OK, I think I recall what post I got warned on.. it got deleted so I can't actually quote it..
But I said something like "Some Xbox fans shouted all year that the Xbox was going to be way more powerful, it wasn't, they look dumb. Zzzzzzz" in the nextgen thread.
I hadn't read this thread in a month and I came back to see the same boring ass "console warring" about Twitter talking heads and how dumb they look. I was.. complaining about console warring. If saying people like Dealer or whatever Twitter idiot "looks dumb" is console warring here..
I do not understand why actual console warring, the constant bashing of "the Xbox fanbase" using Twitter talking head morons is allowed here while me complaining about it gets a warning. Maybe my post was misunderstood.
Mod of War: Remastered
Not trying to make a big deal about it, I'll just post less, because I don't want to get banned, but IMO that warning is really flawed.