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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


We were way better in the raid than the giantbomb guys

We had a leader like splat. And guys like you that didn't want to listen to that noise and instead push him off cliffs while he's reading.

lol, but seriously, sometimes you just need the general idea first, then go in and see what its like before you go reading full on strats that people have no idea what you're talking about.


you around now? i just got home

You here? Can go right now

And yeah Bren, it's a tough balance though. Hard to hear strats blind, but also helps to understand vaguely what's going on before you experience, so you can put 2 and 2 together earlier. At least I got some time pre-gatekeeper to read while everyone was platforming :p And GB's at Atheon, that's not bad. Did it just take them forever to get to him?


intangibles, motherfucker
You here? Can go right now

And yeah Bren, it's a tough balance though. Hard to hear strats blind, but also helps to understand vaguely what's going on before you experience, so you can put 2 and 2 together earlier. At least I got some time pre-timekeeper to read while everyone was platforming :p And GB's at Atheon, that's not bad. Did it just take them forever to get to him?

They started at 10:30. almost 7 hours in the dot for them to finish


I feel like the game is really good but there is no sizzle to the league this year. I'm a maybe to continue going forward, I feel as if they really neutered the game with regards to progression. For example the Giants OL IRL has really gelled and looks good now but I'm stuck with a shit approximation of how bad it was at the beginning of the year. Nothing I can do about it other than replacing guys.

I take this back.
Week 15

Next vance date: Wednesday @ 6:30 pst


Cards (Squall) @ Rams (LJ)
Steelers (llai86) @ Falcons (DCX)
Redskins (Mcneily) @ Giants (Wellington)
Dolphins @ Patriots
Raiders @ Chiefs
Texans @ Colts
Jags @ Ravens (GQMan2121)
Packers @ Bills (Rinse)
Bucs (DM) @ Panthers (Jabee)
Bengals @ Browns
Vikings (Sanjuro) @ Lions (Trasher)
Jets (Ferny) @ Titans (Soka)
Broncos @ Chargers
49ers @ Seahawks)
Cowboys @ Eagles
Saints (sickboy) @ Bears (mrbob)

NFC DPOTW - Patrick Willis (49ers) - 3 tackles, 2 int, 1 TD

AFC DPOTW - Cortez Allen (Steelers) - 5 tackles, 2 int, 1 TD


I take this back.

The only problem with Madden is that maybe it's almost too real.
We still both threw several picks. And so many sacks on both sides! GG man. Good thing the rest of the NFC stinks so both wildcards will still probably come from our division.

yeah, tons of sacks with just 4 rushing so its hard to pass the ball in those conditions. on the 2nd td, the god damn stupid camera switched on me. i do this maybe 3 or 4 times a game because i accidentally click on L3 -_-
also i'm currently OUT of the playoff race on account of the eagles holding a tie breaker against me! i'll probably miss the playoffs with potentially double digit wins. damn this conference and everyone in it!


Giants and Buccaneers should be forced to play in a "we quit" bowl, winner gets to forfeit the rest of their games. The reward both teams are clearly hoping for.


Gg n1ghtz. Can't believe you're LB made that last INT. Thought for sure I was winning that game. My season is all but over now.

GG bro. You were marching it up the field constantly so I thought you would at least get the tie. I immediately recognized that play since you burned me on it earlier in the game. Just ran Donald Butler to the spot you threw it to last time and hoped he would come up with it. Thankfully he did. Saved me a .500 season at least.
GG bro. You were marching it up the field constantly so I thought you would at least get the tie. I immediately recognized that play since you burned me on it earlier in the game. Just ran Donald Butler to the spot you threw it to last time and hoped he would come up with it. Thankfully he did. Saved me a .500 season at least.
Make the playoffs for me.
1. Patriots (11-2)- Y
2. Titans (10-3)

3. Steelers (10-3)
4. Chiefs (9-4)
Chargers (8-6)
Raiders (7-6)
Browns (7-6)
Ravens (7-6)
Texans (7-6)
Colts (6-7)


also i'm currently OUT of the playoff race on account of the eagles holding a tie breaker against me! i'll probably miss the playoffs with potentially double digit wins. damn this conference and everyone in it!

10-6 isn't a guaranteed playoff spot in the NFC. 11-5 may not be either.


Man I definitely want to play more than a couple of seasons. League is lacking sizzle, but I think it's a fun game. There just so very little Madden talk in this thread, makes it seem like everyone's disinterested, or maybe they are...

Squall, I'll be around after 8 eastern tomorrow night if that works for you.


