talked about the quality of the emulation for a while, the design, and how these are contributing factors.

I said that for the SNES I could see it being even bigger and, again, I was surprised that he seemed so shocked. "Would you all really buy a Super NES one?" He turned to the other people in line, who all agreed that the SNES was an even bigger part of their childhoods, with a more beloved collection of games.

He was so surprised by everything we were saying. So either Nintendo has no idea what their consumers are into or they are so dedicated to artificial scarcity that they are pretending to be oblivious in public.

Something tells me one of these is more likely than the other.

I don't know why but I love the idea of Nintendo instructing a mini-army of employees to pretend they were oblivious to the NES Classic Edition demand.


A group of faceless, slightly nervous Nintendo employees were waiting for instructions on the Nintendo halls. When will the boss arrive? Suddenly, the green light of their Corporate-3DS turned on. An imposing man appeared upon them, his big arms warmly welcoming them. They cheered for his arrival, raising their voice in unison.

It was time for The Boss to share their delicious plan.

-Our data- the figure said, with delight- is showing the exact reaction we calculated for. Retailers? Under-stocked., Demand? Overwhelming. Social Media? Outraged. And NeoGAF? Ohohoho. They are starting to get banned because of our new product!

The group smiled and nodded, waiting for their instructions. The big man approached his throne, exquisitely decorated with the best of Nintendo memorabilia and products, and rested on it.

-You, our multi-diverse player shepherds, have a task today. Your mission is simple. Go down and greet our bloodstream. Out soul. Our heart and love. The players who love our costumers.
And scalpers
. Ejem, our players. Yes.And greet them, and talk with them. Make them feel loved. And make them know we had NO idea how much they loved the NES. -He said, with a paternal look in his face- Let them know we are listening to them, that we are working to meet demand. And that we are working HARD to get them more of the desired device. That we are sorry there is not enough for everyone... but that we are getting there.

He pointed at his left, were a huge pit filled with hundreds of thousand of NES Classic Edition waited to be shipped. A note, "For later. Love, Kishi <3" was sitting on top.

The shadowy figure lets a hearty laugh leave his chest, is body barely supported by his throne of physical Club Nintendo rewards and unopened boxes of Majora's Mask n3DS. He stops laughing.

He suddenly gets serious. The faceless employee felt a shill familiar him. He hadn't felt this way since the Lucina amiibo release. He could tell his teammates were feeling it too.

-But... -the big man said, almost in a whisper- we must not be hasty. You, our valuable team players, may be thinking. Why not just make more? Why not just meet demand? Why not just ship all of them?

His face distorted into a slight grin. The employees looked at each other, waiting for the much needed answer. Reggie raised his arms, a huge Iwata painting right behind him, blessing him from the skies, rest his soul. Reggie screamed with all his might

-Because Nintendo!

The crowd cheered again, with renewed jubilee. They understood it was not only their job to make players feel they were completely clueless as a company. It was their identity. Their mission. Their reason to live.

The Nintendo way.


I really wonder why Urban Champion isn't on the console. Nintendo always seemed so fond of it (even got a 3DS "3D Classics" port).
Don't give 'em a bad idea.
Ice Climber is another game that doesn't deserve to be in this "NES best of".

Is the sort by release date bugged? If I sort by release date the order seems incorrect for some titles. Like Super Mario Bros being listed before Mario Bros. I'm using the Europe NES classic. Anyone else noticed this?
Maybe they are sorted for the american release date.
Mario Bros came out after Super Mario Bros there.


Gawd, looking at the pics posted here and those cables are so fucking short. Need dem extensions cords.


"actual old NES for sale, comes with mario and rbi baseball games - $200".

Complete and total greed. People are digging up their old NES systems and charging ridiculous prices for them

Telling people go to pirate games doesn't sound any more virtuous than the scalpers you're criticizing.

Seeing this all over Facebook.

"OMG you can play this in your browser at somebullshit.iran.northkoreaserver.fu - it's like almost exactly the same"

"dude, I sell first gen Xboxes with every game ever made on (insert all the major 8 and 16 bit systems) for $110 - fuck Nintendo, call me".


Don't give 'em a bad idea.
Ice Climber is another game that doesn't deserve to be in this "NES best of".

Ice Climber has clunky controls and hit detection, but it's one of the few black box games that I keep coming back to. I find it tons of fun regardless of its problems. Once you get used to them, it's actually not that difficult of a game.


Just picked mine up at Nintendo NY, but I've got to go in to work now. (Actually running late, but it's an office job so I can easily make up the time at the end of the day.) Glad I went because they just officially cut off the line.

But while I was there, we were approached in line by someone who identified himself as the product manager who asked why we were so excited that we were willing to line up for it. He said that they didn't see this coming at all and honestly sounded slightly dazed. "You can play these other places, you've played all of them before." Then we talked about the quality of the emulation for a while, the design, and how these are contributing factors.

I said that for the SNES I could see it being even bigger and, again, I was surprised that he seemed so shocked. "Would you all really buy a Super NES one?" He turned to the other people in line, who all agreed that the SNES was an even bigger part of their childhoods, with a more beloved collection of games.

He was so surprised by everything we were saying. So either Nintendo has no idea what their consumers are into or they are so dedicated to artificial scarcity that they are pretending to be oblivious in public.

Something tells me one of these is more likely than the other.
To a partial excuse for Nintendo, their expectation was probably influenced also by the sales data of previous plug & play devices released in the US market in the last ten years (the product in itself isn't something new, the Atari Flashback dated back to 2004).
NES Classic Mini though is outperforming them by several times.
Have you ever seen people lining up at shops hours before the opening for a plug & play device?


Just saw the official prize in México, What a ripoff
The console is 2000 pesos and the controller is 600 pesos
In the US the console is 60 dollars and the controller 10 dollars........


Super Member
To a partial excuse for Nintendo, their expectation was probably influenced also by the sales data of previous plug & play devices released in the US market in the last ten years (the product in itself isn't something new).
NES Classic Mini though is outperforming them by several times.
Have you ever seen people lining up at shops hours before the opening for a plug & play device?
Were any of those any good though? It seems to be a world of difference between them.

NES Mini has HD, proper 1st-party controls, and games with decent production for their time.
Were any of those any good though? It seems to be a world of difference between them.

NES Mini has HD, proper 1st-party controls, and games with decent production for their time.

Can't think of one that's as good.

Although this is probably the first one that was developed by the original hardware vendor personally.
And god damn is the controller legit. Cable may be a bit short, but it feels fantastic.


Were any of those any good though? It seems to be a world of difference between them.

NES Mini has HD, proper 1st-party controls, and games with decent production for their time.
I don't think it's a simple matter of quality (Atari Flashback 2 for example was an Atari 2600-on-chip and sold very well).
I strongly believe that Nintendo has by far the strongest legacy of any videogame company in the industry.
The whole company and products is setup to produce nostalgia over time and did this since the beginning in the eighties.
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