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NPD Sales Results for February 2015 [Nintendo Numbers, Majora's, MH4, ~XB1]

On Demand

Do we have Dragonball sales numbers? I see everyone keeps saying they're happy with it with no numbers to go off of. Not letting this total SKU chart fool me.


Sony should bring back the white PS4 and bundle it with the SW game for the holidays... if only because i want a white PS4.
No need MGS:V bundle will definitely move units, especially in Japan. this is because it's going to be exclusive to PS4 in japan. That game screams system seller.
The Order:1886 got a couple of people to bite at the 59.99 price point. There is no shame in that. I know I definitely regret my Dying Light purchase (digital) *shutters*. I'm waiting for the price to fall a bit before grabbing my copy.
Sales are going to jump for PS4 anyway during this summer. Most fighting game tournements are moving to next Gen consoles. At least with EVO and USF4 PS4 was chosen as the defacto platform.


If you missed out on the holiday deals, or were expecting PS4 to sell for less during that period and chose not to buy, you probably would wait until February to bite the bullet. There will be substantial games in pre-holiday months and PS4 (and Xbox One) is selling on the strength of that. The Gamestop promotion was huge.

These people could care less about exclusives, they just want a console that plays the new games.

I think The Order and Evolve both should have launched at $40. Comparing either game to the huge amount of content in recent releases like GTAV, TLOU and Destiny doesn't work. Not everything needs to be $60 - it's more important to grow your audience for new IPs.

I'm all for cheaper games. But if you have AAA games launching at $40 then why as a consumer should I accept ones that launch higher? For better or for worse AAA products have to launch as close the premium as possible or they undermine the top end pricing structure.


I'm all for cheaper games. But if you have AAA games launching at $40 then why as a consumer should I accept ones that launch higher? For better or for worse AAA products have to launch as close the premium as possible or they undermine the top end pricing structure.

Because your value for The Order is possibly not the same as your value for another AAA game.
If Zelda sold 515,000 copies then would it be right to assume Evolve sold less than 500,000 copies? Not bad for first month I don't see it selling more than 1,000,000.
I'm all for cheaper games. But if you have AAA games launching at $40 then why as a consumer should I accept ones that launch higher? For better or for worse AAA products have to launch as close the premium as possible or they undermine the top end pricing structure.

I remember someone on Gaf saying that games priced at 40 on launch actually tend to sell less and put off customers.


Nice to see MH continuing to gain a foothold in NA. Even those curmudgeons at Giantbomb are starting to warm up to the series.


I don't think the changes needed for an Order sequel are that drastic.
-Enemy encounters were pretty fun, but needed to be a bit more open and introduce more of them, but perhaps shorter to keep the level moving along.
-Too many long cutscenes. Easy, just cut them down and use more dialogue during actual gameplay. Game does this in places already so it shouldn't be a big deal.
-Investigating things need to have a purpose. Have them properly tracked and have actual ties to the plot or subplots.
-Werewolves. Ok, the smaller werewolf encounters need to be completely rehauled; they were trash. I think the boss encounters are ok, though.
-Which brings me to QTE's. Fine for some bosses, but just use less of them for the run of the mill stuff. Seems doable.
-Story. I enjoyed the first one, but the
Lord Hastings
stuff should have progressed further. The sequel can leave room open, but also needs to tell a complete story.

Anyway, The Order as a series is far from being beyond saving in my opinion.

Don't forget the most important change. To write a story that actually works. One that has all three plot points in place, one that has characters instead of 2d paper cut-outs, ones you root for, ones you can empathize with. If RAD decides to make a sequel and decides to make it movie-like again, they should seriously consider hiring a professional writer because IMO that's the single biggest problem with the game.


Because your value for The Order is possibly not the same as your value for another AAA game.

That's true for every game released. But we don't have a merit based pricing structure in the industry. There's an expectation that most, premium games (non indie / not digital only), launch at regular price and that's $60. I'm not suggesting that's the correct price, far from it, only that as business it bad idea to introduce a premium product at discount right at launch. Unless of course as a business you are not interested in the making money.

I remember someone on Gaf saying that games priced at 40 on launch actually tend to sell less and put off customers.
I can't speak to the validity of that claim, but for sure it's confusing to a consumer to see a much anticipated product launch at significant discount.

I'd like to see all games top out at $40 for obvious reasons. But you're asking corporations to lower the price of their premium product by some 33%. These guys are trying to find ways to make games more expensive not cheaper (Season pass / DLC).

