Cloudy said:USA-Argentina is on NBC right now. Ginobili is on fire....
53-40 Argentina winning, 3rd Quarter
Cloudy said:USA-Argentina is on NBC right now. Ginobili is on fire....
Cloudy said:OMG, Ginobili is awesome *bows*
W.T.F. is wrong with these refs.
Does anyone know who that is and what event she's in? That's a great pic and inquiring minds need to know!Error Macro said:I must contribute:
I don't give a rat's patoot about the olympics, but I would watch whatever event that is, all freaking day.
Blacklion said:yeah ...
I hate that hurt rule
Wait i take that back he got his thumb good
MASB said:That's the way to sink those threes Jefferson!
Ref: "Foul? What foul? Just because Marbury took his head off, that isn't a foul! Oh well, alright." *blows whistle*
Ripclawe said:no its not too bad, you first have to admit you suck before you can change it up.
Next time, send better players and not people who are on because Stu Jackson is worried about shoe contracts and hold grudges against other players.
The second thing is FORCE the players to relearn the fundies of basketball. In case you hadn't noticed, Kobe can't shoot consistently EITHER.Cloudy said:If Kobe was on this team, they'd have won. All the other teams did was lock up Duncan and dare the other guys to shoot...![]()
-jinx- In case you hadn't noticed, Kobe can't shoot consistently EITHER.
Miguel said:Holy shit I just caught the end of the USA/Argentina game.
Oh the sweet sweet irony of Richard Jefferson being on the opposite end of the *take it strong to the hole SLAM DUNK RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRGH!!!!* by Scola. :lol
Ninja Scooter said:i discovered my new favoite olympic event last night...SPEEDWALKING!
If by "great shooter" you mean "shot the league average in 2003-4," then yeah, maybe. (Bryant shot 43.8% in the regular season; the league average was 43.9%.) If by "great shooter" you mean "shot worse than the league average behind the three-point line," then yeah, maybe. (32.7% for Kobe; 34.7% for the league.)Cloudy said:Umm, yes he can...and waaay better than ANYONE on that squad. And as a plus, he'd play shutdown perimeter defense too...
You don't know shit about how much basketball I watch, so I suggest you keep your conjecture to yourself.Cloudy said:OMG, I'm really tired of arguing with folks who don't watch hoops regularly and just look up stats on and try to make a point (Hi, Archaix)
If you're seriously gonna compare Kobe shooting bad while being doubled by the best defensive team in the league to how he would abuse ANY and EVERY body on the teams who beat us (who were leaving everyone open except Duncan), I have nothing else to say. And mentioning Shawn fucking Marion in the same breath as Kobe is ridiculous.
statistics kept over the course of a season are pretty decent indicators about what a player can do
If you don't think that the other Olympic teams couldn't figure out how to guard both Kobe AND Duncan, you're crazy.
In order to be successful, the U.S. team would have required SEVERAL outside shooters and a commitment to team offense and defense.
Kobe is a streaky outside shooter at best, and his commitment to "team" is shaky as hell. His presence on that team would have made little to no difference
:lolkevm3 said:So has USA basketball become fundamentally sound again after we heartily beat a favorite to win the gold in a 5 and 0, 'fundamentally amazing' Spain? Oh no, I forgot, only losses can be indicative of the status of the NBA... And it was pure athleticism that made Marbury's shots drop.