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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Something I've been thinking lately: Oculus originally made a deal with Samsung, Oculus would design the Gear VR and provide software for it if Samsung would provide them with cutting edge display technology. But Google is coming out with their own GearVR clone, that works with any phone brand willing to support it, and anybody can make headsets for it. With Google of course supplying the operating system and everything. So Samsung could theoretically create a Gear VR DayDream, and not continue their deal with Oculus for the next generation.

Would this be good for Oculus, or bad? Oculus originally made the deal before they got infinite money and a big name among manufacturers, so needed Samsung, but now they have the money and clout to get the best displays from all manufacturers. But I'm sure they are getting a pretty good pricing deal using Samsung displays because of the Gear VR, which brings our price down.


Something I've been thinking lately: Oculus originally made a deal with Samsung, Oculus would design the Gear VR and provide software for it if Samsung would provide them with cutting edge display technology. But Google is coming out with their own GearVR clone, that works with any phone brand willing to support it, and anybody can make headsets for it. With Google of course supplying the operating system and everything. So Samsung could theoretically create a Gear VR DayDream, and not continue their deal with Oculus for the next generation.

Would this be good for Oculus, or bad? Oculus originally made the deal before they got infinite money and a big name among manufacturers, so needed Samsung, but now they have the money and clout to get the best displays from all manufacturers. But I'm sure they are getting a pretty good pricing deal using Samsung displays because of the Gear VR, which brings our price down.

I would think it would be pretty bad for them if for no other reason than Gear VR has a potentially much larger userbase (at least in the short term). I can't imagine they would want to give that up just for better hardware or prices.

I guess they could license the platform out to other companies, but it might be a tough sell with Daydream. I would imagine they will do all they can to keep the relationship with Samsung strong.
Man, doing barrel rolls in ADR1FT is crazy. I can't do it while standing, it makes me tilt my body left and right like I'm reacting to the angular momentum even though I'm standing perfectly still.


makes good threads.
In the area from the beginning of the game,
you can enter the restricted area and see humans connected to computers and unplug them, each is connected to a boss

I did find that area around the time I fought the first boss and
unplugged one of the humans but i couldn't do the same to the others
. I didn't notice a change at the time. I guess I'll try something different there when I eventually replay it on the harder difficulty.
What is the estimated wait time for the Rift now if I ordered in the next few days?

Somebody is offering me £850 for my Vive, so I could make a £100 on top of what I paid for it but I am torn on what to do.


What is the estimated wait time for the Rift now if I ordered in the next few days?

Somebody is offering me £850 for my Vive, so I could make a £100 on top of what I paid for it but I am torn on what to do.

Think August is the current online estimate.
August but the time actually shipped has been ahead of schedule for people with orders for the past few weeks. Maybe about a week ahead. That could still be August.

Any major shipping issues seem to be sorted at this point.
Y'all may be interested to know that iRacing is currently deploying their new build, which will introduce Rift CV1 support. If it goes to plan, it should be ready to go Soon™ in under 4 hours.


House of the Dying Sun (formally Enemy Starfighter) goes on sale for the Rift and Vive in around 3 hours!


You can go ahead and get a steam key here through the Humble widget though for $17.99:


It is early access but it's pretty much the complete game with some difficulty/mission objective tweaks to be done in EA based on player feedback. The game was developed with gamepads and mouse and kb in mind but does offer HOTAS support. This is more of an arcadey space sim though that is influenced by games like Tie Fighter and Freespace.


My Rift is finally supposed to be delivered today. Waiting for the truck now...

Anything in particular I should check out first? I have a DK1 but haven't been keeping up on VR releases since most games started moving to the DK2, so I'm a few years out of date on the best VR games.


Something I've been thinking lately: Oculus originally made a deal with Samsung, Oculus would design the Gear VR and provide software for it if Samsung would provide them with cutting edge display technology. But Google is coming out with their own GearVR clone, that works with any phone brand willing to support it, and anybody can make headsets for it. With Google of course supplying the operating system and everything. So Samsung could theoretically create a Gear VR DayDream, and not continue their deal with Oculus for the next generation.

