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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]

I think it's more people laughing at SE/CD for being damn morons than rooting for TR to do bad. I think most everyone who has played TR agrees that it's a great game and paired with the original reboot has been a great series.

Basically if someone or something does/says something dumb, they get mocked. That's how it works on GAF.
No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.


I'm not as sad Tomb Raider didn't do better as I am disgusted that people are just straight up rooting for it to do bad.


Seriously though, it's not the game people are rooting against. It's the deal.

Edit: Posted while I was posting.

No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.

Don't do this. Nothing good will come of it.


I'm under the impression that Crystal Dynamics wants to be a Xbox first party studio. Between them only developing Xbox versions of their games, this deal and how proudly talked about having Lara on stage with Master Chief and Marcus Fenix and being like first party...maybe SE should sell the studio to Microsoft, but keep the Tomb Raider IP.

I still remember seeing this tweet posted here
No fuck given lol
I can possibly see why MS would have wanted ROTR as an exclusive, but what I don't get is why S-E would agree to such lopsided terms. I think the timing of the deal possibly has a lot to do with it.

If you recall, U4 was originally slated as a Fall 2015 release. I suspect Microsoft looked at TR as a way to potentially blunt some of the impact of the Naughty Dog juggernaut and help keep the Xbox faithful from jumping ship. "Hey all you Xboxers...we have our own Uncharted-like experience on Xbox One, plus we have Halo and they don't! There's no need to go elsewhere."

I also have to think this deal was put to bed before Sony and ND announced that Uncharted 4 was being pushed back to March 2016.

Had Uncharted launched when originally planned, then this deal seems to make more sense from a Square-Enix standpoint. It's a good bet that TR would have had a difficult time competing head-to-head with U4. But, If S-E partnered with MS and made it a console exclusive (timed or otherwise), then the upfront cash they'd get from that arrangement could go a long way towards covering any sales shortfall to the competition.

Where things fall apart is after Sony announces the delay. In the end, TR has the market all to itself in Q4, but S-E can't take advantage of the situation. The whole scenario is bad news for Square-Enix. Now, Tomb Raider looks like damaged goods, regardless of the quality of the game.

On a side note, I had $40 in Target gift cards last week, so I picked up a copy of ROTR for free. It marks the fourth Xbox One game I've gotten since getting the system. I'm only about six hours in, but I like it...not as much as any of the Uncharted games, but it is well-crafted and fun to play. It certainly deserves better than what it has gotten so far.


Not odd at all when many early reports and reviews stated that Unity had all sort of bugs and glitches. All the positive press that Black Flag accumulated can't make consumers part with their $$$ for a buggy game. That's not the case here.

Someone mentioned this earlier and I think they were joking around but they probably nailed it. Tomb Raider GOTY edition for PS4, and included is a code for a sneak peek/demo/trial of the FFVII remake. Hell, Sony might even invite them to PSX to make the announcement.

If SE includes a demo code ala FF Type 0 HD, RISEPS4 will sell truck loads.

Holy shit, SE can save the sinking ship!!
No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.
Trolling or not, I feel sorry for people like you.


Had Uncharted launched when originally planned, then this deal seems to make more sense from a Square-Enix standpoint. It's a good bet that TR would have had a difficult time competing head-to-head with U4. But, If S-E partnered with MS and made it a console exclusive (timed or otherwise), then the upfront cash they'd get from that arrangement could go a long way towards covering any sales shortfall to the competition.

Where things fall apart is after Sony announces the delay. In the end, TR has the market all to itself in Q4, but S-E can't take advantage of the situation. The whole scenario is bad news for Square-Enix. Now, Tomb Raider looks like damaged goods, regardless of the quality of the game.

None of this makes any sense as the original plan ment going against multi platform Fallout 4, Blops3, Starwars BF, Need for speed etc etc and single platform Uncharted 4.

"Today" it does not compete against Uncharted 4 and the defence/thinking is that it failed because it had one less competitor? The plan SE/MS came up with is unmitigated lunacy in it's conception and execution.


Not odd at all when many early reports and reviews stated that Unity had all sort of bugs and glitches. All the positive press that Black Flag accumulated can't make consumers part with their $$$ for a buggy game. That's not the case here.

