Man, you have a hard time understanding it. Of course I know the differences between the movies and TV shows, especially Netflix, I'm just saying it wouldn't be hard to blend them together. And it's really not hard picturing them hanging out together in a bar.It is actually hard to blend them together. One is more brutal than the other. You don't just up and make Captain America crush skulls and what not. You allude to that in the MCU. You never show brutality as it makes the movie tonally different. Daredevil set it's tone to brutal, having him in quirk land will have people saying, "This isn't as bloody as the TV show even though it's the same universe and character, what gives?" It is a legitimate criticism.
If you can envision Daredevil hanging out with these guys at bars or fighting in Civil War then I don't believe you truly understand the differences between the tv show and the MCU.
I think we are at a point, were we just have to agree to disagree.
Because if you have a hard time imagining them together, then too bad for you. But to me, it's not hard at all.