Three weeks left and they all determine whether I'm in the playoffs or not... 3 NFC East games. Wellster I'm around all day.


Man I definitely want to play more than a couple of seasons. League is lacking sizzle, but I think it's a fun game. There just so very little Madden talk in this thread, makes it seem like everyone's disinterested, or maybe they are...

Squall, I'll be around after 8 eastern tomorrow night if that works for you.
That's mainly the problem. This thread has become Facebook and Dota talk. Even if there is some Madden talk its buried and hard to get a dialogue going.

I'm in it for the long haul. Even when the game is shit I'm always down for at least three to four seasons.

There are some hungry players in the sister league who probably wouldn't mind moving up and play in two leagues so we always have a pool of players to draw from.



for me there's not a whole lot to talk about, and I usually try to forget I even played by the time it's over

schedule games (and it seems like a number of people don't even check this topic much, so that doesn't always take place here anyways), make a comment or two after a game is over, and then what's left to say?

Driveclub is pretty awesome. Joined the club too greg!
not sure how far in you got, but after the first class the game starts to pick up

smokey joined as well, so that should be 6/6


for me there's not a whole lot to talk about, and I usually try to forget I even played by the time it's over

schedule games (and it seems like a number of people don't even check this topic much, so that doesn't always take place here anyways), make a comment or two after a game is over, and then what's left to say?

not sure how far in you got, but after the first class the game starts to pick up

smokey joined as well, so that should be 6/6
Nah man we used to get really deep into the mechanics of the game itself. I felt that if anyone followed the thread and played one season with us they would be a top tier player against their friends family and randoms.

I barely check the topic anymore because I'm not real interested in DOTA or any other gaming for that matter. I just want to play and talk about Madden and our league, there isn't any of that in here.
Nah man we used to get really deep into the mechanics of the game itself. I felt that if anyone followed the thread and played one season with us they would be a top tier player against their friends family and randoms.

I barely check the topic anymore because I'm not real interested in DOTA or any other gaming for that matter. I just want to play and talk about Madden and our league, there isn't any of that in here.

Maybe you should be!
Has any1 noticed the nickel back lining up on the wrong side if the field seemingly randomly? Happened against nightz, I flipped it to send him over but nightz hiked it and he ran into a LB leaving a wide open receiver.


Nah man we used to get really deep into the mechanics of the game itself. I felt that if anyone followed the thread and played one season with us they would be a top tier player against their friends family and randoms.

I barely check the topic anymore because I'm not real interested in DOTA or any other gaming for that matter. I just want to play and talk about Madden and our league, there isn't any of that in here.
I just assumed everyone was tight with that information because we're all playing against each other

and maybe it's just the nature of the game, but most successful plays/drives have an element of cheapness to me - like when it all comes down to it, we have our go-to plays to dip into, and the rest is just acting like there's more to it than that


I often use whatever is on the first or second page of what the game recommends. Sometimes they don't have the type of play I'm thinking of using (pass/run, or maybe I want an outside run/pass or something like that), and if that's the case I'll open the playbook up (on offense).

When playing human opponents, the stuff across the middle used to be the only place I felt comfortable passing to unless coverage broke down outside (and that's because so many people run really heavy press man coverage). The last few weeks, there's no question that I've been more willing to use plays I wasn't comfortable with even the majority of last year. I've really opened up my play calling and it's lead to me putting more points on the board and a 4 game win streak.

On defense, I almost always call my own plays. I usually play zone defense and adjust players to cover certain zones that I think the ball might be going to. Otherwise, I don't do a lot of line shifts or anything like that. I throw in a few man coverage per game just to change it up. Just depends on if I see any patterns from who I'm playing.

Usually control a linebacker that's covering a RB or dropping in a smaller zone. Or a DB covering the flats. Certain opponents I feel more obligated to play an interior lineman if their line is working mine over.


I've been in the league I dunno, four or five years or something, and I think some people are romanticizing the thread a bit. It was a lot of bitching about cheesing for the most part or trash talking and GG But's after games. All the strategy talk got done on AIM then lorded over the peons the six or seven Elite's used as fodder. Probably in the grand old days when you had to track leagues manually there was a lot more to talk about but these days, I just don't know what there is to really discuss. They kind of nailed Madden, imo.

except why the fuck does the wide edge route that DE's use when you pick QB contain always work to get pressure? The fuck, EA?!


Between that, and the fact that I stream almost all my games, I don't feel like much needs to be said for me. Sometimes I'll explain something that happened or something like that, but yea....this gen really takes care of a lot of issues you might have had on 360 that would create a lot of talk.
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