My favourite part of the video is the bit where he confirms that the thing that holds back PCs is other PCs.
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My favourite part of the video is the bit where he confirms that the thing that holds back PCs is other PCs.
There’s something he says in the first video that I don’t quite get. He says “while the Series X is probably the more powerful console, the PS5 is probably easier to develop for and easier to push to its limit.”
Easier to develop for seems like a speculative reach unless he’s developed on both dev kits, but that’s fine. It’s his opinion based on what we know, and maybe he’s right.
but as far as “easier to push to its limit,” isn’t that a bad thing? If you can max something out easily doesn’t that mean there isn’t enough headroom to work with?
I also can’t help but notice we seem to pretend only MS has “fanantics” and “discord gangs.” It’s the same both ways, my man
I am not agree if you are tenneger or just a kid which saw in your favorite gaming website "Tomorrow more details of PS5"Those dislikes on the Road to PS5 video tickle me. That whole presentation was such a huge pleb filter.
I have seen his videos, but I have a disagreement with the latter. He said we only see a game with this destails in 2022/2023, but with HZD2 and a other Sony IP, I think in the next year we will se a game like Unreal 5 or even better.
I have other questions too, he said 3 or 4 years to a game like Unreal, because the level of detail, but they are only using megascans, the Unreal already made a video building a Forest with Megascans in a hour, so I Think its possible in very much less time ( Cerny talked about less than a month to create a game for PS5 and possible megascans is included). But I can be wrong.
Well good. Tbh, I didn't post his videos because I agree with everything he said, but I especially like the video where he compared the two consoles and explained which one won on what tech feature. As it relates to game speculation, timeframes and when he thinks we'll see UE5 quality graphics, like you, I disagree. I think we will see some impressive looking games next month, more impressive than the UE5 demo, but at least he understands the vision and effort that went into the custom PS5 architecture, so there's that......I find his videos entertaining but I disagree in some of his points like for example:
1) Gears 5 is a horrible in performance.
Yes the game could has problem in performance but man do your research instead to just say than in the beginning was level
the last Batman.
2)A console cannot have a performance of a more expensive gpu like 2080.
I mean both console in just raw power are above a rx 5700 xt which is just 15%-20% less than the rtx 2080, the companies like
Xbox and Playstation are not guilty for our love to buy those overpriced GPUS for just a minimum delta in performance.
But in general like his videos for the way he explain some concepts.
It's an incredible goal and they have pulled it off seemingly. It's very impressive.
I know in the States prices are more affordable but just for kicks I went and started doing a cheap PC config that could be seen to be at the ballpark level of the Ps5/XsX.
- 2700X
- RTX 2070S
- WD 1TB SSD 3GB/s
- Mini ITX Biostar x470
There's still other shit to buy and I'm already over a thousand euros. 499 is going to be a steal for these next gen consoles, a steal.
It pains me to say this but one day I'm going to have to upgrade my PC to play the latest games on it.
im glad were at a point where consoles are just pc like and non of this extra cell, emotion engine, bullshit.I know in the States prices are more affordable but just for kicks I went and started doing a cheap PC config that could be seen to be at the ballpark level of the Ps5/XsX.
- 2700X
- RTX 2070S
- WD 1TB SSD 3GB/s
- Mini ITX Biostar x470
There's still other shit to buy and I'm already over a thousand euros. 499 is going to be a steal for these next gen consoles, a steal.
That SSD is still far behind the PS5s. I wonder what it will cost to obtain a similar drive.
Same. My Intel HD 4400 can't even crank out a slideshow for some of the newer games. Still does fine with the GOG stuff. I'm hoping to get access to a Tiger Lake iGPU laptop in the next couple of years.
I might end up using these consoles as my lead platform until prices drop for the GPUs.
There’s something he says in the first video that I don’t quite get. He says “while the Series X is probably the more powerful console, the PS5 is probably easier to develop for and easier to push to its limit.”
Easier to develop for seems like a speculative reach unless he’s developed on both dev kits, but that’s fine. It’s his opinion based on what we know, and maybe he’s right.
but as far as “easier to push to its limit,” isn’t that a bad thing? If you can max something out easily doesn’t that mean there isn’t enough headroom to work with?