Someone mentioned this earlier and I think they were joking around but they probably nailed it. Tomb Raider GOTY edition for PS4, and included is a code for a sneak peek/demo/trial of the FFVII remake. Hell, Sony might even invite them to PSX to make the announcement.

Sony will not give even a second to TR in any of their stage shows.


No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.

Might want to take it down just a notch or two


I'm not as sad Tomb Raider didn't do better as I am disgusted that people are just straight up rooting for it to do bad.


No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.



But why? Do they not know about Rare? Do they think just because MS at large has a ton of money they'll get funding for whatever game they want to make, when even Bungie, MS's best 1st-party until departure, couldn't even get clearance for anything other than Halo (hence the reason why they went off to do their own thing again in the first place)?

CD is just hopped up on a romanticized dream of MS when examples from reality easily destroy that to any dev with a head on their shoulders. I'm not saying MS is some Dante's Inferno type of hell for developers, but it's pretty easy to say they're the weakest out of the three when it comes to fostering 1st party talent to diversify and expand the library, and do so consistently. And it's almost always an issue w/ MS corporate, not the devs under their wings.

So why the hell would CD want that?

Actually, MS let Bungie work on a new ip while Halo 2 was under development. That ended poorly, due to Bungie being unable to handle both.
None of this makes any sense as the original plan ment going against multi platform Fallout 4, Blops3, Starwars BF, Need for speed etc etc and single platform Uncharted 4.

"Today" it does not compete against Uncharted 4 and the defence/thinking is that it failed because it had one less competitor? The plan SE/MS came up with is unmitigated lunacy in it's conception and execution.
Sorry, I was referring to an "apples to apples" comparison between Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4. I guess I should have been clearer about that.

Also, do you honestly think if Uncharted 4 launched when originally planned, it would have suffered against any of the multi platform titles you mentioned?

IMO, that's the big difference between the two games, U4 is going sell well against any and all competition. ROTR, on the other hand, has demonstrated it cannot. That's why if U4 came out when originally planned, the MS deal might have made more fiscal sense to S-E.
I'm surprised people are suggesting SE hold a FFVIIR demo hostage under RotTR. I'd imagine that would piss more people off, something I don't think SE wants more of.

Sure, they've done it before, but it got called out back then too. Rather than prop up RotTR, it might harm FFVIIR.
Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 will now be releasing close to FF15 (IF it hits next year as planned)

I dont think you would bundle a FF7 demo with Tomb Raider if its releasing a month apart from the actual Final Fantasy game you want to sell.
Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 will now be releasing close to FF15 (IF it hits next year as planned)

I dont think you would bundle a FF7 demo with Tomb Raider if its releasing a month apart from the actual Final Fantasy game you want to sell.

Good point. If anything, FFXV would get the demo.


Has this poster been properly vetted? I'm pretty sure I know the exact source (who works for a developer that is not Crystal Dynamics) and I don't think he/she would want the information shared here... especially since it's straight from a private message board.

See below:

I've removed quite a bit as to not reveal the writing style of the source. I can provide unedited images of the entire conversation to the mods if needed.

If you think the source doesn't want the info shared, maybe not a good idea to post a screenshot of the source? I think the forum where that message was posted is still identifiable by googling the info you left on the screenshot.


No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.

Or that the educated customer base and market are voting with their wallets against the exclusivity deal (and the game as a result). Nothing wrong with that, the market has spoken.

Just like any other game or DLC; you like the deal? You like the game? Buy it. Vote with your dollars. Millions of other people have in one way or another.


No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.

The people who have mentioned they hope the game fails are hoping so because they hate what the reboot has changed the franchise into. It has nothing to do with Sony or MS or anything except Crystal Dynamics radical reinvention of the series.

Everybody else is either laughing or shocked because of the way this deal has been handled. Literally every decision in regards to this deal has been either tone deaf or downright detrimental. Even if you dont think that is worth talking about you then have a 60% drop in debut sales for an established and storied franchise. That n its own is something people take note of regardless of any other factors.

