Anyone without a g-sync monitor finding the v-sync not as good in some games? Came from a 780ti, it was smooth as silk in everything. Not 100% as I recently DDU'd the old drivers and that took away custom profile settings, so I may have been a bit of a noob in early comparisons...and I started playing BF4, which I hadn't done for a long time so I'm not sure about it but the lag with v-sync is pretty bad, and there was awful hitching too (mini-freezes) with v-sync on via nvcp...but that may have been rtss as well or some other app I can't say. But damn it was bad, wasn't like that before, at least the hitching. The slowdown was always there in bf4. Gone with v-sync off, and the tearing isn't bad at all at 90fps+, if I lower the smoothing option I get lots of tearing.
With g-sync you don't need to have v-sync on I does it's own thing right, but does it introduce any lag or is it like playing with v-sync off?
It's strange as not all games are like that, some fps games are so damn fluid even with v-sync but bf4, even at 50% load doesn't quite feel as good - I read triple buffering is on by default. And tbh I'm much happier with the game now that that lag has been removed. I always force frame render ahead to 1 in nvcp for challenging games.