I also can’t help but notice we seem to pretend only MS has “fanantics” and “discord gangs.” It’s the same both ways, my man
I would like to think it goes both ways too, but honestly the hardcore fanaticism has been coming from the Xbox side, especially when it comes to creating and spreading FUD rumours about the PS5 such as the overheating issues and the difficulty game devs have been having with the PS5 (+much more). It got to the point were several prominent tech-insiders/journalists had to come out and call bullshit on these stupid rumours which all began with that discord. I have not seen anything that bad come from the PS side of things. Which is interesting since PS has a significantly larger fan and user base. Don't get me wrong, I'm denying fanboys on both sides, I've seen some pretty stupid shit from the PS fans too but not on the level of the Xbox fanboys, specifically that Discord group.
Cheapest way to match the drive in sequential read speed would be a NVMe RAID solution. To match it latency from the game requesting data until its in a GPU cache will be much harder to achieve.
The XSX I am sure they will do for Sony in other hand I don't think so because they're logic is doesn't sell TV display of 1440p and very few people will buy a monitor.What are the chances of PS5/XSX supporting 1440p(2K) monitors? I believe XSX will be supporting them?
You mean like the FUD that came out and has been hammered home since the road to PS5 that 52:CUs is impossible to program for. Both sides have their bad actors. Hell I was told the x series audio takes up 20% of the gpu lol. Now the Sony ssd is 5x faster. I'm buying both but Sony is winning by a country mile enjoy the victory and ignore the bad actors you will live longer.Paul from Red Gaming Tech also said similar things in the podcast today.
It's all speculative stuff, but easier to develop meant to code for the narrower GPUs its not hard. XSX GPUs are wider, and its harder to utilize all CUs in parallel. You can hear this in CPU tech too. That devs are finally getting used to utilizing all threads in parallel, even though the tech has been there for years. Apparently, weak Jaguar CPUs pushed devs to utilize multi-threaded performance. PS3 Cells failed because of devs not utilizing the parallel workloads. Then, you can always speculate that the RAM setup is not ideal in XSX, so devs may need to put extra effort there.
Easier to push its limit can mean anything as well. It may mean PS5 API gives access down to the metal for smoother implementation. PS3 Cells still have headroom in 2020 to utilize. Doesn't mean thats a good thing. Extreme example, I know. It can also mean, the system is largely bottleneck free for its power, so devs dont have to solve puzzles to get the system to its limit. Interpretation can go anyway.
As for fanatics, both sides have em. But, from what I see, MS side is more pronounced. Their FUDs make rounds in social media, Youtube and forums. Its like there are effective repeaters setup, that make FUDs reach to a greater audience. The only Sony FUD'er I have seen is Liquid Titan and Jay Dub in Twitter. Don't even think people talk about them, cause no one cares.
I know in the States prices are more affordable but just for kicks I went and started doing a cheap PC config that could be seen to be at the ballpark level of the Ps5/XsX.
- 2700X
- RTX 2070S
- WD 1TB SSD 3GB/s
- Mini ITX Biostar x470
There's still other shit to buy and I'm already over a thousand euros. 499 is going to be a steal for these next gen consoles, a steal.
The problem is you're trying to re-build a console as a PC, instead of playing to PC's strengths. That's where people fuck up all the time when looking at PCs. You should build around performance targets, instead of around spec targets. What do I mean? There's no point in overpaying for super-fast SSDs if you don't know the SSD requirements (which we don't right now). There's no point in trying to get 8 cores, when games have no issue hitting solid 60 fps even with 4c/8t, just because consoles will have 8c/16t, etc.
I think something like this will hold up very well compared to consoles for multi-plats, tho I think with another 100-200 you can better set yourself up for long term, but ideally you'd not upgrade before next-gen GPUs, the money just doesn't make sense for what's out today (especially with Covid price increases).
PCPartPicker Part List
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3300X 3.8 GHz Quad-Core Processor (€136.99 @ Mindfactory)
Motherboard: MSI B450M-A PRO MAX Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (€64.95 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: G.Skill Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (€68.79 @ Mindfactory)
Storage: Crucial MX500 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€123.69 @ Mindfactory)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER 8 GB WINDFORCE OC Video Card (€417.99 @ Mindfactory)
Case: Fractal Design Core 1100 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (€34.68 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12III 500 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€51.98 @ Alternate)
Total: €899.07
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-05-23 20:29 CEST+0200
There’s something he says in the first video that I don’t quite get. He says “while the Series X is probably the more powerful console, the PS5 is probably easier to develop for and easier to push to its limit.”
Easier to develop for seems like a speculative reach unless he’s developed on both dev kits, but that’s fine. It’s his opinion based on what we know, and maybe he’s right.
but as far as “easier to push to its limit,” isn’t that a bad thing? If you can max something out easily doesn’t that mean there isn’t enough headroom to work with?
