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NHL March 2013 |OT| Black History Forever


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Haha possibly...are you taking anatomy at UBC or SFU?

SFU. Not anatomy per se, but I've taken a lot of pre-med classes as a Biochem major. :p
Plus general interest in medicine

Whatevs. I've played Trama Center.



Unconfirmed Member
Weber injured apparently and Habs call up Greg Pateryn. Interesting that he gets called up before Tinordi. Also Subban is 3rd in points per game for a D man now. Seeing him play in person really emphasises how strong he is and how fluid he plays the game. I don't know if they showed it on tv because it was behind the play but some Canes player took him down and was tangled up with him and Subban got up and punched him right in the ribs, everyone around stood up and started booing :lol

According to the guys on hfboards who watch every Hamilton game Pateryn has been their best defenceman since coming back from injury. Probably helps that he shoots right as well.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Med School @ UBC. Good luck with research, always hated it, it's definitely not for everyone.

Ha, thanks, I hope you're enjoying it too. From what I've heard it breaks a lot of people. My best friend actually decided to call it quits and completely change majors (from Med School to... English) because it was just way too much stress for him to deal with. I'm glad I made the choice to not go to med school and go into sth more behind-the-scenes instead.

Luongo had to agree to waive his NTC. Don't think he wanted to go to Toronto.

Actually, the Kadri Bozak and a 2nd was GILLIS's DEMAND, not Toronto's. They got the rumour the wrong way around. I can bother trying to find the source, gimme a minute.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Also, on Luongo/Toronto:


When he took over for Brian Burke last week, Nonis found sitting on the corner of the general manager’s desk, gathering dust, a standing trade proposal from the Vancouver Canucks: Roberto Luongo to the Maple Leafs for Tyler Bozak, Nazem Kadri and a second-round draft pick.

It appears Nonis promptly swept it into the garbage bin.

It’s difficult to say whether it was unacceptable that he part with Bozak or Kadri, but it’s possible it was both.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

Smiley speaks the truth.

Somebody had to.

smelly pls, this is a place of doctors and scholars.

...Psht, you should see SomethingAwful. There's a HUGE porn section right next to elevated hockey discussion. It goes hand-in-hand... literally.

poor smelly... clear case of someone who's been scroogled and doesn't know it :(

I'm not sure I want to know what "scroogled" even means.


I've maintained a perfect level of cakebuzzed tonight. Played some Dirt, NHL, and Dead Space. Fuck the Canucks, it's a good night anyway.


That was me. Bunch of suckers, the lot of em

Peter Parker used bing? Did you watch him beat off or did they cut that part of it

There's some very obvious advertising for it in The Amazing Spider-Man. They put you over Peter's shoulder in his bedroom and everything.
There's some very obvious advertising for it in The Amazing Spider-Man. They put you over Peter's shoulder in his bedroom and everything.

For beating off? That sounds like the best movie ever. Just so we're on the same page, this ISN'T the one where he's emo right?
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