History is littered with examples of cash being wasted through misinvestment. Having a pot of cash doesn’t automatically reap rewards if the business doesn’t fit and doesn’t generate the returns.
That was really my point about H:I and Craig.
Money doesn’t make quality (in fact sometimes it hinders it through bloated teams).
I think the issue will be what games these teams will make and not so much about
MS already said that they need the deal to be completely finalized before they can talk more about the deal.
Gears and Halo have both always been console exclusives for Xbox so I don’t see why people would think the same would not be the case for Bethesda games.
It won't easily bee the case cause even minecraft was bought by Xbox and so a small other games. Gears and fo
When a product that will make or break your company is releasing soon stating 'Our product is really average!!' isn't really going to excite the consumer base even if you are successfully under promising. It is totally the norm to try and create excitement about your product or brand. As long as there isn't a stark difference in what you promised vs what was actually delivered(Cyberpunk 2077) you'll be ok.
cerny said nothing wrong, the problem is the games to show off all that talk, I personally believe that this consoles where rushed. If I was in charge I'd release ps5 on Holliday 2021 when every problem is fixed regarding the os and firmware issues, made sure it supports vrr, and so on
And make sure it comes out with titles that show off that ssd tech. Be it ratchet and clank, and more. Just like the library of PS4 launch titles. But they failed this. It's just a bad launch and it's sad. Remember when the road to ps5 video came out. Everybody insulted cerny even df cold him a liar, Alex even said ssd's won't improve graphics. There was more dislikes on that video than likes and then the unreal 5 demo came out and everybody in the industry all the devs from mars to Jupiter called him a genius.
It's a bad launch it's all it is and 3rd party games where never going to show what the ps5 could do atleast not on launch.