I think it's too early to say MS got played, but yes it seems they did fuck up. After all that talk about being the most powerful console, they had to deliver and they failed. It's broken promises at best, and misleading marketing at worst. The trust has been broken though looking at how the xbox fans have reacted, it seems the fanbase wont care that they were lied to. they called the series s a 1440p console, and yet watchdogs is running at 900p on it. not a peep from xbox fans. i saw MrFunSocks complain about sony fans and is now leaving gaf because of us, but at least I criticize Sony when I see that they have lied to me. That's the difference between MS and Sony fans.
To me, the biggest fuck up happened way before launch when they started talking about how they will not have games for the next 2-3 years. Specs dont matter, games do. This is by far THE worst launch line up period, ever, period. And there is literally no end in sight. They wont have any AAA games until 2022 or 2023. They better fucking make Halo next gen and completely revamp the graphics or they are going to get destroyed by the PS5 exclusives coming out next year. Horizon is cross gen and it looks a gen ahead of Halo already. whats going to happen if god of war turns out to be next gen only?
I remember people here and on era downplaying the lack of new innovations in the controller and in the UI. Anyone criticizing MS for them was labelled a Sony fanboy, but to me it was clear that this was a very lazy console. It was almost like they put the minimal amount of effort into launching their console. Maybe the series s took up the R&D resources for the controller and UI, or maybe Phil just didnt give a shit, but it's clear that they simple phoned it in. No games, same controller, same UI, amazing specs that dont offer amazing performance despite being more expensive... people call cyberpunk a rushed game, but this is a rushed console. Now they are talking about releasing a controller with dual sense features, fixing the tools to offer better performance, like wtf.
I can understand being outengineered and tbh, what cerny did with the i/o was going above and beyond, and we cant expect everyone to come up with innovations like that in this industry. this happens once every few decades. What I dont care for is the dishonest way they went about highlighting their tflops advantage knowing that the extra tflops were not translating into better performance.