I created a Japanese account so I could try out a couple games. Now when I switch accounts back to my U.S. account, it still displays the news page in Japanese first then English afterwards. Is there any way to change this? I even disabled the Japanese account but the news page still displays in Japanese first.
I bought a micro SD card today but I have a few questions.
I know save files can't be moved but what about patch data or eshop games? Can I move them freely between the internal memory and the SD card like it was possible on Wii U or are they stuck where they have been downloaded the first time?
Does anyone else kind of miss the stick locations that the Wii U had? I hope maybe one day they offer a special joy-con that has it.
is that the crazy rhythm game?Everyone buy Thumper when its out.
I'm traveling tomorrow with a total travel time of 27 hours and this is discouraging to hear. I'm bringing my pro controller with me anyway. But what about that Hori compact play stand? Anyone have impressions on that? Would it do well on an airplane tray?I seriously can't get over how shitty this thing's kickstand is.
Ignoring the build quality, the angle is terrible. Awful. I wanted to play this on the plane earlier, but on the seat tray, the screen basically faced my chest. It desperately needs to go further back, at the very least.
It's the most obvious room for an upgrade in a "Lite" version after the bezels and battery life. Considering how well thought out the rest of the system is, this is such a huge pain point.
I'd love to take JUST the tablet and a pro controller with me, and leave the joy-cons at home. But that's just not feasible.
Hi guys.
Ive had my Switch for 24 hours and Im having massive joy con connection issues and on the brink of returning it. I played the snipperclips demo with my girlfriend last night and it was an issue but I ignored it. But tonight playing Zelda its unplayable. I literally have to hold my hands in the air to have a good connection. If I dont, buttons dont respond, i get locked into running in one direction or I get the hold L+R connection screen. Its ONLY happening to the left blue joy con.
I heard they suffer from interference problems. The switch is sat to the left of my tv, my PS4 is directly under the tv in a compartment and my router is situated under the whole TV cabinet. I also have my sound bar laying directly in front of the TV. Theres not really anywere else for it to go the way my living room is set out.
Is anyone else having issues this bad? Do you think its simply interference or is my left joy con just fucked?
Thanks in advance!
edit - im sat at most, 3m from the switch unit.
Everyone buy Thumper when its out.
Everyone buy Thumper when its out.
Everyone buy Thumper when its out.
My favorite thing about the switch is how barebones it feels.
I know that's weird, but I just want a video game ass video game system, not a half assed computer like what my PS4 feels like.
I don't need anything else, just turn it on and go.
It's super fast and slick, the UI isn't bogged down or laggy.
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with that opinion, and I get it, but I am really digging it.
Your Account Amazon.com
Message From Customer Service
I'm sorry to hear about the problem you've had with your The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch.
On this occasion, we don't require you to return the original. You're welcome to keep, donate or dispose of it - whichever option is most appropriate and convenient for you.
I've requested a refund for 56.79 USD, which includes the cost of the item and its associated shipping costs. This refund will go through within the next 3-5 business days and will appear as a credit on your billing statement. Please note that this does not include your bank's processing time.
I seriously can't get over how shitty this thing's kickstand is.
Ignoring the build quality, the angle is terrible. Awful. I wanted to play this on the plane earlier, but on the seat tray, the screen basically faced my chest. It desperately needs to go further back, at the very least.
It's the most obvious room for an upgrade in a "Lite" version after the bezels and battery life. Considering how well thought out the rest of the system is, this is such a huge pain point.
I'd love to take JUST the tablet and a pro controller with me, and leave the joy-cons at home. But that's just not feasible.
I'm traveling tomorrow with a total travel time of 27 hours and this is discouraging to hear. I'm bringing my pro controller with me anyway. But what about that Hori compact play stand? Anyone have impressions on that? Would it do well on an airplane tray?
My favorite thing about the switch is how barebones it feels.
I know that's weird, but I just want a video game ass video game system, not a half assed computer like what my PS4 feels like.
I don't need anything else, just turn it on and go.
It's super fast and slick, the UI isn't bogged down or laggy.
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with that opinion, and I get it, but I am really digging it.
My favorite thing about the switch is how barebones it feels.
I know that's weird, but I just want a video game ass video game system, not a half assed computer like what my PS4 feels like.
I don't need anything else, just turn it on and go.
It's super fast and slick, the UI isn't bogged down or laggy.
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with that opinion, and I get it, but I am really digging it.
welp, that post had me worried so i took a stroll over to TRU and picked up one of these. 3 adjustable positions so hopefully it works out on the plane's tray.
Got my Switch back from Nintendo yesterday after having to send it in for repair, or rather I got a brand new switch, ac adapter, and dock from Nintendo that they swapped with my old unit. it's working great so far, but sadly I have had to play Zelda again from the start. Oh well... It didn't take me long to get close to where I had stopped before the system died.
I only liked it when i played it in vr.
Does anyone know if digital and physical copy save data is compatible on Switch?
I think Stephen Totilo on twitter mentioned that he forgot his BOTW physical cart at home, so then he bought it digitally, and the save carried over just fine.
My joycons have a TINY bit of give near the bottom of each when attached to the unit. Its just a millimeter or so, but it is noticeable at times. Buying replacement joycons resulted in the same tthing. I know it's been brought up here by a few people experiencing the same issue, but has there been any word on whether this is just how it's designed? My instinct says yes, but who knows?
More curious to know if it works the other way around.
Wait, you want your digital copy to be physical? Why not just own the physical box and play the digital version?
Frees up space on the system storage, but I'm really asking because I'd like to buy Disgaea 5 from the Japanese store, then use my physical English copy when it eventually releases here. Want to make sure the save would work with both.
Does anyone know if digital and physical copy save data is compatible on Switch?
Uh..Ok... That's not what he's talking about...Save data is tied to your account and non transferable to a new Switch atm.