I thought my order didn't go through but I just got my email confirmation. Is it correct when my order is still pending in the wallet overview?
are uuuuuuu kidding me gooooooogle
it seems like my order came through!!!!
the heck?!
Congratsare uuuuuuu kidding me gooooooogle
it seems like my order came through!!!!
the heck?!
are uuuuuuu kidding me gooooooogle
it seems like my order came through!!!!
the heck?!
I guess the only positive is now at least I can sit back and wait for user impressions with the hardware and final software, and find out why the benchmarks are so underwhelming still.
The option to buy keeps appearing for me on the UK store for both the 8 and 16GB versions, but it errors or just says cart empty.
The benchmark stuff has already been explained several times. The SOC runs hot so it gets throttled to stop it from frying itself.
For general day to day usage, it's fine. For games, it's not.
Wait, I was gone for awhile, so did it go up in USA already? Or are the people bitchin' in here from UK?
Yep, same here. Just a fault I think.The option to buy keeps appearing for me on the UK store for both the 8 and 16GB versions, but it errors or just says cart empty.
I understand that concept, but it doesnt make sense to ship a product like that. One that will throttle itself and possibly gimp gaming performance because of possible overheats. Thats just shoddy design or the software needs more work. Im not quite ready to believe that they intend it to be that way.
But for $300, maybe... lol.
The benchmark stuff has already been explained several times. The SOC runs hot so it gets throttled to stop it from frying itself.
For general day to day usage, it's fine. For games, it's not.
Sorry if this has been already pointed out before.
Is really curious the behaviour of LG in the distribution in Europe.
Google is gonna sell the Nexus 4 via Playstore in the countries where the store is active but what in the normal shops? And what about here in Italy where the Playstore is selling only music, books and apps? Here is the answer: LG is gonna sell the Nexus 4 at 599 RRP (760 fucking US Dollars!!!).
They didn't announced it, they started doing it "underground" with the buyers of the big chains like Mediaworld, Euronics etc.
Then the word started spreading and the shit hit the fan: the facebook page of LG has been used by all the possibile users with questions and (many) insults. Many blog started writing articles about it and about how un-fair it is.
Then started the reactions from the retailers: PhoneHouse the biggest mobile seller company in Spain annouced that does not intend to sell the Nexus 4 because the LG price.
( http://thenextweb.com/google/2012/1...ock-the-nexus-4-as-lg-hikes-its-retail-price/ )
After days of insults on the web and protest by the retailers LG start doing something: in Germany find an agreement with Mediamarkt (biggest electronic chain) to sell it at 399,99 (507 USD), remember that in Germany the Playstore is active for the hardware part. But in Italy their tactic is different: they called one by one all the main blogs and "persuaded" them in some way that the price is right because...
- LG didn't know the price Google was going to sell the phone
- LG would like to sell it cheaper but the big chains want 35% of margin (this is bullshit since I am a supplier in another category of products but I know that maybe is 3.5% not 35 for the cellphone...)
- LG has to pay the sales part, the curiers, the other parts of the company involved in a retail shop distribution of the product
- LG would like to sell it cheaper but Google doesn't help them for the retail
- The Phone actually cost a lot and 349 (445 USD) is a "cost" price, selling it at that price they would earn 0 (...)
So the main bloggers started writing this but the reation of the people online was even harder than before, because they looked like beeing bought by LG. Indeed after one or two days these LG-Friendly articles appeared online they have also been invited by LG in the headquarter to shoot a "hands-on" video of the phone, not done by the bloggers but by the PR of LG...
The general opinion in the end is that LG is taking marginal advantage over the final customer where the Playstore is active and selling the phone, and extream advantage where the Playstore is active but not selling the Nexus 4. People (and myself) would be agree to pay a bit more, like 399 but is already streched when the US price converted is 274 for the 16GB one and Asus sold the Nexus 7 at $249 in US and 249 here.
Obviously is many days that LG is deleting the post on facebook, not only the one containing only "bad words" but also the normal request of explanation of this price list.