The deal has been criticized from the start because people knew it would negatively impact sales of the game and because the information surrounding its reveal and subsequent updates was laughably bad. Most recognized this deal for what it was day 1 despite what CD and MS were trying to sell it as and frankly as more and more stupid decisions piled up it under performed even the worst of expectations.

So, after all this, you're telling me that despite the comedy of errors surrounding this exclusivity the only reason to look at this clusterfuck of a deal and laugh or shake your head is because you're a "Sony fanboy?" Nah. But if it makes you fell better about the game bombing horribly you go right ahead. I know that hurts.


No, people are laughing because they're entitled Sony fanboys who feel slighted because someone didn't kowtow to them for a change and they're petty about it. If the shoe were on the other foot surely people's faux integrity nonsense would cease to exist.

Damn, son. Where did that come from?


I'm surprised people are suggesting SE hold a FFVIIR demo hostage under RotTR. I'd imagine that would piss more people off, something I don't think SE wants more of.

Sure, they've done it before, but it got called out back then too. Rather than prop up RotTR, it might harm FFVIIR.

FFVIIR demo only makes sense if bundled with FFXV late next year.

About Tomb Raider....they made a really bad business decision and they'll have to deal with the consequences.
Hopefully for them the PC version will sell decently and they'll recoup some money.
Maybe they'll try asking Microsoft to renegotiate again based on low sales and the fact that the partnership didn't go as expected for both the parts involved.
I think that some heads at Crystal Dynamics will roll early next year anyway...maybe they'll find a better job at Microsoft :p


Maybe they'll try asking Microsoft to renegotiate again based on low sales and the fact that the partnership didn't go as expected for both the parts involved.
I think that some heads at Crystal Dynamics will roll early next year anyway...maybe they'll find a better job at Microsoft :p
That probably won't go well.


Sorry, I was referring to an "apples to apples" comparison between Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4. I guess I should have been clearer about that.

Also, do you honestly think if Uncharted 4 launched when originally planned, it would have suffered against any of the multi platform titles you mentioned?

IMO, that's the big difference between the two games, U4 is going sell well against any and all competition. ROTR, on the other hand, has demonstrated it cannot. That's why if U4 came out when originally planned, the MS deal might have made more fiscal sense to S-E.

How does it make more fiscal sense? Does the release of UC4 result in a universe where Fallout 4, Halo5, Blops 3, Star Wars BF, need for speed etc etc disappear? Does uncharted 4 concurrent existence mean every game you buy on the Xbox turn up lara? Would every sold UC4 have resulted in MS paying SE per copy?

The idée fixe that UC4 would have crushed ROTR in a head to head led to the inane fantasy that the best course of action would be to take it on head to head on 2 consoles with less market share.....

Planning to fail in the face of such insurmountable odds is rat crazy, like cleaning your room as opposed to actually studying for your exam and then resting in the knowledge that maybe you could have passed if you'd bothered studying.
How does it make more fiscal sense? Does the release of UC4 result in a universe where Fallout 4, Halo5, Blops 3, Star Wars BF, need for speed etc etc disappear? Does uncharted 4 concurrent existence mean every game you buy on the Xbox turn up lara? Would every sold UC4 have resulted in MS paying SE per copy?

The idée fixe that UC4 would have crushed ROTR in a head to head led to the inane fantasy that the best course of action would be to take it on head to head on 2 consoles with less market share.....

Planning to fail in the face of such insurmountable odds is rat crazy, like cleaning your room as opposed to actually studying for your exam and then resting in the knowledge that maybe you could have passed if you'd bothered studying.

The argument, albeit a very odd one, is that a face off of the two IPs would have created an organic buzz and in turn free articles in video game press (which I am sure you covered in a previous post). Granted, that would have elevated the public status of either entry somewhat. Although, this wouldn't take into account the other very popular titles being released around the same time.

Basically, if that was one of the driving reasons for releasing TR as an exclusive at that time... it was a crap idea. A couple articles and free publicity about the theoretical face off doesn't take away the fact that BLOP3, BF, Fallout 4, and H5 directly before was happening.


How does it make more fiscal sense? Does the release of UC4 result in a universe where Fallout 4, Halo5, Blops 3, Star Wars BF, need for speed etc etc disappear? Does uncharted 4 concurrent existence mean every game you buy on the Xbox turn up lara? Would every sold UC4 have resulted in MS paying SE per copy?

