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Nor'easter expected to hit DC, NYC, Boston Monday night to Tuesday night

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begun in earnest now. View outside my door:

my car gonna be buried under this snow hardcore. why didn't I think of tarps :(

You're from NEPA iirc. My scene looks very similar. Just went outside, it ain't pretty. It's just a matter of when it stops, if it stalls, and if it carries through into Wed.


I am watching the snow through a Web Cam it's snowing in time Square but it doesn't look particularly bad. The Mall in DC even though it is dark still doesn't look bad yet.

Everyone experiencing snow please post pictures. I haven't seen snow in 7 years.




You're from NEPA iirc. My scene looks very similar. Just went outside, it ain't pretty. It's just a matter of when it stops, if it stalls, and if it carries through into Wed.

Nah, I'm FROM Brooklyn. (I'm required to say this by law since I spent my childhood there, all native New Yorkers understand). I'm currently living in NEPA lol ;)

it's just picking up fury. Every time I look out the window it seems to have got progressively worse. This seems like it might finally live up to snow totals hype here.


Mrs. Harvey
As I expected. This is like the third time they were going all nuts about getting snow but it's barely an inch or two. I swear they do this to get people to buy stuff from stores. It's all a scam.
Working overnight tonight, which means I'm likely working through the day, too, if the day shift can't make it in for the snow. Hellloooooo overtime.


As I expected. This is like the third time they were going all nuts about getting snow but it's barely an inch or two. I swear they do this to get people to buy stuff from stores. It's all a scam.

Yup. Just went outside to check and there's only about an inch of snow. Guess I'll be going to work tomorrow..I shouldn't have drank.
Im in MD. We are getting frozen rain. It's not snowflakes, it's pellets that make a lot of fucking noise. Can't sleep.

Perfect time to be getting sick and have no lozenges in the house fml
Western Central PA. We've got some, but not as much as they said we would by now. It's a real fine powdery snow too. So it won't be a complete pain in the ass.


Unconfirmed Member
In Brooklyn, looks like we've got about an inch on the ground so far, maybe slightly more. Looks like it's starting to come down pretty steady, though.


Mrs. Harvey
They did say the heaviest will be around 3 AM to 2 PM so basically if we were to go to work it will be a bitch to get back home. If that were the case it wouldn't be worth it to go in but if what they say doesn't happen womp womp womp.


Guess I should get to sleep in the event my ass actually has to go into work. Zelda is addictive... time just flies!
Waiting for bus. I will give it 15 mins before I walk.

I've been there andythinkpad

Get home safe and when you get home that hot shower will be the greatest feeling in the world

Tip: while you shower keep the clothes ur gonna wear close to a heater so when you put them on that's shit will feel godly

Then hit the bed and browse NeoGAF
My plan was getting to Flushing first and then either take the LIRR or take Q58 bus to an underground bus. But this gentleman Roberto offered me a ride to Roosevelt ave. Very nice of him.

Looks like it's going to miss us here in Nova Scotia... Just heavy rain, and high winds. I don't think my back could take another snowstorm.


i'm in central NJ and I don't see SHIT

I planned on not going to work but looking at this I got to go.......

I just got rain
We got a decent amount here in MD (about 30 minutes west of Baltimore), but it seems to be sleet or mixed right now. Feels like more significant accumulation isn't likely to happen.
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