I also can’t help but notice we seem to pretend only MS has “fanantics” and “discord gangs.” It’s the same both ways, my man
PS5 IO XSX IO Flash Controller 12 Lanes - Six levels of priority. Make - Rumoured to be Marvel. Link 4 Lanes - Two levels of priority. Make - Rumoured to be Phison. Link Decompression Bespoke Hardware. 9 Zen2 CPU Cores worth of work Bespoke Hardware. 3 Zen2 CPU Cores worth of work Coherency Bespoke Hardware. Assits IO Co-processors and GPU Cache Scrubbers. Housekeeper of sorts, keeps everything in place Unspecified - 1 Mapping Bespoke Hardware. One IO Co-processor with shared SRAM 10% of 1 Zen2 CPU Core used. May have possible DRAM File IO Bespoke Hardware. One IO Co-processor with shared SRAM The above helps in this too Check In & Load Management Bespoke Hardware. DMA Controller does 2 Zen2 CPU core worth of work Unspecified - 2 GPU Cache Scrubbers Bespoke Hardware. Evicts portions of cache instead of entire cache, protects from GPU stalls Unspecified - 3
Some questions on unspecified:
1. Is CPU processing utilized to make the process more coherent ?
2. Will it utilize CPU core if its not dedicated hardware ?
3. If none, it invalidates the entire cache before filling it with new data, more susceptible to GPU stalls. Worsens Latency.
Stop it man, the demo was running on PS5, not PC, nor Laptop.Reading comprehension?
MS event in June is supposed to go over the hardware. Well that’s what the rumors are pointing to.This video made me wonder, where is the Microsoft GDC talk addressing the finer details about their own harware?
When those gaps are going to be covered?
PS. Keeping people in the dark about SSD storage system, when they even showed the form factor and DF made like 10 videos about the Series X for them, is ridiculous at this point.
This video made me wonder, where is the Microsoft GDC talk addressing the finer details about their own harware?
When those gaps are going to be covered?
PS. Keeping people in the dark about SSD storage system, when they even showed the form factor and DF made like 10 videos about the Series X for them, is ridiculous at this point.
You could of saved a ton of time and used meta critic on Sony and Microsoft published games to decide Sony wins. I rarely watch YouTube so only know digital foundry of those. They shit on both sides equally to me. They shit on Sony for ps3 and Microsoft for the one in direct comparison videos. They just seem to love technology and the Microsoft guys seem to share a lot more. Cerny has been on there and they slobber over him to when he shows up.Long Post sorry.
I remember when i first started looking for a console to play games on, it was about two + years ago. I had no idea about any games except a game called Halo on the xbox side of things. I had never even heard of naughty dog for that matter.
I remember trying to do research and i kept on getting these really clickbait videos of people always praising xbox and basically saying ps4 was garbage. But every time i watched game reviews to see what were the best exclusives i was getting a completely different story.
The people that were always harping on about how shit the ps4 or how wonderful the xbox were the following 4 people. There names were Dealer, colteastwood, crap gamer and a guy called Mbg.
What pissed me off was, being totally new to the console market i almost fell for their bullshit and almost missed out on some of the greatest games ever made. I am not rich at all, and could only afford one console so genuine accurate information to help me in my purchasing choice is of utmost importance.
I play games for fun, not for the constant hope of what is coming in a years time or the possibility of waiting for something better to come down the line.
To me Dealer and eastwood are the two worse culprits here, they know exactly what they are doing and in my eyes operate in a very sly and disingenuous manner. They are pushing a particular narrative and loved to declare they are not by saying they are neutral.. I suspect they probably have some ties now with some Microsoft big wigs as of now they have certain high level Microsoft people attending their podcasts.
Once you start having executives on your podcasts to advertise their perfered platform it makes me start to wonder what benefits are coming with it. I guess that is something we will never know.
Its the same with Digital Foundry, not trying to be nasty but when i see that big Microsoft xbox chip encased in plastic sitting front and centre on a desk in their videos, i start to wonder if their technical views are slightly tainted by them not wanting to offend a potential client like Microsoft. Getting invited out to a big event showcases would probably stop if you ended up criticising them to much. But that's just me and my opinion.
As for crap gamer, i believe he now favours ps4 but in all seriousness i don't think he is a fanboy at all, i think he just does it for the clicks. Somehow i think he is trying to make a living on youtube hence they 10 billion god damn videos he releases every day. Today, tomorrow he changes like the wind.
As for Mbg, hes an Xbox fanboy turned ps4 turned god knows what next generation.
