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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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That would hurt Palmer's feelings, lol.

You're right, I've been positive about Oculus myself but patience is running very thin here.

The thing is, that there is NO communication at all. Like what happened to the faceplate? No comments...
What happened to "We ship KS and preorders at the same time?" Nothing.
And everything that happened before. I mean we are talking about Facebook, who should have a PR manager for these kind of situations...

I'm out of the loop on what these Oculus launch issues are. What's been happening? Dispatch was later or something?

First Palmer said they ship the KS kits and Preorders at the same time. Seems they only shipped the KS kits.
Then they promised that it includes a face plate for glasses wearers. No faceplate included and people on reddit at least say that without it, it might hurt if you wear glasses...


I had a bit of hope for a while there but I think they are fake as well.

Unless the shipment is going to be VERY small.

Palmer later on Twitter: "The internet is like LARPing! We charged and sent out Rifts today, just as we stated we might! Two total to be exact!"


I got the 1- 3 week email, but this lack of communication is making me strongly consider canceling my pre-order. Why treat your most loyal customers like this? I'm sure problems come up, but no communication about it? That is pretty ridiculous.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I had a bit of hope for a while there but I think they are fake as well.

Unless the shipment is going to be VERY small.

Vive ships in May, if you can afford it.
Yeah, the earlier shipping is influencing me, too. I just don't want to miss out on any software from choosing sides. (Definitely can only buy one)


He sure does when he knows masses won't ship today and doesn't want to be called out on Twitter.

This isn't a huge corporation where the top is far removed from the trenches. Palmer is very involved in this project.

Regardless of how deeply involved he is, whatever roadblocks are preventing them from shipping are going to be there regardless of how much he pushes them.

That said, the whole twitter debacle is another story. While I appreciate keeping in contact with the community, I'd appreciate accuracy much more.


My guess is that shipping a shit load of units was probably on his radar. After his comments about pre-orders exceeding everyone's expectations, they should have been scrambling like hell to hire a resource to sort all of it out and handle it.

Considering the Rift is the only product they are producing, I have a slight guess that he did have control over logistics regarding shipping and resources to accommodate appropriately.

If not, they need to fire the whole team that didn't.

Fire the team? Really. Destroy peoples lives because you are not getting your new toy on time? Are you going to start holding your breath next? Get some perspective, suggesting people get fired lol
Fire the team? Really. Destroy peoples lives because you are not getting your new toy on time? Are you going to start holding your breath next? Get some perspective, suggesting people get fired.

If they have a PR team (not sure if they have), they are not doing a good job at their job...


Fire the team? Really. Destroy peoples lives because you are not getting your new toy on time? Are you going to start holding your breath next? Get some perspective, suggesting people get fired.


Perspective on meeting an actual launch date and/or communicating with your customers?

Perspective in the fact that if my team botched a launch like what has happened, I would definitely not have a job?

If a job isn't done right, people get fired.


Launch originally 28th. Tweet from Palmer last Friday saying kickstarters and preorders starting to ship that weekend to arrive by the 28th.

Only a handful of kickstarters, only in the US, get their rifts. Nobody that preordered except customer #1 that got his hand delivered by Palmer.

New update by Palmer on Monday (?) saying preorders and kickstarters will ship mid week (likely Wednesday). We are now past the end of Wednesday business day for most of the world and only a couple hours away from it ending EST at least. No news..

Thanks. It doesn't make much sense in that I have no idea what could have happened to cause that. In general when a release date is given, it means that they ship before hand right? I don't think I've actually paid much attention to this sort of thing since I don't usually buy things that early. I think I only did it with the Steam Controller which did reach me on launch day, but that's not the same kind of product or quantity probably
I don't know if I want to see an entire team fired but there is a certain amount of accountability with this. Communication has been the problem. If the shipping team fucked up, I could live and I wouldn't want to see anyone lose their jobs. Mistakes happen.

The problem is they aren't communicating at all. Whoever made that call is making the wrong call. I don't expect an open dialogue, but a statement with a clear explanation of how things will proceed would be appropriate. No more half-assed "likely Wednesday" either.

Mistakes and problems can arise in shipping. Lack of communication is a willful decision.


In a sick twisted way this is almost fun, it's taking me back to those exciting and aggravating days of waiting for my DK1 and DK2. Anger, humor, rampant speculation. A trip down memory lane LOL.