I'd also suggest if you don't have confidence to launch your game at market rate. Then it should be probably stay in the OVEN until ready. #The Order

(Note: I'm just as sad as anyone that The Order tanked - Single player story driven games are amongst my favourite experiences in gaming)


NPD USA: Feb 2014 Vs Feb 2015


The cumulative install base of PS4 and Xbox One in the USA has exceeded 14 million in March, PS4 has more than 52% share, Xbox One has less than 48% share. Worldwide install base is now over 31 million.
Something is causing Sony to sell like hotcakes. May local Targets were actually sold out for a while.

I'm thinking it's all of the releases the first part of the year. Their line-up is stacked. While MS proved that they'll go crazy with deals and pack-ins if buyers can wait 'til the holidays.
Don't most people want a sequel because they believe all of the fundamental problems with it as a game would be magically fixed in a sequel?

I would like them to get a chance to rectify their mistakes and make the game that it could have been. Whether they decide to take that path or not hopefully we'll see but... the potential is there, i'd love to see them realise it.


Your posts read like you have a emotional vendetta against 343i.

They shit all over what was one of my favourite series last gen, so yes... a touch of bitterness is possibly going to creep into what are still valid points being made.

I just googled up this article from GameSpot saying that they fixed matchmaking. It's ok to be upset, but are you sure about matchmaking still being broken? I was looking forward to picking up the bundle, but will wait if I have to.



It is fine after the last patch... 4 months to fix the online of the game.

Jeesus! Well I'll be coming in at a good time then, that's if the community is still alive.

Speaking of hardware sales, do we have real numbers now, or are the charts based on guesstimates?


In regards to the home consoles PS4 is No 1.

I might have to look into getting a new 3DS, I'd love to play Majora's Mask again.


NPD USA: Feb 2014 Vs Feb 2015


The cumulative install base of PS4 and Xbox One in the USA has exceeded 14 million in March, PS4 has more than 52% share, Xbox One has less than 48% share. Worldwide install base is now over 31 million.
Can't believe PS4 is up YoY and with no price drop..


What? General critical consensus was that the first game was a lot of fun with a good mix of different gameplay elements and people were looking forward to seeing where it went.

General critical consensus of The Order is that it is super good looking, but there's almost no actual game in there, and what is there is pretty mediocre.

I'm sure you can find individuals who will say different things, but thats the critical consensus behind the two, and Uncharted has a good metacritic while the Order doesn't.

Uncharted 1 and The Order have more similarities than not. Uncharted WAS criticized for many gameplay mechanics, but was enjoyed and received decent reviews nonetheless because it was a completely different time in gaming history. Linear SP experiences were still in fashion and MP was not a requirement of every game.

The Order also has the components to make for a good gameplay experience too, which is why many people hope they get another chance to expand on the universe.


I would like them to get a chance to rectify their mistakes and make the game that it could have been. Whether they decide to take that path or not hopefully we'll see but... the potential is there, i'd love to see them realise it.

I'm not sure we need a sequel. But I'd like to see the team work on something else. There is talent at the studio... it would be a shame for that talent to be fractured. They deserve a chance to make something else. Doesn't have to be The Order though.
I also think its unfair to compare the sales of Zelda: MM to other titles.

PS4 and XB1 are still relatively new consoles. Its unfair to expect the sales of games for those platforms to match the sales of a game on 3DS, which has sold 10s of millions.


I also think its unfair to compare the sales of Zelda: MM to other titles.

PS4 and XB1 are still relatively new consoles. Its unfair to expect the sales of games for those platforms to match the sales of a game on 3DS, which has sold 10s of millions.

When you look at the demographics of 3DS owners vs PS4 and XB1 owners, it's really not. Total install base isn't everything.
I also think its unfair to compare the sales of Zelda: MM to other titles.

PS4 and XB1 are still relatively new consoles. Its unfair to expect the sales of games for those platforms to match the sales of a game on 3DS, which has sold 10s of millions.

What are PS4 hardware sales at in the US?

Personally, I feel like nothing on PS4 or XB1 has really set the world on fire in terms of software sales. We've had remasters and typical 3rd party stuff do really well, but outside of that it seems rather flat.

Mory Dunz

I also think its unfair to compare the sales of Zelda: MM to other titles.

PS4 and XB1 are still relatively new consoles. Its unfair to expect the sales of games for those platforms to match the sales of a game on 3DS, which has sold 10s of millions.