All i know is, from my time of joining the console generation it is generally the xbox fans/you tube creators that for me have turned out to be more nasty or have participated in some sort of console war or trolling.
I don't know what it is or why they have become like this.
I have spotted it on this forums as well, its fucking sad.
I wish we could all just get along better.
That SSD is still far behind the PS5s. I wonder what it will cost to obtain a similar drive.
They want to hide that there is nothing special about it. At least when you compare it with Sony solution.I agree there they really need to be more transparent with their I/O system. The only reason why I can see them never revealing the details is if they have something to hide.
I have to do it.My favourite part of the video is the bit where he confirms that the thing that holds back PCs is other PCs.
I recommend to wait a little more if you buy something this weeks you will regret in a couple of months.I know in the States prices are more affordable but just for kicks I went and started doing a cheap PC config that could be seen to be at the ballpark level of the Ps5/XsX.
- 2700X
- RTX 2070S
- WD 1TB SSD 3GB/s
- Mini ITX Biostar x470
There's still other shit to buy and I'm already over a thousand euros. 499 is going to be a steal for these next gen consoles, a steal.
They want to hide that there is nothing special about it. At least when you compare it with Sony solution.
PJW: *gasp* Did you just assume my framerate? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsolution!I have to do it.
Or they have nothing more to show.I agree there they really need to be more transparent with their I/O system. The only reason why I can see them never revealing the details is if they have something to hide.
Or they have nothing more to show.
You mean like the FUD that came out and has been hammered home since the road to PS5 that 52:CUs is impossible to program for. Both sides have their bad actors. Hell I was told the x series audio takes up 20% of the gpu lol. Now the Sony ssd is 5x faster. I'm buying both but Sony is winning by a country mile enjoy the victory and ignore the bad actors you will live longer.
I believe Valhalla is most likely GPU-limited on next-gen consoles. The reason why it's 30fps is because I think they're pushing PC's Ultra settings on next-gen consoles at native 4K, while current-gen will be running at Med-High (perhaps even lower settings) at lower resolutions. Even if PS5 could run Valhalla at 4K, 60fps, they'd cap the frame-rate to 30fps for parity's sake.
Correct but since no E3 this year, they'll have them around the reveal. I read somewhere that PS+ will be on 30% discount. I'll bite since mine ends in September. What a pity they don't make Platinum headsets anymore. I really need a new one.
Or they have nothing more to show.
In any event, this creates a lot of room for wild ill-founded speculations and trolling time here and on twitter.
This is what I call light console warring. Find a quote from someone that supports a narrative that is most likely false. Or at a minimum will rile up the other side. Congrats.I'm glad people are sharing his videos, dude seems to be very knowledgeable. I shared his previous video were he reacted to the UE5 tech demo and he mentioned something which stood out to me, I'll share it again since I think it's important.
"Just having to sort through all this data, I'm sure this demo is like hundreds of gigabytes , because there is so much texturing, so much triangles, so just reading that data, it's interesting to look at the PS5 architecture, I'm sure a lot of this is being streamed in from disk (SSD), every frame, that SSD has to be blazingly fast, that relationship between disk and VRAM, has to be really tight and think it has to be specific to this architecture"
Funnily enough during that video he was not familiar with the PS5 specs and said he should really check them out.
I wonder how Sony’s headsets compare to high end stuff.That's quite interesting. Are they preparing for a new revision of the Platinum headsets that should utilize The Tempest engine complex audio? It's not like the current one isn't compatible, it already supports 3D Audio. Maybe they'll push the bitrate range and make it more responsive and premium as most people say it's near identical to Gold right now.
You can replace the pads with aftermarket ones:
I highly regret buying Astro A40+mixer over it.
Truth is I wanted to sound a bit objective but yes you are completely right.People who want to “both sides” are being disingenuous. Clearly one side is investing a 1000% more into spreading fud and belittle the other.
Considering the Xbox brand built its image around “bro dudes”, energy drinks and shooters, it’s hard to be surprised.
It's a shame things are like that, we should just be able to play whichever game we want and know which games are the best but you know the amount of dis-information coming from the toxic fanboys reflects a lot of modern day journalism too, just a lot of information being moulded and manipulated to fit agendas and narratives.Long Post sorry.
I remember when i first started looking for a console to play games on, it was about two + years ago. I had no idea about any games except a game called Halo on the xbox side of things. I had never even heard of naughty dog for that matter.
I remember trying to do research and i kept on getting these really clickbait videos of people always praising xbox and basically saying ps4 was garbage. But every time i watched game reviews to see what were the best exclusives i was getting a completely different story.
