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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]

Call me horrible.

But I'm genuinely happy to see WiiU's continued poor sales. Nintendo deserves every bit of failure associated with that console.

Sad about 3DS numbers though.

At least Legend of Zelda did good. Have an unopened copy here and I can't wait till after tomorrow to get a chance to play.

And congrats to Sony and PS4.

Looks like their sacrifice of the Vita to the gaming gods worked out well.
I think Nintendo should drop their stupid "secrecy". They should drop this "we focus only on the next launching game" strategy. Is not useful, it doesn't build enough hype, it overloads the public with info about one game and one game only and it maintains this appearance that there are no other games coming.
Announce the damn launching schedule for 2014, show all your cards, it will help you much more. Be transparent, if you have good games there is no sense to keep them hidden. Or you can keep 1-2 surprise IPs, but everyone knows that the big ones are coming anyway. Announce the months at list. And even if there are delay, that happens to everyone. Look at GTA V or AC IV. Shit happens. But you get people to talk and know your games. And get some money towards the 3rd parties. Get some good ports, get some collaborations.
I stopped buying the whole "Nintendo's secret game we don't know about will save it" narrative a log time ago. The situation seems so bad that I don't believe there's a thing Nintendo can announce that will spur sales in the long run other than a price cut of unrealistic proportions.


At this rate, even the thought about Bayonetta 2 and X sales is frightening.

20k each? 35?

Will there even be Bayonetta 2 and X? God damn it.



They have enough cash. We'll probably see another Gamecube - situation: Great exclusive games and almost zero 3rd oparty software. I expect a new console in 2016

More like a Wii than a gamecube. Gamecube consistently got third party support whether it was sports games, ports etc. Plus, gamecube also had a much higher output from Nintendo.

This is like Wii, where Wii will get ports the first year or two, then, it will lose almost all multiplatform support, and then it's basically a ghost town of 1-2 Nintendo games every few months. Hell, even the Wii got more sports games than the Wii U is getting.

How anyone still believes Wii U can come back is beyond me, it's walking dead at this point.


I think there's few things here:

1) A lot of the games they release are better suited to a portable experience. Animal Crossing is great for commutes or lunch breaks if you don't take public transport like a peasant.

2) A lot of the games are best tasted in small bites. A Mario Kart race or two before bed. These aren't the kinds of things you'll sit down with a can of Monster and play for 8 hour binge sessions.

3) There's a certain attraction to having a single all-in-one unit that you can play without disrupting others. I think that there was a lot of that thinking that went into the Wii U Gamepad. Unfortunately, the Gamepad is limited by it's range and it's not exactly stellar.

X will be this type of experience. And it will be fucking awesome.


Why are people trying to prop up Wii U by comparing it to Vita now? Two different devices selling poorly for two different reasons. The main difference however is that Sony understands that Vita is in a place where they are trying to build it up as a companion device to PS4 and let it cut its own niche out. Wii U is supposed to be the successor to one of the highest selling consoles of all time and is selling bomba levels. I suspect Nintendo investors are on suicide watch or close to it.

Not really comparing.

They're both consoles that are reported by NPD that are selling poorly, so we will talk about them because they are the two lowest. Market proposition has no bearing on those numbers and their discussion.
Omg thank you. When someone brings up the GC as an attempt at creating a powerful console...shaped like a purse and never having performance specs officially released to brag...I feel like slapping them through the internet.

The GC was a console that could compete with the other big 2 in a very compact format, it was a powerful console while being the cheaper of the bunch. Ill mantain for the rest of my GAF life that it was MUCH better than that horrible thing named Xbox. Yeah, even with the purple. (I had the black one, only suckers bought the purple one)


benevolent sexism
Keep in mind the PS1 did the same thing. Sony went from industry newcomer to 100 million consoles sold in a single generation, retained that expanded audience, and continued to build on it with the PS2.

I don't buy that there was nothing nintendo could have done to prevent the mass exodus of literally everyone they brought in with the wii, plus 10 million people who bought a gamecube.

some of that responsibility is hardware decisions, some is software, some is marketing, but nintendo fucked up in every possible way one COULD have fucked up with the wiiU.

the only consoles selling LESS than the wiiU is tracking to sell are the absolute failure tier consoles, like 3D0, jaguar, CDi, virtual boy, and master system. Edit: I take that back. The wii U is going to be outsold by the sega master system.

Any random gaffer could have put together a business plan that would sell more consoles than this.

That's a fair point, and I didn't mean to appear to be arguing that Nintendo didn't fuck up massively in every possible way. They clearly did.

I think the key difference (or one of them) between the PS1's and the Wii's surges in popularity is that the PS1's was software driven, while the Wii's was input mechanic driven. The Wiimote was crucial in getting non-gamers to try video games and play them at parties or whatever. That in turn got people talking about it and it spread through the mainstream culture. The PS1 just had a widely appealing library, and perhaps that kind of draw has a more lasting effect on the user base.

That can't be the whole story but I think it might be something.