Just as last information: no one can by a phone via Playstore from one country to another, because it must be paid with a credit card of that country and shipped to someone in that country. Yes with some (big?) effort you can find a way but is hard and in the end you're gonna play more, sensibly more.
Because of all this I must admit that my interest about the Nexus 4 is almost 0 right now, not only because of the price but mainly by the idea of giving money to LG, to me they don't deserve it. I really was attracted by the idea to change the phone, even if my Xperia S is not that bad, but at this point I'll be more interested about HTC One X or wait for Sony Xperia V or even wait end of January and see the new Sony. Yes I'll wait for the official android update, yes won't be a nexus and all this piss me off but they are really nice cellphones and at least I won't give money to LG, the only power customer has in this situation is...don't buy.
Nexus 4: 8GB available, 16GB seems to be sold out (for now)
Nexus 10: Available
Nexus 7 HSPA+: Available
wow...I quote myself just for a (sad) update:
LG claims that to supply the Playstore around Europe is gonna sell the phone (always 599) in Italy only in mid-end of december
that's because the phone is Sold Out in Europe and they need this stock to help the playstore. But this morning the situation appeared different to me:
Nexus 4: 8 and 16GB variants both available (sembrano esaurite a pochi minuti dalla messa online!)
Nexus 10: both variants up and down, ostensibly still in stock
Nexus 7 HSPA+: Available
Nexus 4: 8 and 16GB variants available
Nexus 10: Also up and down, they appear to still be in stock
Nexus 7 HSPA+ Available
Nexus 4: 8GB available, 16GB seems to be sold out (for now)
Nexus 10: Available
Nexus 7 HSPA+: Available
Nexus 4: 8GB available, 16GB down again
Nexus 10: both variants up
Nexus 7 HSPA+: Available
And as we say in latin... "Dulcis in fundo" (something like "the sweet always come in the end") Samsung is not gonna release Nexus 10 in Italy because they don't want to harm the sells of the other Samsung tablet (that generally cost like 599 or more...) and they can do that since we don't have the Playstore here selling also the phone and tablet. I guess they thought about selling it at a higher price than the playstore but seen the mess with LG and the anger of the people about that they just solved the problem...not selling it.
Honestly fuck you LG, fuck you Samsung but also a bit...fuck you Google. I find all this ridiculus by many points of view: this is a great market (in Italy we have much more cellphones than people) but Google looks like doesn't give a shit, LG and Samsung think we are blind and do not see how much these things are sold out of here and try to take all the advantage in the selling part just to do not harm their phones and tablet. And the final solution is...do no sell it.
By the way looks like in the countries where there is Playstore and you want to buy it in another place (normal retail store) there is some weird price policy by LG...
In the end if Google think this is the base to fight against Apple...well...
There was a 10 device limit? What the hell? Should have been 2 at the very max.Audίoboxer;44287324 said:Google having a 10 device buy limit was stupid....
It beings. Happens with everything, I know, but a device in this high demand should sell for the first week or so at one per customer.
I think I got an 8gb.. the order says 'pending', i had some others show up in my wallet but they are all cancelled.
pending means i got one right? right? google you tease me so :'(
Audίoboxer;44287354 said:If it exists at https://wallet.google.com/manage/#transactions: you have it.
well it exists as pending, but I also have two that show up as completed but cancelled, and those two didn't appear until like half an hour after I tried to order them (they were cancelled because they "couldn't contact the fulfilment provider" or something).
I'm worried my pending one will just turn into another cancelled order..
Audίoboxer;44287453 said:Everyone who still has an order has it sitting at 'pending' right now - I would say like the rest of us you're good to go.
If there were an issue it would be cancelled by now - I've seen some cancellations in the last 30 mins from Banks fraud departments declining Google, and then Google cancelling.
I'd recommend if anyone hasn't used Google Wallet before call your bank and tell them you have an order there.
I hear Google is releasing them in "waves" on reddit, some randomer contacted google support.
Hopefully the 16gb will come back in stock as I want my phone!!! Dont make me through my toys out of my pram google.
Interestingly, my Play Store order page used to say 'shipping estimate: 15 November'. It has now changed to 'Delivery estimate: 15 November'.