Would this be good for Oculus, or bad? Oculus originally made the deal before they got infinite money and a big name among manufacturers, so needed Samsung, but now they have the money and clout to get the best displays from all manufacturers. But I'm sure they are getting a pretty good pricing deal using Samsung displays because of the Gear VR, which brings our price down.

Oculus never 'designed' the GearVR, they only designed the platform. Samsung designed all the hardware.


Awesome, thanks for the pics. Can't wait to hear more about them. Hopefully the NDA doesn't cover "everything".

Do you think these are "release ready"? More like final hardware than dev kit stuff?

I don't want to say much, but I know these are the second, most recent iteration of Oculus Touch. I can tell you though, manufacturing wise, these aren't "release ready" yet in their current form and closer to dev kit still.


Came to thread to talk about people's experience with Edge of Nowhere. See Compsiox shitting the thread up with platform warrior crap.


Played a couple hours of Edge of Nowhere...

And I should note I have fairly firm VR legs now (most I seem to get is a mild heaviness in the head after a long session).

But this game... is basically the future of video games.

I don't mean to say that it's absolutely amazing or anything like that. It's a decent game. But it's simply so much better by been in VR. And it's not like... an immersive - OMG, I'm actually there thing. It doesn't do that - you don't feel 'presence'.

Rather, it is a game that could absolutely be done on a traditional monitor. But it's not. It just happens to be in VR, and much better for it. Simply because you can look around the entire environment - it envelopes you. The character is nice and large. You can take a moment to look around and observe the scenery, it's really atmospheric.

It's fairly mundane what it brings to the table... but it does prove that you can have an absolutely solid third person gaming experience in VR that's akin to traditional gaming, except with the full visual benefits of been in VR (i.e. expansive environment, to scale 3D, etc). A game like Uncharted, or series like Resident Evil could be ported to VR using this as a template and the experience would be greatly enhanced by it.


Rather, it is a game that could absolutely be done on a traditional monitor. But it's not. It just happens to be in VR, and much better for it. Simply because you can look around the entire environment - it envelopes you. The character is nice and large. You can take a moment to look around and observe the scenery, it's really atmospheric.
I was kind of shocked by how much I liked using head tracking for aiming in a third-person shooter scenario. I had some rapid run and gun moments while escaping from enemies that were fantastic, and the controls gelled way more than I thought they would!


I really need to buy Edge of Nowhere tonight. I've been purposely slow and steady about the games I've played so I don't end up twiddling my thumbs between game releases. This game and the premise is just too juicy to let it sit.


Is there a better way to calibrate the headset's fit other than going through the whole setup utility again? It seems like a bit much, while adjusting it for my SO I hit forward one time too many and we weren't able to go back in the setup to try again.
Is there a better way to calibrate the headset's fit other than going through the whole setup utility again? It seems like a bit much, while adjusting it for my SO I hit forward one time too many and we weren't able to go back in the setup to try again.

You mean physically adjusting it? What bit of the setup do you need?
If you press the Xbox button while its on, you can go to a 'Calibrate lens spacing' screen which has the vertical lines to calibrate lens spacing and the horizontal lines to check you've got it positioned correctectly, but it should be obvious from whether the centre of your view is in focus or not.
To whoever ace´d Chronos = MASSIVE SPOILERS WARNING
are there any more endings ? i killed all the main enemies (Cyclops, the multiarm thing and the black energy blob thing) and finally the dragon himself, but got switched as a new host to the interdimensional link.

After that, i teleported thru the stones searching for more clues of other endings and found the Mirror combination that took me to the Ward 16, there i found the hosts of the Cyclops, and other bosses, dead.

The last host is "enabled" to use something, but i didnt found anything to use there.

Anyone have any clue ? I thought that the game would be deeper.


