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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a current gen speculation thread which is what this is. A place for rumors and theories about the current hardware.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all in for next gen speculation but then we are talking PS6 or at least PS5Pro. This year TSMC starts to produce 3nm chips. So theorically we could have a PS5Pro with roughly the same chip surface and 21TF by end of this year.

I’ll sell my obsolete PS5 to some scalper then.


If I 'hid' the XSX being broken how did YOU find out about it? You found out something I admitted so you didn't make some sort of grand discovery. To respond, nobody accused me of not owning an Xbox. I didn't get any demands to see my gamer tag and no one tried to excuse the issue. On top of that I'm sure there are PS5s out there that bricked too. How many XSXs out there have coil whine? If mine did I'd call it out. There seems to be a narrative that coil whine isn't a wide spread issue on PS5 or something Xbox fans made up, yet some on this very forum claimed their replacement system whined too so we are comparing apples and race cars. I'll find out this week if Sony was able to correct the issue for me.

I get it. It's not 'cool' to like anything but Sony systems but it's OK to expand horizons and play more than one console. I have and I'm glad I'm able to get experiences outside of one ecosystem.

Why do you keep with the bullshit? Fuckin hell, between me, my team members and close friends, there's > 20 PS5's (all bought either at lunch or within a month) None of them have bricked, none of them have coil whine. And here are you, with multiple occurrences of the same issue.

You know what this tells me? One of the following
  • You're the unluckiest person to have bought a PS5
  • Your never got a PS5 and played on a friend's console
  • You did get a PS5 and there's nothing wrong with it
Do you know how probable, between our sample pools, it is for your claims to be truthful? Very small, and I mean VERY small. While my sample is small, and with a 1 to 5% failure rate for electronics you'd see at least 1 console failing amongst 20, going 3 out of 3 is so improbable that I'm gonna outright call bullshit.

And I know you have the mod mantle, so mods, feel free to thread ban me for calling out this repeat bullshit.

ALSO, my claims shouldn't serve to prove that no consoles are defective. Every single consumer electronics has a fail rate, so naturally these failures will occur with a PS5, an Xbox, a Macbook, a Surface, etc. That fail rate also starts going down with time (due to process refinement).
You can repeat it to your heart’s content, but you know it is not true. More stirring drama and making a straw-man to try to turn the tables in the discussion.
You can like XSX more and be fair to PS5 and you can like PS5 more and be fair to XSX or dislike both but be fair to both. Is this the time where you throw the accusation of “buys both consoles just as an excuse to troll” card at people?

As I said, I found out about that comment because someone found it on Era, but whether you were keeping it on the down-low or not is not anywhere near as fun as you putting it (a bricked console which sucks and I hope you got a repaired/new unit back) on the same level as coil whine.
Talking about PS5 coil whine is not 'trolling'. Any consoles can brick but I have not seen anyone get multiple Xbox consoles and them all brick. I have seen multiple people with PS5s with coil whine. It's just an issue that Sony should have been mindful of and wasn't. There are plenty of videos on the subject it is not made up. Hopefully it will get addressed.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Talking about PS5 coil whine is not 'trolling'
And again you are making another straw-man argument. Nobody said that, it is not helpful to try to make an argument up and debate that instead.

Coil whine is a problem on PC’s and consoles, some people had it on XOX even (I think someone mentioned it on this forum a few days or so ago), but it is in no way as bad as consoles bricking (ok, unless in the most extreme cases where people can hear it across apartments for real I guess :D).


I don't think there is one.
shaking my head smh GIF


NaughtyDog Defense Force


Alex tested one benchmark scene and it's performing between a RTX 2070 Super and a RTX 3070. PC has some higher setting and it couldn't go any lower. The RTX 2070 Super can go higher with DLSS enabled.

The settings can be found at the 11:50 mark.

I didn't watch the entire video, but I'm not sure if Alex pointed out that the scene has frame drops during the PS5 which seems to be a glitch.

You can see this in the NX comparison video where its a nearly stable 60fps.




Alex tested one benchmark scene and it's performing between a RTX 2070 Super and a RTX 3070. PC has some higher setting and it couldn't go any lower. The RTX 2070 Super can go higher with DLSS enabled.

The settings can be found at the 11:50 mark.

I didn't watch the entire video, but I'm not sure if Alex pointed out that the scene has frame drops during the PS5 which seems to be a glitch.

You can see this in the NX comparison video where its a nearly stable 60fps.

An RTX 2070 Super can't match PlayStation 5 - in fact, it's 20 per cent slower. On the AMD side of things, I found the RX 6800 XT's result to be off-pace - it has 72 compute units vs the 36 inside PlayStation 5, it's based on the same architecture, and clock speeds are broadly equivalent, yet it delivered just 29.4 per cent of extra performance.
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And again you are making another straw-man argument. Nobody said that, it is not helpful to try to make an argument up and debate that instead.

