New Girl Season One |OT| Zooey Deschanel is f***ing cute, got it?

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anyone else feel like the fighting between schmidt and nick was realistically tense?

Quite. It was handled very well. And Jess scolding Winston for his behavior with the kids was very well done as well.

This show has gotten some good comedy directors on it. Jake Kasdan did a few episodes, and Peyton (Bring it On, Down With Love) Reed directed this one.


This was the first episode where Jess seemed somewhat normal and not goofy and dorky to a ridiculous extreme.

Another funny one, and I loved Nick's soap dispenser in the bathroom.

I thought I would be the only one! It destroyed me when he started scooping it out like that.

Someone explain how the water bottle worked!
The part that made me laugh the most was them playing Eye of the Tiger on handbells.

Funny fact: when I was younger I played hand bells at the church I attended.


Unconfirmed Member
I love this show. It's just the interactions with the guy roommates seeming very very real to me and I swear they HAVE to be ad-libbing most of those lines. There are lines in there I've never seen done in another comedy nor think any writer would think of that far ahead until the scene played out. It also doesn't hurt that Zooey and Hannah are gorgeous.

Schmidt doing the parkour stuff was something that actually happened with my friends a few years ago, couldn't believe it when I saw it.

big ander

Very good episode. "okay nick, repeat after me: I am not the chinese kid from goonies"
Am I the only one who finds the opening sequence amusing? I don't think I've seen something like it before. I like how awkward the other guys are and how they give the "I don't want to be here but I have no choice" vibe:
Y'know, I've probably spent a very unhealthy amount of time thinking about the meaning of that title sequence within the show and in the real world.
It serves as a perfectly succinct summary of the thesis of the entire show. Jess is cute and a little talented, sure. Those are things that are fine to display. But her eccentricities often turn being around her and supporting those talents into a chore. The way the characters act in the titles is disdainful without being mean, so it still fits with the rest of the show. They don't want to do some of the ridiculous things they do for Jess, but when all is said and done they'll go through with it because they like her.
It's more interesting in the context of the real world. Zooey Deschanel is more than aware of her manic pixie dream girl persona by now. Jess in the credits is conscious of how others around her feel about her, but she commits to the persona anyway. It feels like Zooey and the showrunners are saying "her adorkable-ness may grate at times, but don't even pretend like you're not gonna fawn over her at every moment." Which means she thinks of herself as that legitimately awesome, but in a humble way.
Like I said, I've thought about these credits too much.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
The show is that good, that it doesn't have to use it's popular female lead as a crutch...that's why.


Y'know, I've probably spent a very unhealthy amount of time thinking about the meaning of that title sequence within the show and in the real world.
Nah, it's fine. New Girl's title sequence is legitimately great IMO for getting a fairly complex tone down in like 30 seconds*: Jess is adorkable, the guys love her, but they also aren't blind to how tiring she can be.

* The show has had multiple title sequences:
1) Stills of Jess dancing by herself. It's like 5 seconds long. C-

2) The full version of the title sequence, starting with Jess fake-waking up. B+

3) The short version of #2, starting with the picture frame bit and rolling to the end. Maybe just 10 seconds long, but it gets the whole point of the show across just as strongly as #2 does. A+ in my book for doing everything #2 did but shorter.

As for the episode itself, I liked that Nick and Winston sort of had similar plots but the show didn't really beat us over the head with it when Nick figured out the advice he gave to Winston worked for him too.
Male pig alert! Justin Long was on Craig Ferguson tonight, and the clip from New Girl (presumably Tuesdays show) had Zooey in undies (and some weird netting thing).


I didn't think I'd like Schmidt, but he's the best character. I look forward to this show every week, it's just fun times.

big ander

I didn't think I'd like Schmidt, but he's the best character. I look forward to this show every week, it's just fun times.

I hated him in the pilot. Disliked him in a few episodes that followed. With every new episode I love him more. He was perfect tonight.

And what the hell is his job? :lol


I'm surprised this show doesn't get more love on GAF. This show makes me literally laugh out loud a lot during each episode. As someone already stated, it's great because Zooey doesn't have to carry it. The roomies have great chemistry and I was in the I wanted to hate Schmidt club, but he's hilarious. Reminds me so much of a former co-worker I had. Anyway, I'm in episode behind, just watched the bells episode tonight which was damn good.


"Everything I learned about sex I learned from Spencer or the Clinton impeachment trials"


Good episode so far. I need to make this regular viewing.


"We're talking dirty slim!"

This is the most awkward sex scenes I've ever scene. I would expect nothing less. Hilarious that there had to be a warning before hand.

EDIT: OH MY GOD SHE CHOKED HIM :lol :lol :lol :lol
Hot damn, I didn't expect this show to be so loved, especially after the abomination of a trailer preceding the premiere. Guess, I'll have to catch up on New Girl after I am caught up on American Horror Story.


Hot damn, I didn't expect this show to be so loved, especially after the abomination of a trailer preceding the premiere. Guess, I'll have to catch up on New Girl after I am caught up on American Horror Story.

I thought the previews made the show look horrible. Too much focus on Zooey and her weirdness when shes only one small part of the picture. They didnt show much of the roommates at all when they are actually the best part, imo.


Hot damn, I didn't expect this show to be so loved, especially after the abomination of a trailer preceding the premiere. Guess, I'll have to catch up on New Girl after I am caught up on American Horror Story.
Same here. The premiere really put me off but everyone says it's a ton better now. I'll definitely check it out after exams are over.
That sex scene had a room full of people over at my house laughing out loud and a few discovering this crazy ass show for the first time.

Too damn good.
I do like that now Nick is the brunt of many of the jokes and ridicule of the group. Nice change of pace from him being the "straight man" of the group. But Schmidt continues to dominate the show.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Schmidt is going to go places outside of this show. He might even fit pretty damn well into an Apatow flick.
Schmidt is going to go places outside of this show. He might even fit pretty damn well into an Apatow flick.

All I remember him from before was when he played the deputy on Veronica Mars. I know he was on Ugly Betty for a bit, but I never watched it. Dude is just damn funny.
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