You mean physically adjusting it? What bit of the setup do you need?
If you press the Xbox button while its on, you can go to a 'Calibrate lens spacing' screen which has the vertical lines to calibrate lens spacing and the horizontal lines to check you've got it positioned correctectly, but it should be obvious from whether the centre of your view is in focus or not.

Ah, perfect, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
House of the Dying Sun (formally Enemy Starfighter) goes on sale for the Rift and Vive in around 3 hours!


You can go ahead and get a steam key here through the Humble widget though for $17.99:


It is early access but it's pretty much the complete game with some difficulty/mission objective tweaks to be done in EA based on player feedback. The game was developed with gamepads and mouse and kb in mind but does offer HOTAS support. This is more of an arcadey space sim though that is influenced by games like Tie Fighter and Freespace.

Huh I had no idea this was a VR game! Its 17.99 on steam as well fwiw until june 14th, I picked it up at that price and will play around with it. Its only a 771 meg download so very small game.

Not picking up Edge of Nowhere for now, not really playing the VR games i have already plus I am not really into horror games at all. Review I watched on YT for anyone who wants to see more of the game than just the 5 seconds in the trailer.


Huh I had no idea this was a VR game! Its 17.99 on steam as well fwiw until june 14th, I picked it up at that price and will play around with it. Its only a 771 meg download so very small game.


The VR support is extremely well done. It starts right up on the rift and the menus and hud are some of the best I've seen. Plays great with the Xbone one controller, which I think it was designed around. The graphics are also very well suited for VR and I didn't feel any VR sickness like I do sometimes with Adrift and Firma. Performance is very good with a 970.


What is the estimated wait time for the Rift now if I ordered in the next few days?

Somebody is offering me £850 for my Vive, so I could make a £100 on top of what I paid for it but I am torn on what to do.

Well one thing you could do is sell your vive for £850 and then buy one for retail in hopefully a few weeks and make a quick £150 profit. They're turning vives around much faster than rifts so they shouldn't command a premium really.

I wouldn't sell a vive to get a rift personally
Well one thing you could do is sell your vive for £850 and then buy one for retail in hopefully a few weeks and make a quick £150 profit. They're turning vives around much faster than rifts so they shouldn't command a premium really.

I wouldn't sell a vive to get a rift personally

I have decided against it anyway. Even though I could make a profit I just can't be assed with the hassle. I think I would regret getting rid of it in the end.
I would have sold up then waited it out to see what the VR situation is like once Touch is out. If general impressions are that the overall package is better than Vive, go for that. If it isn't, you can buy back into Vive and have a few months worth of new content to play. Either way you've made a profit and got to try out VR for a bit.
I would have sold up then waited it out to see what the VR situation is like once Touch is out. If general impressions are that the overall package is better than Vive, go for that. If it isn't, you can buy back into Vive and have a few months worth of new content to play. Either way you've made a profit and got to try out VR for a bit.

I can't be trusted to hold onto the cash for that long. I have terrible self discipline, would have had a 1080 in the post by the end of the first week when I don't really need one. Well until the Ti anyway version.

When touch does get released and if it proves to be significantly better I can still sell my Vive then and cover the cost (or at least most of it) still.


Was scheduled to receive my Rift between Jun 13-22. Got it yesterday (my birthday!)

Don't know if I'm going to open it or sell it. Decisions.
Came to thread to talk about people's experience with Edge of Nowhere. See Compsiox shitting the thread up with platform warrior crap.


Played a couple hours of Edge of Nowhere...

And I should note I have fairly firm VR legs now (most I seem to get is a mild heaviness in the head after a long session).

But this game... is basically the future of video games.

I don't mean to say that it's absolutely amazing or anything like that. It's a decent game. But it's simply so much better by been in VR. And it's not like... an immersive - OMG, I'm actually there thing. It doesn't do that - you don't feel 'presence'.

Rather, it is a game that could absolutely be done on a traditional monitor. But it's not. It just happens to be in VR, and much better for it. Simply because you can look around the entire environment - it envelopes you. The character is nice and large. You can take a moment to look around and observe the scenery, it's really atmospheric.

