Elden Member
Just picked mine up from a UPS collection point. Didn't realise Overclockers did this.
£600 well spent!
what exactly is circled in this pic? I dont get it.
Just picked mine up from a UPS collection point. Didn't realise Overclockers did this.
£600 well spent!
what exactly is circled in this pic? I dont get it.
That 980 Ti Kingpin is too much.
What kind of overclocks do Kingpin cards usually achieve that makes them worth the huge premium over other high end customs?
k|ngp|n said:As far as the LN2 overclocking, I wanted it to be like a TANK and be able to run over and over and over again at very high voltages/current and not be flaky. I literally benched one the other day at 2025mhz/1.7v+ for many hrs hrs straight just doing some pcb heater testing/tuing., I only stopped when I lost the grease.
That 980 Ti Kingpin is too much.
What kind of overclocks do Kingpin cards usually achieve that makes them worth the huge premium over other high end customs?
It's finally here!
I don't pretend to know the important of 12v rails.... but my GPU only has 1? Is that.... bad?
It's an EVGA Supernova P2 1000w
how come we haven't gotten a review of the classified card?
We have the same PCIE cable but instead of using the split 8-pin PCIE I used the 2 PCIE cable instead of using the split. I guess you never had any problem with it. What's your graphic scores and how high is your core clock?Hey guys, just wondering, is this pcie setup for my msi 980 ti correct? I wasn't the one who set up the pc as I never done it before, so I'm not sure.. seems to me it's 1 8pin power split into 2x 8pin?
Also I'm getting vrel and pwr for perfcap reason when running firestrike. Do they mean anything bad? The firestrike combined score fluctuates between 7000s and 7600s @_@
We have the same PCIE cable but instead of using the split 8-pin PCIE I used the 2 PCIE cable instead of using the split. I guess you never had any problem with it. What's your graphic scores and how high is your core clock?
I see.. using the split, I'm guessing the gpu is getting less power than it potentially can use? I still have spare pcie cable if I need to. I'm using M12II 750w psu.
I got this score just now with 1453mhz core and 7560mhz mem, didn't change any voltage or anything.
Graphics score of 20k is quite consistent, but yesterday I'm getting low 7000s combined score instead of 8371 I'm getting now haha
Is there a chance that there will be more 980ti hybrids made to meet demand?
Jacob from EVGA said on the EVGA forums that they have changed their production allocations and they should have a much large stock of Hybrids around late July to early August.
Thanks. Have been thinking about it a potential purchase.
2. You will likely hit this cards power limit (110%) if you overclock. While you may be able to get to 1500Mhz, don't expect it to consistently stay there. (Full disclosure I got a mediocre card and the best it can manage is 1450-1475Mhz).
The GPU gets the same amount of power with the single cable. Using 2 for a single card wouldn't do anything that put an extra cable in the case.
So I got the Gigabyte Windforce 980ti. Dat LED o/
I hit the power limit on the Gigabyte G1 card pretty easily. The default max is 130%, and that is based on 300w rather than the 250w I think the EVGA cards are set to. So yeah, you definitely want more power limit to avoid throttling. Best way to do this is to mod the bios or use a custom bios already created (there's one on used for maximizing cards on water).
So many people joining the 980 Ti Master Race lately
When you can get $425 for a used non-reference 980 and Amazon gives you stupid good money for trading in textbooks... it is a no brainer. I was actually shocked how easily my 980 sold give the price drop and the 980 ti.
I really like the look of the card, complements my PC well.I was gonna get G1 before, but it's never in stock. The pc would've looked better, all black and white!
I really like the look of the card, complements my PC well.
Also I got 77.2% ASIC quality.
As I said before ASIC doesn't mean much. I have a ACX 2.0+ (non-OC) with a 77.1% ASIC and I can only get it up to ~1400. Same for my other one that is 70%.
I really like the look of the card, complements my PC well.
Also I got 77.2% ASIC quality.
On customs pcb like G1, the higher tdp will allow the ASIC to stretch its legs for reals. ASIC quality very much applies to Maxwell chips moreso than any others it would seem. If you got a dogged ASIC, it does not matter what customs pcb it is placed in, it will overclock like a dog.
Just make sure you understand a couple things (I currently have a Hybrid)
1. You will want to replace the stock fan if you want your PC to be silent. I recommend the Noctua nf-f12 industrialppc PWM fan
2. You will likely hit this cards power limit (110%) if you overclock. While you may be able to get to 1500Mhz, don't expect it to consistently stay there. (Full disclosure I got a mediocre card and the best it can manage is 1450-1475Mhz).