The idée fixe that UC4 would have crushed ROTR in a head to head led to the inane fantasy that the best course of action would be to take it on head to head on 2 consoles with less market share.....

Planning to fail in the face of such insurmountable odds is rat crazy, like cleaning your room as opposed to actually studying for your exam and then resting in the knowledge that maybe you could have passed if you'd bothered studying.

I think the idea they are trying to express is that the intention was for a marketing rivalry betwixt RotTR and UC. They might have hoped such a rivalry would elevate the reboot series in some regards. It also would be likely drum up a lot of unpaid marketing/attention via head to head articles, videos and what not that would have popped up online. I could certainly see them (MS, SE and CD) picturing it playing out that way and thinking it would lead to $$$.
I think the idea they are trying to express is that the intention was for a marketing rivalry betwixt RotTR and UC. They might have hoped such a rivalry would elevate the reboot series in some regards. It also would be likely drum up a lot of unpaid marketing/attention via head to head articles, videos and what not that would have popped up online. I could certainly see them (MS, SE and CD) picturing it playing out that way and thinking it would lead to $$$.


What's even more mind boggling is that the software that probably pulled the most away from RotTR specifically with the Xbox user mindshare was Fallout 4, also Microsoft marketing partner. Anecdotally, they hammered the commercials and promotion of Fallout 4 like a war drum (a multiplatform release) and went a lot lighter on their true exclusive, TR, that they presumably paid a lot to keep exclusive. It was just surreal and almost tells 3rd party devs that staying multiplatform and having a hot game trumps making your game exclusive (which is most definitely true, but I can't see why a a console platform would want to publicly validate that thought like they did with F4 and RotTR)).


Uncharted is in the same genre as modern TR. FO4 is not.

Fallout is in a whole other League though. Any game that doesn't have a rock solid fanbase/audience to draw from would feel the effects of a game that big when they are releasing the same month let alone the same day. Either MS, CD and SE severely overestimated the pedigree of RotTR or they purposefully handicapped the title. Seeing as SE sought to mitigate the potential losses of the title via an exclusivity deal you would think that would eliminate the former as a possibility (You don't sign away exclusivity rights to a multiplatform franchise/game you are confident in). Couple Fallout with other heavy hitters releasing that month and it's a truly bizarre decision to say the least.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I can possibly see why MS would have wanted ROTR as an exclusive, but what I don't get is why S-E would agree to such lopsided terms. I think the timing of the deal possibly has a lot to do with it.

If you recall, U4 was originally slated as a Fall 2015 release. I suspect Microsoft looked at TR as a way to potentially blunt some of the impact of the Naughty Dog juggernaut and help keep the Xbox faithful from jumping ship. "Hey all you Xboxers...we have our own Uncharted-like experience on Xbox One, plus we have Halo and they don't! There's no need to go elsewhere."

I also have to think this deal was put to bed before Sony and ND announced that Uncharted 4 was being pushed back to March 2016.

Had Uncharted launched when originally planned, then this deal seems to make more sense from a Square-Enix standpoint. It's a good bet that TR would have had a difficult time competing head-to-head with U4. But, If S-E partnered with MS and made it a console exclusive (timed or otherwise), then the upfront cash they'd get from that arrangement could go a long way towards covering any sales shortfall to the competition.

Where things fall apart is after Sony announces the delay. In the end, TR has the market all to itself in Q4, but S-E can't take advantage of the situation. The whole scenario is bad news for Square-Enix. Now, Tomb Raider looks like damaged goods, regardless of the quality of the game.

On a side note, I had $40 in Target gift cards last week, so I picked up a copy of ROTR for free. It marks the fourth Xbox One game I've gotten since getting the system. I'm only about six hours in, but I like it...not as much as any of the Uncharted games, but it is well-crafted and fun to play. It certainly deserves better than what it has gotten so far.
SE figured they would get some free money and avoid taking an initial hit on the PS4 version sales going directly against Uncharted 4. The problem is, it is apparently not even a top ten seller on Xbox One this season. Whether Uncharted 4 came out on time, in March as currently planned, or in June, it leaves the PS4 version of Tomb Raider to also get steamrolled during another fall season littered with big games.