Low hardware and third party sales were expected, but 215k for Mario is the big shocker for me. Nintendo should just pack it up and start planning a new console. In the meantime they need to drop the gamepad and price ASAP so they can at least give Smash/Kart a chance at decent sales.
Why would they spend any serious money on something that will never get them a reasonable return? They are more likely to move games to the 3DS than put anything on the WiiU, especially when it costs them more to make a WiiU game than a 3DS game.

Yeah, no 3rd party support is terrible for them. Why is that, because they make no money in licensing fees. At least the Gamecube had 3rd parties right up until the end. Who is going to finance even a port to WiiU when Nintendo can barely break even on their own machine?

Yep, I think we've seen most of their games already. There'll be a X, Yarn Yoshi, Zelda and the ones we know the names of, anything major that's further away might have to shuffle off somewhere else.
Yep. The Vita being a companion piece for the PS4 is a joke.

Sony has a habit of supporting hardware long past it's viability date, just because that's what sony does.

Vita owners will probably be generally pleased with it, and it will have some kind of retail presence alongside the PS4.

It's DEFINITELY sony's last handheld though, and I don't expect any huge software titles that aren't PS2/PS3 ports of some sort.


The Wii U is almost at a point where there is no viable way it can sustain itself as a main console for anyone, nor does it inspire any confidence.

Even a MASSIVE price cut will just cause people to buy it as a Nintendo machine, but I'll still be ignored by third parties, which as you can see in the software graph are what drive the industry now.
The only way the Wii U can be "saved" is by Nintendo sinking hundreds of millions of dollars, even billions, into further price reduction, and I doubt that's something Nintendo is willing to do. And even then I doubt that would amount to "good" sales, just not Dreamcast time to pack it up sales.
Do you really believe that? Do you think in March of this year for example MS expected to have to even fight with Sony for the US? Have you seen the percentages in the US for the 360/PS3? Here's a hint - the 360 wiped the floor with the PS3 in the US. Now, it comes out that Sony outsold MS in the US (their strongest area), and this is good news for MS? Really? The only good news is that MS will not be able to force parity with a weaker system.

BTW, here is something that will blow your mind... Almost as many 360's sold as the XB1.

Xbox One and PS4 sold as much as they made in November. Sony made more and launched a week earlier. There should be no surprise that Sony sold more.

The only interesting trend is that multiplatform games sold better on PS4. That's more indicative of a trend.

Like others have said, we won't know much until the systems are in better supply and we're into next year.


Nintendo needs to drop the Wii U price down into the $200 range... people don't consider it next generation, and it has to compete with the 360/PS3. Nintendo needs to realize people DO care about power

Look at the PS4 numbers for proof. Nintendo makes great software, but their hardware is just not even capable.

Hmm...I don't think the hardware is a large problem. It's mostly due to the lack of 3rd party support, dated online experience, and the other consoles having a bigger install base so the "my friends are there" aspect is there.


Nintendo is reaping the seeds it sowed last generation when it prematurely killed off the Wii instead of capitalizing on its sales by expanding their software output.
Sony has a habit of supporting hardware long past it's viability date, just because that's what sony does.

Vita owners will probably be generally pleased with it, and it will have some kind of retail presence alongside the PS4.

It's DEFINITELY sony's last handheld though, and I don't expect any huge software titles that aren't PS2/PS3 ports of some sort.

Pretty much this. Games are coming to Vita so either way is fine to me.
Yes and Nintendo seems unable to make any real companionship between 3DS and WiiU while you bring it up. A missed opportunity.
Not sure how much a "real companionship" would matter in the big picture. GC sales didn't get propped up by GBA compatibility. Vita sales likely aren't going to budge much from PS4 compatibility.


Sony has a habit of supporting hardware long past it's viability date, just because that's what sony does.

Vita owners will probably be generally pleased with it, and it will have some kind of retail presence alongside the PS4.

It's DEFINITELY sony's last handheld though, and I don't expect any huge software titles that aren't PS2/PS3 ports of some sort.

I dunno, they're doing well with the Xperia line so there could be a phone with buttons in the future as the vita's successor, or even an xperia tablet of sorts. Still, yeah, they're likely done with dedicated handhelds. Sad.


MS lost to Sony in its own territory, selling less consoles for the month than Sony did in 24 hrs. Keep in mind the utter domination MS had on them last year. Add in the fact the the XB1 is WAY behind in every other territory, things don't look good.

As far as the rest is concerned, you have the loss of marketshare with the XB1, the Surface is amazingly bad, and the Windows phone isn't performing well either. Pressure to sell them all off will increase exponentially after the Holidays

You should stop posting. Xbone is fine. There will be no pressure to sell it off lol.


Omg thank you. When someone brings up the GC as an attempt at creating a powerful console...shaped like a purse and never having performance specs officially released to brag...I feel like slapping them through the internet.

But it was undeniably a powerful console though. At the time of its launch, it was employing a modern designed CPU and GPU, producing results that were noticeably more advanced than the PS2 (which was absolutely cutting edge when it launched). The fact is came in a cute plastic package doesn't change anything.


