ReportedYes he said the absolute best hardware available by end of this year. I am surprised no one reporting this.
ReportedYes he said the absolute best hardware available by end of this year. I am surprised no one reporting this.
It'll be the first G spot I've found in years.I can confirm you that we have 4G at the top of the mountain.
From this quote in the DF article it doesn't seem like a big issue?
But SSD speed is not good for improving open worlds!. See here, it not only improves open worlds, but closed spaces too, and allows almost a triangle per pixel!.
The good thing is who is going to argue Tim Sweeney!.
oh yes, i remember. Parallax (that 360 Perfect Dark first image)> displacement mapping and the current normal maps, that just got obsolete!.You must be so young that you thoughHandy Fake was talking about parallax occlusion mappings. Sadly for him and for me, it’s something waaaay older.
i expect sony exclusives to look as good if not better than the hellblade 2 demo.
the unreal engine rebirth demo from last year looked just as good and it was running on a 1080 ti. the ps5 is just as powerful as a 1080ti.
You are sinkingoh yes, i remember. Parallax (that 360 Perfect Dark first image)> displacement mapping and the current normal maps, that just got obsolete!.
By the way, new RedGamingTech video claims L3 cache in PS5 CPU is common between the two ZEN cpu CCXs, avoiding infinity fabric accesses to share data between them and so improving the cpu latency, a feature of future Zen 3 cpu:
Again, thats why I asking because I never saw such a shift. And the DF mention 4.25, while 4.5 get support to next gen early this month while 5.0 will only be release at the end of 2021. I don't know if this shift could be a smart move for a gaming that was already development.
I'm off to plug in the rotary phone and dust off my old vinyl.You are sinkingHandy Fake . You are sinking! HIM!
I'm off to plug in the rotary phone and dust off my old vinyl.
Articles say early 2021 but lets see what happens. I understand NT are quite small and have multiple projects on the go and as I said earlier I doubt they have barely started on HB2.
I'm sure in any case it will look great on XSX.
Lol apparently we do, according to the actual experts...Do we really need such a taxing technique like RT when such image quality is possible with rasterization?
Even with this engine that damned door would still be loading.Imagine games as a days gone 2
And final fantasy 7(with this engine)
Teach them uncle cerny
Imagine games as a days gone 2
And final fantasy 7(with this engine)
Exactly.All this crap about how much better it'll be on XSX and in reality it'll be 1440p vs 1620p at best. Along with reconstruction and streaming compression, no one would be able to tell a bloody difference right now.
in the demo they said ps5 can puch 100s of billions of tringels per sec .. i know tringle count is not something you can use to measure performance .. but i
remember an old info that ps4 can push 1.6 billion triangle per sec .. if we used this as a rough estimation the difference could be as huge ae phil spencer
said ''like 2d to 3d transition'' .. aslo :
By "best hardware" he meant high-end machines in general. PC and next gen consoles.Yes he said the absolute best hardware available by end of this year. I am surprised no one reporting this.
Its Aaron man...The world's most powerful console with an SSD that is less than half the speed of the one on the PS5, which is exactly what made it possible to use 8K textures and such.![]()
What value?Its Aaron man...
(it's incredible how his words lost their value)
I really don't get you, look at the silicon, it's a single die, period, 1000%. You can see all the memory controllers, you can see it's all one big die just like MS's official number says (360.). They even literally call it a SOC. I mean, look at it, can you actually explain your chiplets theory with this layout? How do you surround chiplets with memory controllers like that without it being one single die? Did they make 10 memory controller chiplets to surround the GPU and two CPU chiplets? So the XSX APU is made out of 12 chiplets? Dude, common, it doesn't even make any sense, this is 1000% a single die SOC.I don't follow what you are claiming about the picture because you didn't answer my question.
Maybe if you want to enlarge and annotate the picture, to label components as you see them, rather than just reiterate your claim about how you believe it will work- which I don't agree with because of Infinity fabric -, it will be easier to discern the aspects we agree and diverge on.
(From my view)Looking at the shape of the green GPU silicon block, I'm thinking this APU looks like a hybrid of monolithic and chiplet design. (IMHO)The CCX modules are modular chiplets only interfacing through the black fabric moat but the GPU looks like its innards are expanding to simplify wiring the various MCUs to the fabric by the shortest distance.
I honestly don’t think it will be able to run like that on the XsX. No matter how things have been done with PR, (IMHO) Epic were never going to serve up the first view of their most important product Unreal Engine (other than fortnite) on a 2nd or 3rd best option even if Sony had agreed to do timed exclusive HZD and MLB, etc releases on PC via Epic’s store, Unreal showcases are about shooting for the stars.All this crap about how much better it'll be on XSX and in reality it'll be 1440p vs 1620p at best. Along with reconstruction and streaming compression, no one would be able to tell a bloody difference right now.
I wonder how many GB/s of studio quality assets and point cloud data where being decompressed into RAM during the flying sequence on that UE5 demo? Is 8-9GB/s overkill and overspend? Or does that enable something? If it was comfortably under 2.4GB/s, will it stay that way?
EPIC Games mentioned streaming a lot, and the GPU didn't seem bothered by the insane triangle counts or lighting if that was a direct HDMI recording as they said.
I think the paradigm is going to change, and Cerny through his recent technical consultancy in big open-world games may have caught on early.
Goddammit, that's an enormous increase in resolution!Thats not correct
1440p has 2560 x 1440 =3,686,400 pixels
18% more Pixel means 4,349,952 which is around 1580p
It's sad when you can't trust 100% or you can't trust in the PR Leader words.What value?
I really don't get you, look at the silicon, it's a single die, period, 1000%. You can see all the memory controllers, you can see it's all one big die just like MS's official number says (360.). They even literally call it a SOC. I mean, look at it, can you actually explain your chiplets theory with this layout? How do you surround chiplets with memory controllers like that without it being one single die? Did they make 10 memory controller chiplets to surround the GPU and two CPU chiplets? So the XSX APU is made out of 12 chiplets? Dude, common, it doesn't even make any sense, this is 1000% a single die SOC.
everybody from different department sits in a round circle, and they talk to each other.
Lol apparently we do, according to the actual experts...
promising very comparable GI results with only a fraction of the performance cost to do so using RT
With "all" tht extra powerOmg. Imagine it running on PS5 with "all" tht faster memory and lightning ssd. Ooops you already saw the results. Dealer is such a schill.
That is crazy how dirty they play. It would've been better just to say nothing and show some real footage of what MS can do. Sickning! Well nothing is ever enough. It looked gorgeous.Oh, Aaron. Never change.
See the areas circled in red:I want you to explicitly mark out everything you want me to look at, by committing yourself to things that you want me to accept as 100%,. If you make a solid argument to account for everything that should be in the photo as your non-chiplet monolithic claim should allow you to, then I'm happy to agree with you on the XsX APU. Your reluctance so far to label things, sort of suggests you're not 100% on where all the blocks are, or that the number of MCUs even add up to the number your scenario needs..
Life comes at your fast if your an xbox fan