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Nikkei: Kojima left Konami today, starting new studio, [Update: Read OP Translation]

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Pretty much my thoughts. Metal gear isn't in the same league imo.

I think the point being made is this: the majority of the audience of those games could care less who made the game, whereas the audience engaged with Metal Gear is usually very engaged with the industry, the press and the media. Therefore knowing and recognizing Kojima immediately.
You can't be serious.

"Guy who created Mario and Donkey Kong" is going to be well ahead of "guy who created game most people have never heard of."

You guys are nuts.
Every person who plays Mario isn't gonna search up the name of the guy who created it. Metal Gear, they don't really have to, it's on the box.


I'm so late to this party.

Re7 soon, Kojima's new game, T7:FR, ... holy shit this year keeps on giving.

I'm really excited for 2016.

2016 for the announcement, right? I don't even expect his game to be for current consoles unless it's cross-gen with next-gen.


I just want to see what else Kojima can do outside MGS before I put him on that level. Does he have what it takes to redefine a genre other than stealth?

That Kojima was successfully able to pull off something as complex and grand in scope as MGSV for 5 platforms under those working conditions is pretty fucking incredible. It being one of the best playing/feeling games man has ever created pretty much cemented his legacy as a Top 1% game maker for me.
Not sure why some are surprised. He was always going to form a new studio and Sony's the most logical fit. Heavy presence in Japan, one of the few big publishers still there and willing to help him back on his feet. He has a great relationship with Yoshida, Cerny, etc and a longstanding, intimate relationship with Playstation.

Well not from the friends I have, that range from all sorts of backgrounds and platforms. Personally though I'm a PC user now - I was a PC user when I played MGS 1 and 2 when they launched on the platform, I played Substance when it launched on the Xbox, I played MGS 3, 4 and Peace Walker on PS3 at the beginning of the year since that was the first opportunity I had to play them, I played MGS GZ and TPP on PC.

Anecdotal evidence is perhaps not the best way dispute something.
if it was then Halo 5 would have sold 9 times as many copies... Sry had too


The whole reason MGS V could be as grandiose as it was, was due to being multiplatform. The wider audience and greater possibility of high revenue allow for games to be so much larger. It is why you don't see many third parties do console exclusivity these days, and similarly why you see less exclusive first party games purely because games take a lot longer to develop and have greater expense. It is why you see so many "exclusive games" that are both on a console and PC, again for the wider audience and increased revenue that can bring to justify larger scale and scope for games. Being restricted to any single platform will only bring a "AAA" game that is limited in it's scope over something like GTA V or MGS V, since it won't be profitable enough to justify.

While I am sure MGSV benefitted from being multiplat the game is not that big of a deal especially compared to the likes of GTA. But we dont even know what his next game will be. I actually would be a bit dissapointed if it was a open world game since IMO Kojimas strenght is in storytelling and if there was something missing in MGSV it was just that. And Sony seem to have no problems funding those kinds of games.

MGSV was a great game but much to it have to do with how well it played. The story is not the strongest and the game outside the main plot is the same for me with generic side mission that become really repetative and FOB stuff so you can add some MT.

Also like I mentioned earlier in anorher post they are a new studio and getting the funds to get any project going probably means you have to go to bed with someone in the industry and PS seems like the best option IMO for them. While crowdfunding would bring some money I bet it would not cover many of Kojimas visions alone.
Not sure why some are surprised. He was always going to form a new studio and Sony's the most logical fit. Heavy presence in Japan, one of the few big publishers still there and willing to help him back on his feet. He has a great relationship with Yoshida, Cerny, etc and a longstanding, intimate relationship with Playstation.


Hopefully whatever legal junk (if any) possibly remains with Konami doesn't stop us from learning about what he's going to make for long.
As much as I enjoy watching MS burn things to the ground in their typically inept matter, I am happy it's not going to happen this time.

Guys stop taking the miyamoto namedrop as a direct comparison. It's a general audience publication and just referenced miyamoto as a similar type of visionary and celebrated game maker.

Jfc some people act like its an affront to your god for Kojima to be mentioned in the same sentence or vice versa
That Kojima was successfully able to pull off something as complex and grand in scope as MGSV for 5 platforms under those working conditions is pretty fucking incredible. It being one of the best playing/feeling games man has ever created pretty much cemented his legacy as a Top 1% game maker for me.

Yeah that was insane. Fox Engine was truly a beast.


Good to hear he's going to land on his feet from this. I wasn't too worried, I mean I'm sure a bunch of companies would jump at that opportunity, but I'm also glad to hear that these Konami shenanigans didn't make him completely leave the gaming industry or something like that. Eagerly awaiting his next game.


Even coming first to PS4 is a pretty huge deal considering the draw Kojima has in the west. Still gonna be a long time before the project is even publicly acknowledged. Pretty exciting stuff, though.


Is it me or are people masturbating furiously at the prospect of his work being limited to Sony hardware?

I find it all a bit baffling to be honest.

guy who directed ocarina of time is a worse director than the guy who directed the piece of shit known as the phantom pain


Is it me or are ninty fans reaaaally salty in this thread?
God how strange is it that after all the years of Kojima saying he was done with Metal Gear, it was the complete destruction of his studio that finally set him free.


I hope whatever he does includes a strong storyline that's mature, political, and filled with good character development. I think that's where he shines best.
guy who directed ocarina of time is a worse director than the guy who directed the piece of shit known as the phantom pain


eh, Miyamoto also directed Wii Music. Let's be honest, to me, both lost their touch. Both Miyamoto and Kojima should retire.


Just like the piece of shit known as Wii Music.


miyamoto didn't direct wii music, he was the producer

also wii music never advertised itself as something it wasn't and was a finished product

eh, Miyamoto also directed Wii Music. Let's be honest, to me, both lost their touch. Both Miyamoto and Kojima should retire.

is this the part of the thread where we make up lies to fit our narrative? Kazumi Totaka was the Director of Wii Music.


Having beaten MGSV I think the way this whole sorry saga has played out is actually for the best.

Kojima escapes the shackles of the series that defined him, and one where he was increasingly struggling to create new plots draped around the massive and creaking narrative structure.

Konami is left with a flawless gameplay engine that needs essentially needs no tweaking, and can bring in a fresh writer to do something... well, better... than the tripe Kojima presented as a story in MGSV.

There's a strong potential that we all win here. And if Konami decides MGS is done or they eff it up totally? Well you know what? It was time. Time for it to go. And frankly it was time after MGS4.

Can't wait to see what Kojima does next.


PS5 exclusive?

Noncompete's generally go into effect AFTER someone leaves an organization, not before.

Does MS/Xbox know!?? The new studio could be formed with some help from MS...you know a blank check of sorts 👌

Xbox TwO /PC first?? =P
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