lol...i didn’t imply anywhere in my post that xbsex io is faster than ps5 one, just stated the fact that xbsex and high end pc are simply more powerful (TFlops), i love how some here are seeing things and read/interpret stuff as some sort of attacks on the favourite plastic box
More TFLOPS are great, but we've already discussed why simply having more TFLOPS is not a direct answer on what results we will get from Series X vs PS5 at runtime. PS5's architecture is much different to XSX. PS5 is just not running high TFLOPS, it's doing lots to minimize every single bottleneck in the pipeline and it has the fastest SSD. This accounts for many performance gains and advantages that you can't discount against XSX's higher TFLOPS, where the TFLOP divide is already the smallest between consoles ever.
Right now we are using logic, some extrapolation, some rumors to give us an inkling of what we may get out of PS5, it's really not out of left field though as PS5 has some insanely fast parts, likes it's GPU clocks and it's SSD, but on top of the SSD I think it's expensive IO controller will probably be the most important part they put in the console for practical reasons and favorable results for textures, streaming assets and reduced loadtimes. That sort of thing can and will impact how games are made, so there's a reason why we are excited.....We are happy that Series X is in the fray as well, just that we are a bit more familiar with the approach they have taken on hardware......
Man, that Unreal 5 demo keeps on keeping on with the FUD and the meltdowns. Personally, I'm of the opinion that is extremely likely that the Series X can run that very same demo as is. But of course, you have all this talk from Sweeney about what a big deal the I/O capabilities are and then everything turns into a dick measuring contest. And in this particular case Series X's weenie is shorter, so insecurities come afloat, and people tend to make fools of themselves.
Jesus, just be excited about how great is looking, 'cause is gonna look great in every platform, and, if anything, blame your company of choice for not putting out there some jaw dropping next-gen footage out there first.
Anyway, back to the memes with me.
I think we will be talking less of how impressive that Unreal demo is when we see Sony first party. In as much as the Unreal demo was impressive. Unreal may never take full advantage of the PS5 due to platform agnosticism, they have to ensure this runs on XB1 as well, even though dialed down significantly. So in essence, there will always be a compromise as not to push the PS5's unique advantages as hard as they can. SWWS on the other hand has no such limits. Their mandate and that of ICE is to push the PS5 as hard as they can and you better believe these guys will be taking advantage of the 12 gates in the IO unit and pushing on the 22GB/s via Kraken, they will maximize the efficiencies through the geometry engine to get lots of performance gains, they will push physics and animation like no other, through the CPU being offloaded by the Tempest engine and of course they will push sound like no other because of the equivalence of the Jaguar cores pushing the Tempest engine in PS5......Of course, for the experience itself, people forget the haptic feedback on the controller. Other devs are not going to push it as SWWS will because it's is theirs to show off and sell. Which reminds me, if Insomniac's Resistance teaser is what we think it means, it should be great listening to RFOM's incredible audio again. I can only imagine how much better the sound in GT will be as well.
So the thing about PS5 is that there is lots to be excited for, because all aspects of the hardware is ambitious. Some are excited for what the custom engines will wrought, some are excited by what the devs will do with such hardware, some are excited by the audio engine, some are excited by the SSD, some are excited by the insanely high GPU clocks, some are excited by the experiences they will have with the haptics in the controller, some are excited for the ai, physics and level design they will get when all of this comes together and is utilized. So the excitement comes from a logical place, it comes from a place where PS5 guys know that the first party studios will deliver and what is being pitched and proposed, like they've always done really.
Be prepared for the bugs of Bethesda created to the speed of SSD

or how FIFA 2022 will looks almost equals to FIFA 2027.
Ha Bethesda, I hope Bethesda just use unreal and be done with it. Heard they were working on their engine though, so hopefully they come good after their last game... Fifa Fifa, for some reason, I think Fifa will look bonkers at 8K.....EA better bring the goods, they have no excuses. I know Battlefield will look amazing, a next gen Mirrors Edge or remakes of the first two will look stunning at 4k-8k.....Yet I want EA to give me a sequel to Dante's Inferno badly and I want them to remake the DeadSpace series. And please, no more 30fps NFS games and for that matter, lets get back to track racing like in Porsche Unleashed, High Stakes etc....