hay guys do u think theyll annonce a new banjo kazooie?![]()
Yes but it will be called Duck Hunt.
hay guys do u think theyll annonce a new banjo kazooie?![]()
hay guys do u think theyll annonce a new banjo kazooie?![]()
hay guys do u think theyll annonce a new banjo kazooie?![]()
There's more chance of them announcing Mario vs Bayonetta: Sexual Thrusting Adventures, complete with a penis shaped cover for your wii remote.
Microsoft own Banjo Kazooie.
Well that escalated quickly.
Microsoft own Banjo Kazooie.
That was before they started working on Luigi as already mentioned, but they confirmed that they have more than one team earlier this year.Weren't Next Level running another project(s) alongside LM2 that subsequently got canned? I don't think they had their full staff on LM2 for four years running.
Someone free Mikami from that ZeniMaximum Security Prison.
we don't know if it was a Nintendo's game
Gamasutra: I don't know how exactly this project got off the ground, but I don't know if they came to you and said, "It's Luigi's Mansion!" But when you're having these initial conversations, what mattered?
BH: Yeah, I can explain that. I was mentioning to the last interviewer: It kind of started as we were working on a demo for a different project completely, and then it was a conference call just like this, and all of a sudden they said, "Hey, we're making Luigi's Mansion," and it needs to have those elements we talked about earlier, about the camera. "We want to experiment with a bunch of controls that highlight the features of the 3DS."
Yeah but my idea is kinda unlikely, is it not?
eShop exclusive title built specifically around the Bumper Balls minigame from Mario Party. Traverse fiendish mazes and bump enemies out of the way to be the ultimate bumper. Title will be released today, surprise everyone, and go on to win numerous Game of the Year awards from outlets including IGN, Giant Bomb, and Official Xbox Magazine
Sounds like it, though:
Wii Fit U DLC featuring Bayonetta.
Wellll in that case, a new Mario and Luigi RPG for the Wii U
...with NO tutorials.
Region free enabling firmware update released right at the end of the Direct.
Well XB came out June 2010 in Japan so if we assume they started XBX right away and most AAA games take 24-36 months to make, then three years would have been June 2013.I feel like people don't realize how long Monolith takes because Xenoblade was already done by the time people took notice.
There was a point in Xenoblade's development where they were ready and willing to cut a massive swath of the game (apparently almost everything from Fallen Arm on) to make the release date until Nintendo told them to just finish the game and not worry about it. The game was delayed about a year.
I am going in to XBX fully expecting something similar to happen.
Mario & Luigi for Wii U? I'd love that. But I really didn't mind the Dream Team tutorials.
They started distributing a new system update last night but it error'd out. Seemingly pushed out too early (and only to some users). Expect SOME form of system update tonight, but definitely not one for region lock removal LOL.
I feel like people don't realize how long Monolith takes because Xenoblade was already done by the time people took notice.
There was a point in Xenoblade's development where they were ready and willing to cut a massive swath of the game (apparently almost everything from Fallen Arm on) to make the release date until Nintendo told them to just finish the game and not worry about it. The game was delayed about a year.
I am going in to XBX fully expecting something similar to happen.
I hope.. MS gives Banjo some new life
They started distributing a new system update last night but it error'd out. Seemingly pushed out too early (and only to some users). Expect SOME form of system update tonight, but definitely not one for region lock removal LOL.
They absolutely ruined the game for me, and many others
They at least need an option to turn them off
I didn't know this happened.
Well after the Direct, they're gonna need to pump out some stability after all the bombs they're gonna drop.
What? Moar info pls.
There's more chance of them announcing Mario vs Bayonetta: Sexual Thrusting Adventures, complete with a penis shaped cover for your wii remote.
Microsoft own Banjo Kazooie.
They started distributing a new system update last night but it error'd out. Seemingly pushed out too early (and only to some users). Expect SOME form of system update tonight, but definitely not one for region lock removal LOL.
hay guys do u think theyll annonce a new banjo kazooie?![]()
With Fire Emblem Awakening being successful, we need SMT X FE or even Awakening 2.
We need proofs, sir.
I didn't get this, for example. But someone else I know did get the same error. Someone must've flipped the switch too early by accident and quickly un-flipped it.
A buddy of mine getting it too ensured me that it's not a case of "hasn't turned on Wii U in months" either so...
New Zelda trailer here we come!!!!!!!!!
What? I got this as well, though I thought this was because I hadn't plugged in my LAN cable and it tried to check for updates and failed or something. I think this was during the maintenance on monday.https://twitter.com/twinworld/status/530011891243184128
I didn't get this, for example. But someone else I know did get the same error. Someone must've flipped the switch too early by accident and quickly un-flipped it.
A buddy of mine getting it too ensured me that it's not a case of "hasn't turned on Wii U in months" either so...