Having it come out so close to Halo 5 is mildly odd from MS' perspective, but can be argued that they are different enough to round out the same lineup. Having it come out in November, outside of any backroom deals, was dumb on SE's part.
SE figured they would get some free money and avoid taking an initial hit on the PS4 version sales going directly against Uncharted 4. The problem is, it is apparently not even a top ten seller on Xbox One this season. Whether Uncharted 4 came out on time, in March as currently planned, or in June, it leaves the PS4 version of Tomb Raider to also get steamrolled during another fall season littered with big games.

Having it come out so close to Halo 5 is mildly odd from MS' perspective, but can be argued that they are different enough to round out the same lineup. Having it come out in November, outside of any backroom deals, was dumb on SE's part.

Yeah there is oddness all all around. You just get the feeling that both these companies got into bed with one another and had some regret as the ink was drying on the contracts.

People on this forum far wiser than me would know better, but I believe all advertising and marketing of games partner by console markers are by the console in question (hence the final logo, price, etc at the tail end of the ad). Microsoft could have atleast matched their marketing for Fallout 4 but instead didn't. This could reflect that Xbox's advertising warchest isn't as great as some people think and they made a decision to go with the game they felt would push their system better (Fallout 4). Or, relations with SE were strained sometime before the ads had to go out. Or... both.

Edit: Consider this - Microsoft did more for AC: Unity (a multiplatform with bad WOM before launch and not so hot reviews) by having a lot more bundled SKU on store shelves in 2014 .


This whole affair has been a Goddamn circus.

The only upside is that it provided me with more entertainment than the game itself conceivably could have.
I don't think Square-Enix was all that comfortable going against Fallout, either. At least not in the exact same day. That seems to be Microsoft's incompetence at work.

I am really curious if anyone is going to ask Greenberg about it, since he assured people that there was no overcrowding there.


I don't think the deal was bad. There are a few reasons it went bad and there are some things we will never know to gauge the worth of the deal.

It turned out bad but on paper it wasn't bad.

The scenario as it was pictured back then: Uncharted 4, a Naughty Dog game, coming off hot from TLOU, with the biggest marketing budget Sony will throw at a title, + a potential holiday price drop to go along with it.....vs a multi-plat low-key, holiday release for Tomb Raider.

That's enough to send MS into panic, and that's enough to make SE consider alternative deals. On paper teaming up with MS would of allowed Square free marketing dollars, brand exposure and some guaranteed money to offset development cost. Piggy back the "exclusive" rivalry between Xbox vs. PS, Tomb Raider vs. Uncharted 4 and that elevates the IP even more. So, not only do they make out with MS money, free-marketing, brand exposure at MS events, the MS exclusive treatment by the media and IP elevation and awareness by going head-to-head in this fashion vs. Uncharted but they also had a PC and PS4 release in the cards too.

It was good on paper for Square. MS on the other hand, at the time, couldn't do a thing to energize sales going into Destiny month and was planning for a potential contentious holiday the year after. It made sense to snatch something or get bodied by Sony with a potential U4 + price drop combo. Also the prospects of Uncharted bodying Halo in sales around the same month would of been enough to cause waves.


The argument, albeit a very odd one, is that a face off of the two IPs would have created an organic buzz and in turn free articles in video game press (which I am sure you covered in a previous post). Granted, that would have elevated the public status of either entry somewhat. Although, this wouldn't take into account the other very popular titles being released around the same time.

Basically, if that was one of the driving reasons for releasing TR as an exclusive at that time... it was a crap idea. A couple articles and free publicity about the theoretical face off doesn't take away the fact that BLOP3, BF, Fallout 4, and H5 directly before was happening.

I think the idea they are trying to express is that the intention was for a marketing rivalry betwixt RotTR and UC. They might have hoped such a rivalry would elevate the reboot series in some regards. It also would be likely drum up a lot of unpaid marketing/attention via head to head articles, videos and what not that would have popped up online. I could certainly see them (MS, SE and CD) picturing it playing out that way and thinking it would lead to $$$.

Reading these two replies has struck me with a dark insight.

