I can tell you haven’t used it as I’ve been playing Monster Hunter, Metro Exodus and DMC5 in just the last 3 months and those are all AAA games, same goes for Forza Horizon 4 and now Gears in just a few weeks. Far from just a few sprinkles here and there. There is an actual investment to get AAA from 3rd parties as well, Shadow if the Tomb Raider also comes to mind, and they are all pretty recent games as well. Even Warhammer Vermintide 2 was there at release! Not like only Sony makes GOTY contender like you seem to think. Nothing shit about what they are bringing out right now and in the future, especially if you look at their acquisitions. Anyone can say that their output has been a bit lacklustre in the last few years, however looking at what’s coming up and how gamepass has grown quality wise you are completely wrong as the service is quite alive and unmatched right now and with people on PC now it will only grow stronger.
MS is in a very good position right now and just shitting on it with stupid arguments like you are doing (games are shit lol and so on) doesn’t bring anything here right now. They have an apparently great console coming with arguably the best bang for your buck services and integration with PC, BC all the way back to OG Xbox, All accessories will follow to next gen (a first and honestly for me it’s game changing and I don’t know why anyone else hasn’t done it yet) so no need to buy a new elite controller or a new wireless headset.
As for the discussion at hand, those drawings are about the dev kit only (confirmed already by a dev) if the console is shaped like that it’ll be the ugliest console ever released and I doubt Sony would be stupid enough to do that.