Well, people try to argue that the total Zelda fanbase is only like 6 million (give or take some) strong or so, and that the install base matters less to sales, and other factors do. Which would be why TP didn't go off for like 20 mil on the Wii.

(I'm not saying this is my viewpoint.)

What are the LTDs anyway?
I'm probably wrong but I thought I saw like 7 mill for PS4 and 14 for 3DS


NPD USA: Feb 2014 Vs Feb 2015


The cumulative install base of PS4 and Xbox One in the USA has exceeded 14 million in March, PS4 has more than 52% share, Xbox One has less than 48% share. Worldwide install base is now over 31 million.

Over 31m as of Feb 28 2015 with 20.2m of that being PS4. That means PS4 has nearly doubled XB1 worldwide. LTD marketshare is probably on the north side of 50% then.
Being a launch game has typically been seen as a disadvantage instead of a massive advantage. The user base is tiny. I guess PS4 could be seen as a bit of an anomaly since its initial sales and the weeks following were massive. BUT, Killzone barely got better reviews than The Order, they both underperformed in that regard. Also, word of mouth for The Order seems mostly positive from what I've seen. Most people calling it shit haven't played it and are only going by a select few reviews.

Shadowsfall has an 8 points advantage on Metacritic over The Order. There is only a .2 point user score difference. However 8 points is pretty nice lead. Sure a 73 isn't great but that's a C according to collegeboard.com (or 2.0 GPA). The Order at a 65 is a D or 1.0 GPA. Also, what word of mouth for the Order? If its anything like what I tell friends it goes "It looks awesome, I enjoyed it, but I regret spending $60 on it. Wait until its $30 or less to purchase." Sure, its positive but its not the best word of mouth. And honestly, most of the comments I see here are the same.
I wonder which rank The Order had to achieve to not be downplayed here ^^

I didn't follow all the thread, do we have the individual SKU top 10 ? The RAD game could very well be in second place for the month, no ?

It charted above MH4U which is a 10 years old IP, heavily promoted by Nintendo and Capcom for some years now, with the advantage of being a launch title for a successful new platform, the New Nintendo 3DS.

The Order is a new IP launching on a single platform which received a very special hate treatment several days before launching, notably because of YouTube.

If I remember correctly, The Order was also #1 for it's week launch pretty much in every country (except Japan of course). It's also number #4 in February digital sales on the US PlayStation Store (the EU one is late) which is always nameworthy for a full-priced game (it's a little disappointing that Evolve is one rank above, but The Order came later in the month).


Microsoft has Halo 5 and CoD, so this Battlefront deal with Sony makes sense.

Even with that I think Sony needs a big exclusive now that Uncharted 4 was delayed. MS is bringing big guns for holidays.

Marketing deals with third party games can do miracles! MS had big guns exclusives for Holidays 2014, but look how FH2, Halo : MCC, Sunset Overdrive ended up next Ass Creed Unity bundle! If true with Star Wars deal, ( Star Wars is a much bigger name than Uncharted ) that can be huge!


Not really excited about GT7 for holidays if Sony can't be bothered to get the G25 and G27s working on the PS4.

Nothing to worry about on that front. A yet unannounced GT7 being announced in 2015 and launching in the same year seems like a pure fantasy.


NPD USA: Feb 2014 Vs Feb 2015


The cumulative install base of PS4 and Xbox One in the USA has exceeded 14 million in March, PS4 has more than 52% share, Xbox One has less than 48% share. Worldwide install base is now over 31 million.

So XB1 is at least 10.5 million?



PS4 currently leads by just under 650,000 units.
The gap was at it's highest in October 2014 (1,150,000 unit lead) and at its lowest in December 2013 (185,000 unit lead). PS4 has always lead over Xbox sales as shown above^
If the PS4 is leading by 650K units now, I can easily see the gap expanding back to 1.15M or even more by October. To do so, the PS4 only has to sell a minimum of 500K for the next 7 months, meaning an average of ~71K a month, which should be quite easy IMO. June and September alone could see a gap of >100K between the two consoles due to the release of Batman Arkham Knight and MGS5
Thats good that it's selling ok so far together with PSTV
Such a strange month for the Vita.

Vita and TV sold more than Vita did in Nov.

Can't remember Dec numbers for Vita, but I imagine they sold right on par with Vita in Dec.

That's the thing with dead platforms. Even modest increases are huge jolts of life.
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