Remember the entire issue is that the assumption is that UC4 would have crushed ROTR, so the simpleton plan was to go head to head with a "stronger" game. Now remember that the side by side comparisions would have occurred anyway even with ROTR being multiplatform, but now with the "exclusivity" SE and MS were hoping to ignite the febrile marketing strength of fan boy/list warz (in the media and social media).

There has been no precedence of fanboy marketing wars ever being effective, a thing even, but this is the seam that SE/CD and MS wanted to tap. This plan is baldrick levels of incompetence combined with wishful thinking. This is even before you get into all parties ignoring all the other AAA games being dropped during the end of year buying season.

A plan by and for lack wits.
Oh, MS let Bungie work on something else while they continued to produce Halo? How benevolent of them.

I guess. Its a business. You cut the check, you call the shots. That's life. I'm sure it must have been horrible working on Halo and being well paid. Thank god they were rescued to create everyone's new darling, Destiny.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
SE accepted a deal that im sure paid them a good amount of money upfront and while they never ever should have accepted that deal, it was Microsoft that sent it out to die. They definitely should have moved up the release date. If the game was done and was able to go Gold in September, they should have released it on October 6th. If not, I would have delayed it until January.

Anyway, I purchased an Xbox One mainly because I didn't want to wait a year to play the game and it was easily worth the purchase. Game itself is excellent and if it's a "complete" edition, I'll most likely buy it again for PS4.

Horrible deal that screwed over the developer and the franchise.


Reading these two replies has struck me with a dark insight.

Remember the entire issue is that the assumption is that UC4 would have crushed ROTR, so the simpleton plan was to go head to head with a "stronger" game. Now remember that the side by side comparisions would have occurred anyway even with ROTR being multiplatform, but now with the "exclusivity" SE and MS were hoping to ignite the febrile marketing strength of fan boy/list warz (in the media and social media).

There has been no precedence of fanboy marketing wars ever being effective, a thing even, but this is the seam that SE/CD and MS wanted to tap. This plan is baldrick levels of incompetence combined with wishful thinking. This is even before you get into all parties ignoring all the other AAA games being dropped during the end of year buying season.

A plan by and for lack wits.

The release date was stupid but Halo's date was spot on. A mid-October release would have done the game wonders if marketed properly (release date anticipation build up). I imagine if it were to go against Uncharted 4, the release dates would of either matched, or be a few days earlier for Tomb Raider.

Circumstances changed and I am not sure they (MS and Square) quite adapted to the changing circumstances as they should have. If I were to go out on a limb, the moment Uncharted 4 slipped, the moment MS interest waned in pushing the game hard (barring lip service and typical PR). Push Halo to the max and save as much as possible.

MS will be pushing Quantum Break a bit extra I assume.


I guess. Its a business. You cut the check, you call the shots. That's life. I'm sure it must have been horrible working on Halo and being well paid. Thank god they were rescued to create everyone's new darling, Destiny.

What's somewhat ironic in the whole Bungie/Halo/MS/Activision space opera is that Bungie wanted free of MS so they can work on non-Halo games (after working on them for 8 years) and (assuming) wanting more creative control.

Then now they are in a 10 year deal with Activision who from all sources gutted Destiny and dictates the direction to a good degree.

At least that is the takeaway I have, someone please correct me with sources if I'm incorrect

EDIt: don't get me wrong they are obviously more independent to a degree now than when owned by MS and to my knowledge own the Destiny IP, but I wonder if this is what they envisioned back in 2007


The release date was stupid but Halo's date was spot on. A mid-October release would have done the game wonders if marketed properly (release date anticipation build up). I imagine if it were to go against Uncharted 4, the release dates would of either match, or be a few days earlier for Tomb Raider.

Circumstances changed and I am not sure they (MS and Square) quite adapted to the changing circumstances as they should have. If I were to go out on a limb, the moment Uncharted 4 slipped, the moment MS interest in pushing the game hard (barring lip service and typical PR) was low. Push Halo to the max and save as much as possible.

Does no one actually have cognitive dissonance when they argue the key to success for ROTR was to go head to head with UC4? When the entire deal is predicated on the fear that in a match up UC4 would crush ROTR.
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