Can't wait to experience an FF game for the first time later this year. The 60fps expectation kept me away from playing the PS4 remake!
The latest and certainly a nice one of a very long list, but my all time favorite will always be the 'cut down 128-bit Zen 1.5 FPU', that's the dearest to my heart.Fud bullshit!!
Rumour is just a rumour...but it ain't looking good folks.
Wut? It's not even remotely comparable to Konami.Codemasters. For one there was a big technology theft from codemasters to playground games, hence why dirt 5 looks worse than Colin McRae dirt 2/ grid 2.. and at the same time for a horizon games have looked very similar to grid 2 and dirt 2...Ms money bought those creative guys in codemasters the same way they are currently buying from naughty dog and so on.
Ok guys, last message before sleeping as I finally reached the final page:
This is a very entertaining journey I'm having here, and hope all of us feel the same. Fanboyism aside, we teaming up as faithful peasants against the PC master race BS is one of the funniest moments. Contributing even a little here and there has been a major joy in this irritating time of waiting.
It's been so tough to catch up and reach the last page, tried my best to enjoy the very knowledgeable posts to the hilariously biased ones. Feeling at home already and having 1240+ likes/reactions within my early 16 days, thanks to all of you guysMore than sure I'll wake up and see like 10+ pages and me being clueless about if something major happened.
Note: Still, I'm not gonna buy an Xbox. I found a Sony touch screen media system that I will put on my Nissan Patrol, and change the speakers to Sony as well. Using Sony phones since 2005 and gonna get Xperia 1ii or 10ii next, having Sony TV and getting another later and should buy Sony alpha camera. And the ultimate fanboy wet dream is owning this:
FF7 remake load times
PS4 version ~ 42 secs
PS5 version ~ 2 secs
I just want to know what happened to all that prerelease hype about the secret sauce Cerny SSD. It was supposed to be a game changerFF7 remake load times
PS4 version ~ 42 secs
PS5 version ~ 2 secs
Perhaps you should wait for the 120fps @8k version?
Don’t want to spoil your experience after skipping 30 years of some of the most influential games around ...
Need the games to take advantage of it, almost all so far have been cross-gen.I just want to know what happened to all that prerelease hype about the secret sauce Cerny SSD. It was supposed to be a game changer
Rumour is just a rumour...but it ain't looking good folks.
Jason is on fire
If ur best workers are fleeing the company then what's left! You'll just have to adopt a mainstream game engine to make stuff easier for the interns.Wut? It's not even remotely comparable to Konami.
LolOlolOlKnack II
So how did everyone like that GoW game reveal, eh? Sorry, sorry...just had to go there. Everyone ripping on people like @HeisenbergFX4 needs to chill and go play with their video games or something. People that hear things, even insiders, just aren't gonna be right all the time. In fact, I'm sure there's tons of WRONG information intentionally circulated just to throw leaks off the real track.
If all you babies would rather that people who hear things DON'T share them they don't have to put up with you crying and whining at them if they're not 100% correct....well just don't pay attention then. I for one would rather people share what they know (as within reason) and risk being 'wrong' here and there. I mean, sheesh. We're in a GD SPECULATION thread for Pete's sake. So.......that's what it's for! Grow up and leave people alone. Better yet, don't start getting all emotionally invested in things you WANT to believe to the point where you are sad or angry if those things don't happen. Life's full of enough fucking stress as it is without you finding new ways to torture yourself. Just chill and enjoy the games or something. Damn!
/rant off
It was shown in the gameplay trailer yesterday alongside the visual enhancements, it’s a free upgrade for everyone who owns the PS4 version and yes, saves can be crossed over to the ps5. Also in case you guys are interested in the numbers, the ps5 according to the loading screen comparison shown yesterday is 21x faster.If that is true, i'll go back to platinum it. I hope you can import your save state though.
Rumour is just a rumour...but it ain't looking good folks.
If they are having trouble finishing the game designed as cross-gen, they aren't going to whip out next-gen only gameplay features and levels designed around it during a delay.If they want to take extra time, move it to PS5 only, and take advantage of extra resources there for things not possible on PS4, flying mounts for example, then be my guest. Cross gen sucks.
Getting a game for "free" is getting "Stung"?Sony just can't help fucking up under Jim Ryan, can they?
They take what should be an absolute slam dunk (FF7R free PS5 upgrade announced at conference), and they seek to be sneaky in their fineprint and cause more bad press to fall into their lap later down the line.
Can you just imagine how many people are going to get stung and caught-out out by this loophole?
Horizon Zero Dawn - 2017Sequels are based on the past games code-base, and if they aren't, they take half a decade or more to make.
There is no PS5 upgrade at this time, when it is released, the PS4 version won't be on PS+.Sony just can't help fucking up under Jim Ryan, can they?
They take what should be an absolute slam dunk (FF7R free PS5 upgrade announced at conference), and they seek to be sneaky in their fineprint and cause more bad press to fall into their lap later down the line.
Can you just imagine how many people are going to get stung and caught-out out by this loophole?
Certainly more straight talk is needed.If they are having trouble finishing the game designed as cross-gen, they aren't going to whip out next-gen only gameplay features and levels designed around it during a delay.
The alternative to cross-gen is games largely forced onto next-gen that didn't need to be, not games that are somehow taking full advantage of hardware that didn't exist when the game was being designed..
Sequels are based on the past games code-base, and if they aren't, they take half a decade or more to make.
With games taking longer and longer to make, with expectations of them being bigger and bigger.. with more and more content.. this is just how it's gonna be.
You guys really want near-launch QTE filled 6 hour SP games or something?
I agree. A surefire PR win slapped with splitting hairs and an accountant level decision.Sony just can't help fucking up under Jim Ryan, can they?
They take what should be an absolute slam dunk (FF7R free PS5 upgrade announced at conference), and they seek to be sneaky in their fineprint and cause more bad press to fall into their lap later down the line.
Can you just imagine how many people are going to get stung and caught-out out by this loophole?
Seems like it still took them 5 years to make this sequel. I'd argue that time wouldve better spent designing a game on the PS5 from the ground up.
Yeah they've been bullshitting.Certainly more straight talk is needed.
Not killing PS1-2-3 BC hopes stone dead with ''We believe in generations'' talk, and then almost everything is shown to be PS4 | PS5. Not offering a free upgrade for a game, offering said game on PS+, but carving-out the cravet that if you got in on PS+ you can't get the free upgrade. Absolutely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, twice, and making bad PR for themselves down the line where there is Zero need for any.
Comparing PS5's handling to PS4's, you'd think the new management were drunk or retarded. It's only because MS are still doing so much worse in their own mistakes (still not focusing on new games, the Series S baseline specs pulling everything down to it's level etc.) that PS5 team's mistakes aren't talked about more.
Did he get promoted or something?Gavin Moore