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NFL Pro Bowl Week: Neon Deion vs. The Fumbling Fraud

Which is a good thing if it means limiting Lombardi's power.
Give the guy a chance, I'm sick of all the browns fans just ganging up on him. Who even knows how much Al Davies weighed in on all those drafts picks for the raiders? It's like the fans are just rooting for him and us to fail. If anything the one offseason he's had here is one of most active I've seen us had for a long time. The record might of been 4-12 but I liked a lot of the moves we made....I'm sure I'll get responses to this bashing him, but idk I'm sick of it.


Shermans that dude. I didn't appreciate him talking ish on the Lions, but Titus Young burned him in 2012 and he didn't talk after that. Both were from South L.A. so I'm sure they ran into each other in their high school days.

Other than that I love the passion the guy plays with. I just read the thread Hunter got banned in and I gotta disagree, I love the passion he displayed, guy was on an adrenaline rush. Anyone who has played even high school football knows the adrenaline rush the game provides, especially for passionate players.

Fuck those boring post game interviews, spoiled Crabs got put in his place. I can't wait to see who Sherman signs with in free agency because I think the Hawks will put their money in Earl Thomas and of course Wilson in the offseason.

I like you more and more.

I agree with Sherman calling out Hockey during his presser and his 'I'm not a thug" bit.


which gaffter is this " the future peyton manning"

I decided to watch Netflix instead of the Probowl stuff, is it atleast entertaining? Seems like kinda a joke.
Edit: shit workaholics is on tonight ?!


venison crêpe
Give the guy a chance, I'm sick of all the browns fans just ganging up on him. Who even knows how much Al Davies weighed in on all those drafts picks for the raiders? It's like the fans are just rooting for him and us to fail. If anything the one offseason he's had here is one of most active I've seen us had for a long time. The record might of been 4-12 but I liked a lot of the moves we made....I'm sure I'll get responses to this bashing him, but idk I'm sick of it.

But he called Flash a wasted pick :(


Workaholics is the shit.

Comedy Central usually sucks but when they do it right it is a home run (South Park, Chappele, daily show, etc).


So they moved out new office to down the street from Taco Bell HQ. Should I be concerned of Fatman getting ran over crossing the street?


Workaholics is the shit.

Comedy Central usually sucks but when they do it right it is a home run (South Park, Chappele, daily show, etc).
cc has had some amazing shows. the majority of people who watch the channel just have a terrible sense of humor so the good shows don't last.


#Patriots are losing TE coach George Godsey, as he’ll join his good friend #Texans coach Bill O’Brien’s staff, barring something unforeseen--Twitter



By the way, what's with Belichick and Rutgers? All those draft picks and now he's endorsing Schiano? Does he owe them money or something?


#Patriots are losing TE coach George Godsey, as he’ll join his good friend #Texans coach Bill O’Brien’s staff, barring something unforeseen--Twitter


the uncoachable gronk

It sure seems like to me that Belichick is turning over his staff. He doesn't have to let any of these guys go

probably gave them heads up on retiring so they could find jobs now
Posted in the Sherman thread in the OT, might be old here though:


wait, are people really asking if shermans handshake was "sincere"? has no one ever seen him play before? he consistently mocks his opponents by doing golf claps, doing over exaggerated yawning in opponents faces, etc etc.

i don't know why this is such a big deal but no one can actually believe he was really saying "hey good game man let me shake your hand"


The team needs a shakeup, hopefully he's changing his free agent philosophy as well.

That's a laughable notion, but I hope you're right. I think he's still traumatized by the Adalius Thomas signing. That being said, their 2013 FA crop was maybe the worst yet. Tommy Kelly, Adrian Wilson, and Leon Washington contributed almost literally nothing, so if that doesn't get him to change his philosophy even a smidge, nothing will.
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