Yep, I think we've seen most of their games already. There'll be a X, Yarn Yoshi, Zelda and the ones we know the names of, anything major that's further away might have to shuffle off somewhere else.

If they're going to abandon the console they'd better make Zelda cross-gen.

They can't afford to fuck up the launch of the next console.

Boss Man

We have to remember these are all pre-Cranky Kong Wii U sales

get a little perspective here, people.
It's crazy that they knew how bad things were and this was the best they could do.

I am genuinely worried for Nintendo, but I also think it's totally their fault for getting lazy last generation.


Well, I'm happy, but not.
I'm easily one of the biggest nintendo nerds in neogaf. I was crying tears in NY last month when I went inside Nintendo Store for the first time.

Anyway, I've saying for a long time:

1) Nintendo is already preparing an honorific let go to Iwata in march/april. He will step down now. Wii was luck, no competence there. Actually, as Nintendo was going down, they made a launch to the console based on their fans. With Wii U, they got over confident. Arrogant i would say, and destroyed the brand in 12 months.

2) They will release their games in production. They won`t create new games. Don`t expect a new Nintendo Direct. They won`t make it anymore. Expect Nintendo focusing completely in Nintendo 3ds. They will propably cancel the new yoshi yarn and FExSMT for wii u and move it to 3ds. Eventually, they will be completely canned.

3) Wii U is going discontinued in October. It does not make sense in keeping the console alive. Wii U is breaking Nintendo. Even the games don`t sell. Create a game for a system that does not sell is stupid and the worst idea ever. The wii u is not a gamecube, it`s far worse. They`re losing money with hardware and games. Im not sure, but I believe that Mario 3d world needed to sell at least 2 million copies to take development costs back. It didn`t.

4) I see Myamoto retiring soon. He won`t be there for so long, and I think he won`t be willing to take the blame for the bad sales. This will make him retire in the next 3 years.

5) Nintendo will eventually launch a new system, the true Nintendo Dreamcast in home consoles. Nintendo`s future is dark, but it all depends on the next leader. The death of Iamauchi plus the terrible state of Wii U is really capable os destroying this company.

6) It takes years to create a big company, but a couple of months to destroy everything. Nintendo made all the bad choices possible. In the future, people will study how to not launch a product based on Wii U.

Such a terrible day...... but we`re seeing history happening guys. The nazys just conquered Paris or something like this.... I know I'm being ridiculous, but Nintendo is much more ridiculous than I am.


The Wii U is almost at a point where there is no viable way it can sustain itself as a main console for anyone, nor does it inspire any confidence.

Even a MASSIVE price cut will just cause people to buy it as a Nintendo machine, but I'll still be ignored by third parties, which as you can see in the software graph are what drive the industry now.

I'll be completely honest, I can't see myself buying the console if it was $99 at this point in time.

This is coming from one of the biggest Nintendo fanatics. They just don't appeal to me any longer.


I don't understand why people thought Mario would begin the turnaround. There were 3D Mario games on the Gamecube and that didn't do shit to turn around that console's fortune.

There always been the theory that the reason Nintendo's core franchises sold so well on the Wii was because they were carried on the casual wave Wii Sports created. I guess that theory is proving true.

The turnaround hope was just to get to Gamecube numbers.
But it was undeniably a powerful console though. At the time of its launch, it was employing a modern designed CPU and GPU, producing results that were noticeably more advanced than the PS2 (which was absolutely cutting edge when it launched). The fact is came in a cute plastic package doesn't change anything.

People arguing about GC's power need to go play that Resident Evil REMake and RE0, then come back and tell me the GC was underpowered.

I love my GC though (and I own a black one).
Just took advantage of that Best Buy sale to nab Super Mario 3D World and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD.

I remember loving the Dreamcast and the GameCube even though they were "dying" systems. I still love them. My current TV has a GameCube, Wii U, and a PS3 hooked up. I'll nab a PS4 once all the launch issues are done and there are games I want for it.

Do I feel saddened by the lack of financial success for the Wii U?

The only reason I would feel emotional about it is if it were so bad that they stopped development on the games I want. As for right now? Eh. The games I bought the system for are still coming out and I have a nice little backlog of games to play through already.

Edit: I still have that GameCube hooked up because it still contains the best version of Resident Evil 1, I still play Phantasy Star Online, and I'm playing through Twilight Princess again on the system it was MEANT to be played on.

rdrr gnr

Nintendo needs to drop the Wii U price down into the $200 range... people don't consider it next generation, and it has to compete with the 360/PS3. Nintendo needs to realize people DO care about power

Look at the PS4 numbers for proof. Nintendo makes great software, but their hardware is just not even capable.
A price drop would help like how a smart marketing/branding strategy would have helped. Which is to say -- sorta. The Wii U at its core is unappealing. I don't own a Wii U but if you offered me one for $59.99 (price of a new 360 or PS4 title), I'd honestly take the new game.


The Wii U's sales are abysmal, even on the standards of the GC and DC, but this shouldn't surprise anyone. Both of those consoles were way better value propositions. It's time for Nintendo to wake up, and stop being super-quirky and adverse to hardware progress.
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