It's fairly mundane what it brings to the table... but it does prove that you can have an absolutely solid third person gaming experience in VR that's akin to traditional gaming, except with the full visual benefits of been in VR (i.e. expansive environment, to scale 3D, etc). A game like Uncharted, or series like Resident Evil could be ported to VR using this as a template and the experience would be greatly enhanced by it.

I want to feel like that but I feel Chronos and Luckys tale did the third person VR so much better. Luckys tale is the only one where looking around objects in a VR space is a game mechanic so that feels like something unique.

It's immersive but I am not wowed by the VR aspect of EoN
House of the Dying Sun (formally Enemy Starfighter) goes on sale for the Rift and Vive in around 3 hours!


You can go ahead and get a steam key here through the Humble widget though for $17.99:


It is early access but it's pretty much the complete game with some difficulty/mission objective tweaks to be done in EA based on player feedback. The game was developed with gamepads and mouse and kb in mind but does offer HOTAS support. This is more of an arcadey space sim though that is influenced by games like Tie Fighter and Freespace.

Yes! This is what I need! I got elite but man that game is too big. I want tie fighter.


Yes! This is what I need! I got elite but man that game is too big. I want tie fighter.

Yea I like Elite but this is exactly what I wanted in a space sim too. The action and missions are SO intense on the harder difficulties and there's hardly any downtime to catch your breath. The sense of speed is really good and I love drifting around targets to strafe them. It has a very good balance of arcadey and Newtonian physics.


Oh I played that already. Man it's rough but still so cool. Slowest escape from the Death Star ever.

I wonder how alliance looks in VR. And how would I map all those keyboard buttons to a stick.

If you look around, you may be able to find some profiles. For example, this article's author found a profile for the Thurstmaster Warthog HOTAS setup that would work for TIE Fighter (and thus should also easily apply and be modified for XW, XvT, or XWA):



Hello folks! I just made a post over on the Steam Community thread about the launch of our game, The Solus Project (which I've been helping with for about 9 months). It has has finally launched!

I'm letting you guys know because VR was built into the game in the last couple of months and we have started getting really positive feedback from some Vive players. Apparently it's also working well with Oculus. If you guys fancy trying it, buy away... Or look below ;)

Fair warning: The game is not 100% finished or 100% optimised for VR yet. It is still in-progress. However we feel it's safe to share it on a VR basis due to some of the feedback.

The director's official line is:

Supports Vive and Oculus VR. The VR version has a few things missing left or right but is otherwise entirely working, and is a massive and deeply immersive VR experience.


The game is a singleplayer wide-linear exploration adventure - with a bunch of survival and puzzle elements thrown in. You're alone on a deserted alien planet, and must scavenge for food and keep yourself warm while pressing ahead through a strange world, avoiding dangers when you can and uncovering secrets.

There's a big old sci-fi story which I had a big part in writing - but I'll let you discover that for yourself.

In a 'Premature Evaluation' of the game, Rock, Paper Shotgun published the clause: 'The Solus Project is absolutely incredible'. That quote may or may not be taken out of context.
(Lucky for us it
is not.)

Quote this post for two free Steam keys right below this message.


It would be beautiful if somebody could make an OT, I don't think it's even on the OT radar (and obviously I'm out).

Mods - if I've stepped out of line with this post, just let me know.

Sky Chief

My Rift just processed. Honestly, I was about to cancel it but I guess it's too late. It's more based on the principal how Oculus have treated their customers than anything. Maybe I'll just sell it. Have they fixed it to work with glasses yet?
My Rift just processed. Honestly, I was about to cancel it but I guess it's too late. It's more based on the principal how Oculus have treated their customers than anything. Maybe I'll just sell it. Have they fixed it to work with glasses yet?
I haven't seen any official statement on a glasses face mold yet, sadly.

My eye sight is pretty bad and I just use it without glasses, personally. The resolution isn't really anything to scream home about yet...

Edit: I don't know the severity of your condition though.
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