In a sick twisted way this is almost fun, it's taking me back to those exciting and aggravating days of waiting for my DK1 and DK2. Anger, humor, rampant speculation. A trip down memory lane LOL.

That is a lane I never wanted to walk down again


lol, found some golden Palmer quotes back from DK2 shipping days.


Nothing's changed here.


In a sick twisted way this is almost fun, it's taking me back to those exciting and aggravating days of waiting for my DK1 and DK2. Anger, humor, rampant speculation. A trip down memory lane LOL.

In a sick way, I understand. I am however happy that the emails are starting to come in. It is a long time to 6 minutes passed orders. Cooome on.


I don't know if I want to see an entire team fired but there is a certain amount of accountability with this. Communication has been the problem. If the shipping team fucked up, I could live and I wouldn't want to see anyone lose their jobs. Mistakes happen.

The problem is they aren't communicating at all. Whoever made that call is making the wrong call. I don't expect an open dialogue, but a statement with a clear explanation of how things will proceed would be appropriate. No more half-assed "likely Wednesday" either.

Mistakes and problems can arise in shipping. Lack of communication is a willful decision.

Accountability to a certain extent is expected, but a guy suggesting an entire team being fired because he has not received his Rift yet is a bit overboard. I agree, communication has been pretty piss poor and that the PR team (if they have one) or someone needs to make a comment on what is happening. But again, I don't agree in the belief that an entire team should be fired because of this.

To me the frustrating part is the communication like you suggest. If they had delays or something like that it should have been communicated. Let's hope that some units actually go out today and people start receiving them. I know of a few people that took the weekend off to finish building their rigs and use their new Rifts. I sent a friend a few case fans and a CPU cooler so that Friday night he can finish building his Rig after work and then start installing Windows, Drivers etc. His hope was that by Saturday afternoon he could begin installing his Oculus Software and setting up his Rift for a weekend of VR. I know he is a bit miffed about not hearing anything as of yet, but as frustrated as he is, he is not suggesting people lose their lively hood over it. But he is still hopeful that he will have it by the weekend.


So far it looks like everyone who got one in before the start of the hour. I have a bad feeling I won't be until next week.

I don't mind them going in order at all. Makes the most sense.

Just remember that the site went down soon after the early people got in. So there is a few minute gap for some of us to have hope!
Just remember that the site went down soon after the early people got in. So there is a few minute gap for some of us to have hope!

I think they may just ship to a very tight window to meet the "likely Wednesday" tweet from Palmer.

Remember, we still have Kickstarter backers who haven't received units.


Some Kickstarter backers did, at least in Canada. I believe they had to pay duty. I haven't seen anything from them since Monday though.
Yep, got mine in Calgary on Monday with $41.02 in import fees ($30.52 GST + UPS fees for paying the duty in advance).

Evo X

My hype has died down and I don't really care too much about exactly when I will recieve this thing, but this still looks very bad on Oculus.

Like how do you fuck something up that you planned this far ahead of time?

They don't even have the excuse that they are some crowd funded rinky dink operation anymore. They are a multi billion dollar corporation with the backing of one of the largest tech companies in the world. Start acting like it.


Only 7:54-7:56 orders so far. I'm an 8:05am order. Hope I'm not on the back end of that 1-3 weeks estimate from the processing email. But at least I've gotten that e-mail I know plenty of others are still waiting.


Only 7:54-7:56 orders so far. I'm an 8:05am order. Hope I'm not on the back end of that 1-3 weeks estimate. But at least I've gotten that e-mail I know plenty of others are still waiting.

If you're in week 3 then the people of July are actually getting it in December.


If you're in week 3 then the people of July are actually getting it in December.

Let's just say I wouldn't be shocked haha.

But this is kinda how it went with the DKs too. If things continue following that course, shipments start as a trickle and whips everyone into a frenzy, but things ramp up over the course of 2-3 months and I'm willing to bet that by August people will be receiving new orders almost immediately. But yea it's looking like those July pre-orders are definitely going to be July (or a bit later). Wouldn't expect to jump up a month or anything.
A lot of people in Washington State saying they got charged. *shrugs*

I wonder if that's the wave for today. Around :52 to about :57

The floodgate of orders hadn't even happened yet.


Some Kickstarter backers did, at least in Canada. I believe they had to pay duty. I haven't seen anything from them since Monday though.

Ontarian backer here, got mine. Just had to pay the ~$90 taxes on it. Basically all my free time over the past 2 days has been devoted to it lol.
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