The people whose lives are ruined by it? Or don't their feelings matter? Only the special people who get the cameras on them, not the 99.9% who have to scrape out a living in the ruins of Metropolis. We need to have a policy to deal with this.Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
Damn man they're people.
I think it's been confirmed for quite a while now that people on here care more for video game civilians than movie civilians
One thing for sure this scene is. It's probably the mid-movie battle.after Ultron saves the twins
I could definitely see it as AoU's hellicarrier battle, in regards of it being a turning point in the story.
Buster suits never work.And I don't know where you're getting that Hulk is considerably stronger than the Hulkbuster.
Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
Do people pointing out collateral damage truly honestly care about it? I mean honestly, who gives a shit?
since Iron Man 3, I have grown bored of the detachable and re-attachable armor pieces via remote
It was a total turn off in IM3. I hope the trend of detach attach detach attach stops because it is mega cringe
I honestly can't tell if serious.This is the most callous thing I've ever read in all of my life ever.
What about the workers on the second death star?
just fathers trying to make a living so they can provide for their family, and the rebels just blow them up!
The shots of stark in the suit look kinda out of place for some reason
The flying thing with replacement parts was cool as fuck though
People are questioning the level of destruction in a scene starring the Hulk?
That's kind of his whole deal.
It's a little weird to me that those parts can just reattach themselves despite all the broken wiring and bits.
I was thinking that at first too but he just ditches the whole arm to put together a new one from scratch; it's not like he's patching fresh parts onto broken ones.
Why do the civilians stay around anyway ? They're just there staring at the hulk and a fucking huge robot having a fight
"hey imma upload dis fight to wshh imma get some views for sure, worth risking my life for !"
You think this is bad? Wait until the movie is out. The haterade will be on full blast while this movie destroys the box office. The thread is going to be a hot ass mess.
So essentially making money at the box office overrides any issues with a movie? Good to know your taste in quality is bound to how much money is associated with it.
Buster suits never work.
since Iron Man 3, I have grown bored of the detachable and re-attachable armor pieces via remote
It was a total turn off in IM3. I hope the trend of detach attach detach attach stops because it is mega cringe
It's a little weird to me that those parts can just reattach themselves despite all the broken wiring and bits.
I don't find it any different to the fact that he has a suit that can be taken apart and put back together with ease
I still can't share this opinion. To me it's easy imagining there are vigilantes like Daredevil out there who only have the resources to take care of their little neighborhood while the big guys are out there fighting Thanos. Even watching Iron Man fly by in the sky from Daredevil's point of view wouldn't have taken me out of it.It's hard to believe Iron Man or Hulk exist in Daredevil's universe.
I still can't share this opinion. To me it's easy imagining there are vigilantes like Daredevil out there who only have the resources to take care of their little neighborhood while the big guys are out there fighting Thanos. Even watching Iron Man fly by in the sky from Daredevil's point of view wouldn't have taken me out of it.