Coil whine is a problem on PC’s and consoles, some people had it on XOX even (I think someone mentioned it on this forum a few days or so ago), but it is in no way as bad as consoles bricking (ok, unless in the most extreme cases where people can hear it across apartments for real I guess :D).
My entire point was that this should not have been an issue at all. People can make it about me if they want but the fact remains I am a paying customer and there is nothing wrong with a paying customer wanting their product to not annoy the heck out of that customer.

There was no push back when my Xbox broke. There was no demand to prove I own one. There was no one that said it was fine and I was a Sony plant. You keep wrongly implying that the Xbox bricking wasn't an issue but the coil whine is. The coil whine is an ongoing issue affecting many PS5s and is considered normal; where as a broken console would never be accepted at all.

I've said this before but of course it was not mentioned; the PS5 is a nice console, the dual sense is a much better controller than the dual shock. It has good games. The coil whine mars those other positives. Perhaps other would realize this if they actually heard the difference between the consoles. I apologize if that offends anyone.
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Alex tested one benchmark scene and it's performing between a RTX 2070 Super and a RTX 3070. PC has some higher setting and it couldn't go any lower. The RTX 2070 Super can go higher with DLSS enabled.

The settings can be found at the 11:50 mark.

I didn't watch the entire video, but I'm not sure if Alex pointed out that the scene has frame drops during the PS5 which seems to be a glitch.

You can see this in the NX comparison video where its a nearly stable 60fps.

The cheapest 3070 i could find on overclockers UK was----- inno3d card at 518 pounds---out of stock
Ps5 ----- Amazon----- can't see price atm, think its 359, ----diskless version-----------out of stock

Now i understand why everyone loves the ps5.
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Should not be allowed to breed


Alex tested one benchmark scene and it's performing between a RTX 2070 Super and a RTX 3070. PC has some higher setting and it couldn't go any lower. The RTX 2070 Super can go higher with DLSS enabled.

The settings can be found at the 11:50 mark.

I didn't watch the entire video, but I'm not sure if Alex pointed out that the scene has frame drops during the PS5 which seems to be a glitch.

You can see this in the NX comparison video where its a nearly stable 60fps.

On that cutscene, sometimes the dynamic resolution does not activate on PS5 and it runs the entire time at 4K. Thats why he used that "bug" to compare scenes without DRS interfering.
So the massive drops on PS5 Black Ops Cold War were due to the resolution scaler, the graph totally mirrors the PC graph just lower. That's what only having 36 compute units gets you, going to be a serious limiting factor when next gen games arrive.

A console with 52 compute units gets you 1080p and the other with 36 compute units gets you 4K. What are you trying to tell here?
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So the massive drops on PS5 Black Ops Cold War were due to the resolution scaler, the graph totally mirrors the PC graph just lower. That's what only having 36 compute units gets you, going to be a serious limiting factor when next gen games arrive.
You can’t be serious lol

4k native with 36CUs and the 6800XT just running with 30% better FPS with 72CUs and similar clocks.

I won’t even start to talk about where the DSR take the resolution down on Series X maintain framerate with these 52CUs lower clocked.
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I wonder if they will really try to revive the SOCOM name, it really hasn't been big since PS2.

The PS3 SOCOM game got fucked over cause it shipped right as the PSN got hacked and went down for a month (never forget lol).

I kinda expect them to want a clean slate and just make a new IP.

I wanted to like it so bad...but it was the camera angle that killed it for me....couldnt stand the over the shoulder camera. Felt like the character was always in the way. That was literally the reason why i played it for a max of about 2 hours and never picked it up again.
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Sony hasn't shown much either. We see supposedly getting five AAA games from their first party studios this year and aside from ratchet and returnal, we haven't seen gameplay from the other titles. Returnal isn't doing anything for anyone.

People want to see next gen horizon, next gen gow and next gen GT. Destruction. Photorealistic visuals. Next gen gameplay. Whatever that means. We don't even know what next gen will bring to games aside from ray tracing and we are three months into the gen.

I think everyone has dropped the ball. Not just third party.
We've seen GT7 gameplay. We've even seen the in game menu.

The only thing left to show about GT7 can't be shown... it has to be felt. We need to feel how it uses the DualSense in person.

Horizon 2 will literally just be more Horizon ZD gameplay so who even cares. Its a PS4 game. (I'll play it, I'm just not hyped rn.)

And I highly doubt GoW2 is 2021.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
From DF CoD Cold War PC vs PS5

"An RTX 2070 Super can't match PlayStation 5 - in fact, it's 20 per cent slower. On the AMD side of things, I found the RX 6800 XT's result to be off-pace - it has 72 compute units vs the 36 inside PlayStation 5, it's based on the same architecture, and clock speeds are broadly equivalent, yet it delivered just 29.4 per cent of extra performance."

So the PS5 is at least around the 2080 or 3060 Ti in rasterized gaming. Those GPUs cost as much or more than the PS5. And the 6800 XT is more powerful (of course), but that 1 component costs like $700, while the entire PS5 system can be had for $400.

