Still waiting for 19 release of PS5 here.... but from what i`ve been reading/seeing.
- Performance is better than expected;
- Dualsense is freaking good;
- Games looks amazing;
- UI is great;
- BC works well and you have 20 free games with PS+.
At this point does it matter which console is the most powerfull?
It's an amazing console. I have been super harsh on Sony's marketing, their cross gen games and what i consider silly approach to go for SSD over tflops, but I am frankly blown away every time I play this thing. I did not get this feeling back when i played PS3 and PS4 the first time. This takes me back to the PS1 days tbh.
Yes, the controller is the best thing about it, but I think Astro bot is the key game here. The fact that its free is very important because everyone will get to play it and it's a masterpiece. It's fun, it's cute, it has some ingenious moments (monkey level and dualsense mechanics) and offers a great distraction from AAA games like Spiderman and Demons.
Spiderman in RT mode is nothing short of spectacular. I did not think a cross gen game would impress me this much visually because last gen none of the cross gen games (AC, BF4, and CoD) did anything for me. But ray tracing really enhances the image quality. I mean the suit fucking reflects. The spiderman logo, his fucking eyes, everything has reflections and it gives every shot in the game depth. They werent lying about crowd sizes and better lighting either. I played Days gone, infamous and ghosts at 60 fps, they are glorious at that framerate but spiderman at 30 fps with ray tracing and what feels like next gen lighting really stands out.
So right off the bat, you have two games that are incredible, but then you play demon Souls which looks absolutely insane and runs at 60 fps and I feel literally overwhelmed. I dont know what to play. I have bought AC Valhalla and its sitting there unwrapped because I dont want to go from a gorgeous looking 30 fps spiderman to Valhalla and Demon Souls and ruin my experience. Then there are all the backward compatible games Sony has made available for free, and it's not just first party games. FF15, BF1, MK10, Crash and several other AAA third party games are on there. It's clearly their answer to gamepass and its quite frankly mind blowing to experience some of these games at 60 fps.
The UI is exciting to play around with. I was looking at quick play cards in Astro bot and it said you can beat your friends score in some kind of speed run. it took me right to that part of the level and then updated the leaderboards. I later received a notification saying someone on my friends list had beaten my score. It's really exciting to find all these random new features (speech to text is amazing!) every time you login.
Pretty much every complaint I had before launch is a distant memory. I love the games. I love the UI. I love the next gen tech like ray tracing and fast loading. I love the controller. It legit reminds me of the early PS1 and PS2 days where I just felt excited to play it everyday. And that to me is PS5's biggest accomplishment... it's managed to transport a jaded 35 year old back to his childhood where everything just felt magical.