The people that were always harping on about how shit the ps4 or how wonderful the xbox were the following 4 people. There names were Dealer, colteastwood, crap gamer and a guy called Mbg.
What pissed me off was, being totally new to the console market i almost fell for their bullshit and almost missed out on some of the greatest games ever made. I am not rich at all, and could only afford one console so genuine accurate information to help me in my purchasing choice is of utmost importance.
I play games for fun, not for the constant hope of what is coming in a years time or the possibility of waiting for something better to come down the line.
To me Dealer and eastwood are the two worse culprits here, they know exactly what they are doing and in my eyes operate in a very sly and disingenuous manner. They are pushing a particular narrative and loved to declare they are not by saying they are neutral.. I suspect they probably have some ties now with some Microsoft big wigs as of now they have certain high level Microsoft people attending their podcasts.
Once you start having executives on your podcasts to advertise their perfered platform it makes me start to wonder what benefits are coming with it. I guess that is something we will never know.
Its the same with Digital Foundry, not trying to be nasty but when i see that big Microsoft xbox chip encased in plastic sitting front and centre on a desk in their videos, i start to wonder if their technical views are slightly tainted by them not wanting to offend a potential client like Microsoft. Getting invited out to a big event showcases would probably stop if you ended up criticising them to much. But that's just me and my opinion.
As for crap gamer, i believe he now favours ps4 but in all seriousness i don't think he is a fanboy at all, i think he just does it for the clicks. Somehow i think he is trying to make a living on youtube hence they 10 billion god damn videos he releases every day. Today, tomorrow he changes like the wind.
As for Mbg, hes an Xbox fanboy turned ps4 turned god knows what next generation.
All i know is, from my time of joining the console generation it is generally the xbox fans/you tube creators that for me have turned out to be more nasty or have participated in some sort of console war or trolling.
I don't know what it is or why they have become like this.
I have spotted it on this forums as well, its fucking sad.
I wish we could all just get along better.
This is what I call light console warring. Find a quote from someone that supports a narrative that is most likely false.
It’s literally the same thing Sweeney said why are you upset about itThis is what I call light console warring. Find a quote from someone that supports a narrative that is most likely false. Or at a minimum will rile up the other side. Congrats.
Edit: I’m sure we will soon get the “no one is saying that” line soon as well.
I would like to think it goes both ways too, but honestly the hardcore fanaticism has been coming from the Xbox side, especially when it comes to creating and spreading FUD rumours about the PS5 such as the overheating issues and the difficulty game devs have been having with the PS5 (+much more). It got to the point were several prominent tech-insiders/journalists had to come out and call bullshit on these stupid rumours which all began with that discord. I have not seen anything that bad come from the PS side of things. Which is interesting since PS has a significantly larger fan and user base. Don't get me wrong, I'm denying fanboys on both sides, I've seen some pretty stupid shit from the PS fans too but not on the level of the Xbox fanboys, specifically that Discord group.
People who want to “both sides” are being disingenuous. Clearly one side is investing a 1000% more into spreading fud and belittle the other.
Considering the Xbox brand built its image around “bro dudes”, energy drinks and shooters, it’s hard to be surprised.
That could be true. Sonys I/O system has alot of custom hardware that the XSX seems to lack.
But I also read that Xbox is approaching their SSD differently and they they are more focused the software side of it. They could end up with a better system but at the moment Sony appears to be ahead.
I wonder how Sony’s headsets compare to high end stuff.
You didn't seem to answer any of my points. There has not been a intentional and agressive effort of spreading constant dis-information about the Series X by PS fans or on the level that has been done by Xbox fanboys. People can say whatever they want on forums but the BS fake FUD rumours spread by fanatic Xbox fanboys actually went viral on Twitter which resulted in a good number of industry insiders and analysts like Jason Schrier and others to call bullshit on these fake rumours and there was a huge controversy.I’m not being disingenuous, I resent that claim/accusation.
I really disagree with this. You don’t think people who put up videos of pro XsX content don’t get dogpiled? You don’t see FUD both ways? At least two people in this thread told me that the UE5 demo straight up cannot run on the XsX. It’s happening everywhere.
Just because something doesn’t fit your agenda doesn’t make it disingenuous. As far as fanaticism, I mean some people freak out over any pro-XsX comment or reply around here, and yes same goes for PS5.
Playing the victim card is bullshit. It works both fuckin’ ways. There are plenty of examples of it working both ways in this very thread. Claiming it’s only a one way street seems extremely ignorant, at best. Don’t be blinded by your one-sides allegiance.