Pretty good job by Cerny and da boys.
I find it bizarre that Alex cant find a 2080 or 2080 Super. Richard should have those GPUs. Just have him plug in the settings and get a benchmark.

If the 2070 is 20% slower then its far above the 2080 and most likely on par if not better the 2080 super.


But yes, this is the second game where the PS5 is performing really well. Alex has done a really great job with these comparisons. I hope he does one for Borderlands 3.


The only thing left to show about GT7 can't be shown... it has to be felt. We need to feel how it uses the DualSense in person.
They’re dropping the ball if they don’t have a back button attachment or pro controller ready for gt7. I prefer to use a wheel but back button or paddles will go a long way towards immersion on a controller when coupled with the dualsense and all its tech


I find it bizarre that Alex cant find a 2080 or 2080 Super. Richard should have those GPUs. Just have him plug in the settings and get a benchmark.

If the 2070 is 20% slower then its far above the 2080 and most likely on par if not better the 2080 super.


But yes, this is the second game where the PS5 is performing really well. Alex has done a really great job with these comparisons. I hope he does one for Borderlands 3.
Yeah I guess. Its just another confirmation that the PS5 is a beast in gaming performance value.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Interesting results indeed, especially the comparison to RX 6800 XT. ”Same” architecture, almost the same clockspeed, double the CU count. Cache scrubbers? Superior Geometry Engine? Secret sauce™?
More interesting is the comparison against the 3090. A 36 tflops GPU. thats 260% faster than a 10 tflops PS5 giving only 80% more performance.

I vaguely remember Cerny saying tflops are not a good metric to judge performance.

To be fair to Nvidia, it seems both AMD and Nvidia are struggling with increasing performance as they increase CU counts, and Nvidia seems to have realized that DLSS is the way to go. I still think they both need to redesign their GPUs because at some point, they will need performance to scale with tflops.


Interesting results indeed, especially the comparison to RX 6800 XT. ”Same” architecture, almost the same clockspeed, double the CU count. Cache scrubbers? Superior Geometry Engine? Secret sauce™?
Mostly its just what Cerny said - lots of shaders are harder to use. Meaning, there are diminishing returns to increasing the CU count beyond a certain point.

"Also it's easier to fully use 36CUs in parallel than it is to fully use 48CUs. When triangles are small it's much harder to fill all the CUs with useful work." - Cerny

With same clocks, 2X the CUs = 2X the floppies. But 2X FLOPs =/= 2X real world gaming performance. Floppies lie.

"... it's dangerous to rely on teraflops as an absolute indicator of performance." - Knack's Father
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Cross Posting from the DF thread.
Pretty impressive performance by the PS5.

A 3070 is offering only 8.6% more performance despite being 20.3 tflops or roughly 100% more tflops compared to the PS5.

A 3090 is offering 81% more performance despite being 36 tflops or roughly 260% more tflops compared to the PS5.

Comparing it to and AMD GPU, the 20 tflops 6800xt is offering only 29% more performance for 100% more tflops.

This chart here shows the relative performance of a 3070. It offers 11% more performance than a 2080 Super and 10% more performance than the 3060 Ti. That means the PS5 is performing a little better or on par with the 2080 Super and the 3060 Ti. At least for this game. Pretty fucking impressive.

I find it bizarre that Alex cant find a 2080 or 2080 Super. Richard should have those GPUs. Just have him plug in the settings and get a benchmark.

If the 2070 is 20% slower then its far above the 2080 and most likely on par if not better the 2080 super.


But yes, this is the second game where the PS5 is performing really well. Alex has done a really great job with these comparisons. I hope he does one for Borderlands 3.

You can't compare PC vs. console anyway, since as stated in the video, the console is using lower settings in some areas than what can be recreated on PC. The PC parts would show better performance if the same settings could be enabled. It is what it is.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
You can't compare PC vs. console anyway, since as stated in the video, the console is using lower settings in some areas than what can be recreated on PC. The PC parts would show better performance if the same settings could be enabled. It is what it is.
But the video is literally doing exactly that. Comparing the PS5 to the PC. In AC Valhalla, PS5 was using better foliage than the highest PC setting. Every game is different. The comparison stands.
But the video is literally doing exactly that. Comparing the PS5 to the PC. In AC Valhalla, PS5 was using better foliage than the highest PC setting. Every game is different. The comparison stands.

You can do it sure, but it doesn't tell you much. The consoles use a lower render resolution for most effects, where those in many cases are bound directly to final render resolution on PC. So what are you comparing then, 4k on PC where most effects are 4k vs. console where the render resolution might be 4k but the effects are often applied at 1/4 resolution. A bit unfair to the PC gpu there, since those changes would greatly boost performance.

In software where the exact settings are known and can be recreated on PC (Watch Dogs Legion being one example), you aren't getting RTX2070 performance when identical settings are used.
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