3. The card has a blower style cooler in addition to the AIO water block. This means if you have a front mounted AIO CPU cooler, it will blow warm air into the GPU. This isn't a necessarily going to have a huge negative impact, it is just something you should be aware of when laying out your system.
Other than that, once you replace the fan, expect absolutely silent gaming. Also the card itself radiates very little heat into your case (BC of the blower+water block). This makes it super ideal for small form factor cases. 1080p 100fps+, 1440p 75-100fps, 4k 45-70fps. The only games at 4k that have dipped below 60fps have been Assisin's Creed Unity, Metro Last Light, pCARS, Crysis 3, GTAV, and The Witcher 3. Overclocking adds at least 10-20fps in most games.
Is the fan on the hybrid a static pressure? Is it 120mm or 140mm? What do you think about the Corsair SP140 LED fans? Does the Noctua perform better?
Sorry I hadn't seen your post.
I currently have the phanteks CPU cooler but I am thinking of replacing that to the H110 (AIO is water cooled?) 140mm water cooler. I will replace the fans to the Corsair LED SP140. This will be mounted on the top of my corsair 540 case as a pull configuration.
Nice. Push-Pull.Just replace it with a sp120, I plan on putting two on it.
Yes those masive ones. Mainly doing it for space and less vibration. Can you control 2 fans with a Y splitter for fan controller?Is it the massive Phanteks PH-TC14PE? Replacing that will probably do nothing for your CPU temps but will of course give you more space. I was able to mount the Corsair H55 radiator next to the Phanteks but had to put the fan on the outside of the case.
You'll definitely want some sort of fan controller for radiator fans. Possibly the pump as well as they can make a little noise unless you drop their speed slightly (should have no effect on performance).
As I've said in the PC thread, I'm thinking of going for a single GTX 980 TI(G1 version) and getting rid of my G1 GTX 970 SLI setup.
I'm just curious if anyone here had a similar gpu setup and went for the G1 GTX 980 TI edition and barely noticed a difference in performance or even increased performance.
Even if there is no performance increase I wouldn't care as I just think 3.5GB limit is affecting me and the SLI support is just not there for some games.
Performance was fairly similar. Games that took advantage of sli ran better with the 970s. Games that didn't ran better with the 980 ti.
I don't think there is all that much correlation between ASIC quality and overclocks. There are people who are achieving high clocks at <70 ASIC. It's just silicon lottery and I wouldn't rule out a card just because it has a low or high ASIC. Most sit at between 70 and 80, my previous Gigabyte G1 was 76.6% and my current MSI is 73.8% and on air they overclocked very similarly.
The 980 Tis run hot and I would heartily recommend AIO cooler versions. The Gigabyte G1 was unreasonably loud for me (coming from 2x Gigabyte 970 which were quiet to my ears). I got the MSI, and while it's a lot quieter and more pleasant overall fan noise, even at modest 1450 MHz overclocks it was running around 75°C. Mounted a NZXT G10 bracket and Corsair H55 cooler on it and now I'm seeing 20 degrees lower temps with far less noise at higher overclocks. Expensive but was worth it for me.
Unfortunately it seems the 980 Tis even when watercooled don't seem to go much beyond 1500 MHz stable.
Only had a few minutes to try out my MSI 980 ti on the OC pain bank but it looks promising .
Core clock went up to 1500 mhz on stock volt and air .
Will see how far i can push memory .
ASIC score was 74.6 if anyone is curious .
Your asic % matches the reported core clocking speeds. Congratulations on the silicon win. Now to test with real games. Suggest TW3, seems like a game that shows off the real stability.
Unlikely as everything below 980 is in a rather good place compared to the competition. I can see them dropping 980 a couple of points down though as it is badly positioned between 390X and Fury vanilla. But that won't happen until Fury Nano hits the street.With 980Ti being the new hotness, are there any price drops in sight for the lower tier cards like 970? As it is right now, the euro price is still a bit too rich for my blood, but I really really need to upgrade my 2gig 760 sooner rather than later.
Was a great payoff after all the problems and additional upgrades i had to do on my PC .
Thankfully , i got the card pretty much for free .
I thought TW3 did not like OCd cards in general ?
There are no program that can test and show that your overclocking is 100% stable. But, TW3 is a games really pushes the GPU, and many times, it shows what people's thought stable OC was not.Was a great payoff after all the problems and additional upgrades i had to do on my PC .
Thankfully , i got the card pretty much for free .
I thought TW3 did not like OCd cards in general ?
I always thought that was kinda BS?
The game is stable with both my cards running at 1520 \ 7800 for a few hours.