Loki said::lol
Dude, I didn't get "worked"-- 15 FT's per game is absurd, and far beyond Jordan's single-season high of 11.85 per game (most years he averaged 8-9 per game- check the stats). Kobe's not that aggressive, and nearly half of his offensive output is currently coming from FT's. That's just wrong.
All I ask is for the same people who always cried about Jordan supposedly getting special treatment from the refs to admit that Kobe's currently getting much more. Like I said, though, it's early-- let's see how long his 15 FT's per game last.
Bionic OWNED.
Yes, I totally agree with you Loki and I will admit that you are right. Kobe gets to the FT line way more then Jordan ever did because he is a better player.
And true, I owned myself, but that is what happens when you rely on extremely biased memories and nostalgia to make an argument. Hmm, but you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you Loki?