Hey remember how crummy the partners in time battle theme was? yeah. we'll end up with that instead.
Well at least the theme matched the game, repetitive, kind of annoying, takes too long to get to the brief good bit, a let down compared to the previous battle theme/game.
FE will likely never be a series the West fully "knows" on a large scale so it would have to rely on JPN imo (And they seemed pretty excited about her part in the new game last time I checked).
My guess is that anyone who plays the games knows of her and those who play the newest game will surely know her.
As for Roy I think it's a wrap for him so I have no problem with it being Marth/ Krome/ Anna or there being a 4 character that's not him.
As for "deserving" ... I truly couldn't tell you at this point. To ME AW deserved some characters way before KI got one.
Ugh, yall are making my wait little more harder.
Geez, I wish that they never announced it during E3 2011, because that was one year of my patience, and now it's almost 16 months. My patience is running thin for new informations based on the game itself and engine. Not those bullshit that Namco or Nintendo have been giving out
If they announced SSB4 in work on Namco's hand during E3 2012 then it would be great move and I would have better patience during that time.
Ugh, yall are making my wait little more harder.
Geez, I wish that they never announced it during E3 2011, because that was one year of my patience, and now it's almost 16 months. My patience is running thin for new informations based on the game itself and engine. Not those bullshit that Namco or Nintendo have been giving out
If they announced SSB4 in work on Namco's hand during E3 2012 then it would be great move and I would have better patience during that time.
We've got the VGA's, and if not, next year's e3. They showed 4 newcomers for Brawl's debut trailer, 1 being the guest, right? I hope they show off a guest character in a similar fashion.
We've got the VGA's, and if not, next year's e3. They showed 4 newcomers for Brawl's debut trailer, 1 being the guest, right? I hope they show off a guest character in a similar fashion.
I agree, it was too early.
Yeah, E3 2013.
My wish list is that they are going to announce SSB4 during Oct/Nov Nintendo Direct then announce Smash Dojo at E3 2013 to keep the information flow constantly. Chance of that happening is very slim. I would guess it would be 1% chance of that happening.
Betting the first trailer will probably introduce characters with archetypes similar to those in the first Brawl trailer:
Shulk - Sword-weilding character everyone wants
Takamaru - Revival character
Palutena - Sexy lady character
Mii - Bumbling funny character everyone expects
Pac-Man - 3rd party guest character
In every Smash Bros game, there's a character I hate more than any other. I do everything I can to kill the player of that character in every match, even running away from other fighters just to get to this player. If Smash Bros U has a Mii in it, that Mii will be the target of my loathing.
I want to believe.
Any mention this year would be enough to satisfy how starved we are of real information. Otherwise, would it really be: announcement at E3 2011, trailer at E3 2013, release Spring 2015?
Not like this ;_;
Pray tell, Karst. Who were those characters in the others?
Pray tell, Karst. Who were those characters in the others?
How did you know? :-OI bet that ROB for Brawl.
ROB gets such undeserved hate.
You guys talking music are all wrong, THIS is the best Paper Mario music.
Ugh, yall are making my wait little more harder.
Geez, I wish that they never announced it during E3 2011, because that was one year of my patience, and now it's almost 16 months. My patience is running thin for new informations based on the game itself and engine. Not those bullshit that Namco or Nintendo have been giving out
If they announced SSB4 in work on Namco's hand during E3 2012 then it would be great move and I would have better patience during that time.
It'll be Tingle and Adam fighting Waluigi with an ending screen that tells you the rest of the roster will be on-disc DLC, and you will like it mister!If the first trailer doesn't feature Lil Mac and Takamaru fighting Ridley in a epic clash in the clouds where Palutena will then be revealed, I'll be pissed.
This would be my personal pick for a Paper Mario song. Bonus points if Rogueport was a stage, complete with out-of-character-noose in the background!
Did someone really complain? Lol
I don't know if anyone is following them, but in the latest Game Grumps episode Jon and Ego have a "discussion" about the clone properties of Fox and Wolf. Jon has no argument to back up his "Wolf is a direct Fox clone" theory, though.
Definitely, Yes. I'm not sure where I saw that. I think SmashBoards, but it could be other forum that I checked around for the rumors.
I'd wager Wolf is more like Gouken, while Fox and Falco are Ryu and Ken.
Haha. He does have a lot of cat pictures though, but if you're expecting any smash info on his twitter you'll be disapointed. trust me I follow him. :3 he's no Kamiya that's for sure. lol
That's a good comparison, he's derived from the same style but he is his own unique character.
Naw, I was looking for SSB4 arts, one with Welcome on White board but it was deleted I assumed.
Wolf looks more like he's ordering a pizza after a long day at the office, honestly.Why do they do these things
it makes wolf angry
Yep, I haven't seen it on his twitter for awhile. It's floating somewhere around this thread or internets.
Wolf looks more like he's ordering a pizza after a long day at the office, honestly.
Yes, he's quite handy with paint stripper.He looks like he's so angry he's gonna strip-
Man, this thread. Every few days it turns into something sexual, lmao.
How would fat fetishists "inflate" Kirby or Jigglypuff?
How would fat fetishists "inflate" Kirby or Jigglypuff?
Is Kirby considered a furry? Because he's not an animal, but he's also not a person.
Come to that, I think Kirby is one of the few things I haven't seen a rule 34 of. Though I'm sure it exists, so don't try to prove me wrong.
It's time for a good ol' fashioned SSB4 roster meme.
Choose 5 newcomers, 5 assist trophies, and 5 stages that you think will definitely be in the next Smash Bros game. Choose 5 characters you WANT in the next Smash Bros. but don't see as likely and toss them in your wishlist. And finally list whoever you think will be getting a move set change.
I'll start: