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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


distantmantra said:
No. The band needs to end. Now.

I couldn’t agree more. Stop calling this empty shell of a band the Smashing Pumpkins. It’s enough already. Go count your money, Billy, and do some more fucking movie soundtracks.


FrenchMovieTheme said:

pretty much. not sure what else to say

bottles said:
I couldn’t agree more. Stop calling this empty shell of a band the Smashing Pumpkins. It’s enough already. Go count your money, Billy, and do some more fucking movie soundtracks.
The thing I do not understand is that the Zeitgeist tour and misc. stuff they did prior to Jimmy splitting was AMAZING. Gossamer, Superchrist, United States, As Rome Burns, Song for a Son, etc. etc. They were taking the live show to new levels. The band was tight and I was impressed; I was expecting it to be awkward but it really was amazing.

And then he sells out to Visa, the NFL, Guitar Hero, etc. Jimmy goes from being in for life to leaving. And now this. It's just a complete wreck. And what they had was so good. Even in 2007-2008, yes.
I like to pretend that Corgan paid no attention to corporate interests, doesn't give a fuck about shooting for a radio audience the same age now as earlier fans were during the Siamese Dream / MCIS era(s) and operates as a classy, still-relevant elder statesman like Tom Waits or Nick Cave.

I didn't see the 2007-ish Pumpkins live, but I've seen plenty of people say a lot of that material far surpassed what made it on to the very patchy Zeitgeist album.
it is true that he is vested in "the bands survival" so i guess that's why zeitgeist was a largely ho-hum play-it-safe album. i don't think that counts as "corporate interest" but it is pushing it.

i have a lot of qualms about the direction of the band since 2007, but i do know that billy has great ambitions for it. so just because jimmy wants to take a breather (and yes, that's all it is, dude's in his mid-40s with kids) should billy just grind it to a halt? i don't think so. Adore was Jimmy-less, and - besides some guitar twang - it was James-less. And likely Darcy-less, as that's when her drug problems started budding. (though i have to admit if it weren't for darcy we may have never got the godly Apples and Oranges)

like i said, wait until the new material comes out. if it's good, it doesn't matter who's in the band. I'm not necessarily ecstatic about the band either these days, but i sure don't want billy's ambitions stifled.


TheDrowningMan said:
I like to pretend that Corgan paid no attention to corporate interests, doesn't give a fuck about shooting for a radio audience the same age now as earlier fans were during the Siamese Dream / MCIS era(s) and operates as a classy, still-relevant elder statesman like Tom Waits or Nick Cave.

I didn't see the 2007-ish Pumpkins live, but I've seen plenty of people say a lot of that material far surpassed what made it on to the very patchy Zeitgeist album.
Their live show this time around has been absolutely superb, I'd argue the best since Siamese/MCIS era tours. Without Jimmy you can forget that happening again, though.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
it is true that he is vested in "the bands survival" so i guess that's why zeitgeist was a largely ho-hum play-it-safe album. i don't think that counts as "corporate interest" but it is pushing it.
Well, even though apparently Corgan later expressed regret, 50 different flavors of Zeitgeist screams "corporate interest".

i have a lot of qualms about the direction of the band since 2007, but i do know that billy has great ambitions for it. so just because jimmy wants to take a breather (and yes, that's all it is, dude's in his mid-40s with kids) should billy just grind it to a halt? i don't think so. Adore was Jimmy-less, and - besides some guitar twang - it was James-less. And likely Darcy-less, as that's when her drug problems started budding. (though i have to admit if it weren't for darcy we may have never got the godly Apples and Oranges)
He was in SP 'for life' four months prior to leaving. And he's not taking a breather, he's continuing his own band and doing other things. Adore was a departure album from what was normally expected of SP, so it made sense. Another album like Adore released next wouldn't have. You can only get away with doing that for so long. James and Darcy really are not required for SP to function. Darcy did next to nothing, James lost interest after the first two albums. You need Billy and Jimmy to make it work.

like i said, wait until the new material comes out. if it's good, it doesn't matter who's in the band. I'm not necessarily ecstatic about the band either these days, but i sure don't want billy's ambitions stifled.
The problem is we all know how Billy behaves now. It's hard to continue to have as much interest as before, even if he continues to put out good songs, because he's acting like a complete dumbass.
Diablos said:
Well, even though apparently Corgan later expressed regret, 50 different flavors of Zeitgeist screams "corporate interest".

i think that was the label's decision though

He was in SP 'for life' four months prior to leaving. And he's not taking a breather, he's continuing his own band and doing other things. Adore was a departure album from what was normally expected of SP, so it made sense. Another album like Adore released next wouldn't have. You can only get away with doing that for so long. James and Darcy really are not required for SP to function. Darcy did next to nothing, James lost interest after the first two albums. You need Billy and Jimmy to make it work.

well that's all subjective and arguable, what makes the band 'work' or not. but as for as jimmy leaving, you really think he'll stay gone?? :lol i'd seriously bet 10 grand that he'll be back within the next 3-5 years barring extenuating circumstances

The problem is we all know how Billy behaves now. It's hard to continue to have as much interest as before, even if he continues to put out good songs, because he's acting like a complete dumbass.

he's kinda wonky but hey he can wear all the dresses he wants and pray to xenu all he wants. i mean as long as i can still rock out his stuff i don't care what he does. i know this sounds cliche, but it's all about the music.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
well that's all subjective and arguable, what makes the band 'work' or not. but as for as jimmy leaving, you really think he'll stay gone?? :lol i'd seriously bet 10 grand that he'll be back within the next 3-5 years barring extenuating circumstances
Please. Jimmy did so much for that band's sound it's kind of scary. He's easily the most talented member to ever take part in the band, in terms of how well he handles his instrument.

Anything is possible but I don't see him returning. He said on his blog, in the nicest way possible, that Billy is a sellout and doesn't care about the music half the time. That's pretty harsh. He's basically separating himself from that and doing his own thing, realizing Billy has basically lost his damn mind.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
when was this? link please?

JC said:
By now you have heard the news of my departure from the Smashing Pumpkins. I will say, without going into any unnecessary details that this represents a positive move forward for me. I can no longer commit all of my energy into something that I don’t fully possess. I won’t pretend I’m into something I’m not. I won’t do it to myself, you the fan, or my former partner. I can’t just, “Cash the check” so to speak. Music is my life. It is sacred. It deserves the highest commitment at every level and the Pumpkins are certainly no different. I’m sorry but it really IS that simple. There is no drama, bad blood, or anything else but a full commitment to music. My best goes out to Billy and I’m glad he has chosen to continue under the name. It is his right. I will continue to make music with the Jimmy Chamberlin Complex as well as pursuing other musical interests. I feel that I have a long way to go and a lot to give. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support through all of this. I am constantly humbled by all of you! It is an honor and a privilege to play music for a living and I don’t take it for granted not even for a second.

Stay tuned……. JC

Diablos is slightly exaggerating.
oh lord.... i don't even know where to begin.

the man is just saying he isn't feeling it anymore, and rather than going along and making big money he'd rather work on JCC because that's where his heart is. that's all.

i mean. c'mon...
"there is no drama, no bad blood... i am glad he has chosen to continue under the name"
yeah, and then he says "It is his right."

there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he quit the band because of the direction billy is taking the band in. he is writing music to sell it for car commercials and the world series and visa. there is no integrity at this point and jimmy would rather not continue on with that.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
yeah, and then he says "It is his right."

Because it's Billy's band. He started it, and he can choose to end it or not end it whenever he wants.

Jimmy quit because he'd rather make his own music in JCC than what Billy is doing in SP. In SP, Billy is king and calls all the shots. Period. Jimmy just wants to do his own thing. All of you saying Jimmy is calling Billy a sellout or whatever are just looking for ways to twist his words around to feel personally vindicated for what Billy has done to the band.
but, to me, that type of passive-aggressive comment tells me billy was taking it in his direction and that was it.

i'm not saying the new pumpkins music won't be good, but i'm afraid it's just going to end up sounding like the new Cure where it's just robert smith and a lot has been lost


What a fucking joke Billy Corgan is now. Not only can't be write decent music anymore but he insists on still calling it Smashing Pumpkins to further piss on the legacy of his old band. Does he REALLY need the money that badly? :lol


FrenchMovieTheme said:
but, to me, that type of passive-aggressive comment tells me billy was taking it in his direction and that was it.

I don't disagree with you about that, isn't that how it's always been? It's ALWAYS been Billy's band, and he takes it where he wants. It's just that now Jimmy thinks it would be more worthwhile to do what HE wants now. But that comment Diablos made about Jimmy making some judgment call about how much or to what degree Billy "cares" about the music he's making is totally off base.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
listen to to Tarantula and tell me that with a straight face
I listened to the entire Zeitgest cd and it was absolute mediocre shit. To call it Smashing Pumpkins is a fucking slap in the face to long time fans who were there in the early 90s. Call it Billy Corgan and move on.


Manics said:
I listened to the entire Zeitgest cd and it was absolute mediocre shit. To call it Smashing Pumpkins is a fucking slap in the face to long time fans who were there in the early 90s. Call it Billy Corgan and move on.
It suffered from shitty production values, as most Corgan things have since 2001 or so -- but their live show in 2007-2008 was fucking ace. You can label Zeitgeist the album as whatever you want, not even worth arguing over. But he basically just killed the magic he had left his his band (live show) by pissing Jimmy off.

I'm sure he will still write good songs but I don't expect him to be as consistent anymore. And he's a dumbass.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Zeitgeist is probably my least favorite Pumpkins album. I did however love the American Gothic stuff that they released.


Original bassist for The Smashing Pumpkins, D'arcy Wretzky, has apparently made her presence known by calling-in to the Manno program on Chicago's Q101 radio station.

Two separate calls came from Wretzky on Thursday July 9th. Word is that she just called in as a fan of The Monkee's Davey Jones, who was a recent guest on the Manno brothers' show.

Some clips of her call were broadcast today by Ryan Manno. More will possibly be aired in a later time.

Ryan Manno also tweeted on the event yesterday:

"just hung up w/ d'arcy, ex-smashing pumpkins .. she called the Q101 request line & rambled for 12 mins!? recorded it .. playback tomorrow!"

And this one today:

"D'ARCY, ex-smashing pumpkins, breaks a decade of silence today on Q101 at 3:30! though she has asked me to remove her mentions of @billy .."

For now, keep your eyes on The Manno Brothers' show page on Q101 to see if more clips are posted!
Darcy is alive, wow. I actually want to hear this. Will post a link as soon as I download it (not available atm).

Check out Billy's recent tweets:
      Just watched the documentary on Ram Dass called 'Fierce Grace'. Worth seeing, powerful.about 11 hours ago from txt
      It's a darn shame God won't let certain sinners sleep!3:36 AM Jul 11th from txt
      There is no such thing as a 'little' miracle. All miracles are created equal.8:14 PM Jul 8th from txt
      Today is a day where we should remember all the children who are victimes of abuse.7:11 AM Jul 7th from txt
      Everyone must be in church, or engaged in some deep spiritual practice today, hence the lack of their twittering away...1:17 PM Jul 5th from txt
      Nothing outside us makes us free. So Happy Self-Independance Day!8:14 AM Jul 4th from txt
      If I know God, I know myself.11:00 AM Jul 2nd from txt
      Beauty is in knowing where you are...8:42 PM Jul 1st from txt
      If listening to me talk about God makes you uncomfortable, that's probably a good thing.8:42 PM Jun 30th from txt
      Thank you to the 2 shaman last night who performed miracles for me and many others. Very inspiring!8:55 AM Jun 30th from txt
      Thank you for this day.10:39 AM Jun 28th from txt
      The best career move is to be happy and healthy, to live a very long life being whoever God made you to be.5:42 PM Jun 27th from txt
      I wish we could treat each other in life each and every day the way we seem to find the strength to do in death.3:24 PM Jun 26th from txt
      God Bless Sky Sunlight Saxon, who passed from this Earth today. He changed my life for the better. God bless you Sky.10:28 AM Jun 25th from txt
      Creating Magik is not about being perfect, its about being true.9:22 PM Jun 24th from txt
      A new time has come.12:57 AM Jun 24th from txt
      Because YOU are absolutely worth it *wink*8:58 AM Jun 22nd from txt
      I want everyone to know I've sold out; to Jesus and Mother Mary, to Love and Grace. Oh, and to YOU, for YOU, and by YOU.8:31 AM Jun 22nd from txt
      Trust the Divine Plan whatever happens, however it happens.5:59 PM Jun 20th from txt
      Or one could rephrase that as 'today's wrong is often tomorrow's rite of passage'.8:57 PM Jun 17th from txt

Might as well make the next SP disc a Christian album. His comments make me want to vomit.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Jimmy's leaving is exactly the same as when Alan Wilder left Depeche Mode.
It completely destroyed the band, the production's quality and the sound of DM.
Sorry to say that's what will probably happen to SP.
wow darcy from out of nowhere. i remember when darcy first left some SP fans said "well she was a shitty bassist anyways and melissa is better" or whatever, but that just felt like it was the beginning of the end. james not being there when the band got back together was a huge blow not from a talent standpoint (jeff is a great guitarist, probably physically more gifted than james but perhaps not as creative.... although how would we ever know with billy controlling everything). but then jimmy leaving was the final nail in the coffin.

i know billy can still write a good tune but the band is a shell of its former self. maybe its because jimmy left or maybe it took jimmy leaving to make me realize that.

well, we'll always have the memories. the sweet memories fellas!


The old memories will always be there, bring on the new ones. I'm not terribly disturbed by BC's Jesus bent or even Jimmy leaving. BC's solo album was really good to me (as was his show), as was JC's. I've long since stopped caring about BC's personal life by and large, and as someone who enjoyed Zeitgeist thoroughly, as well as the live show, I'm all in for whatever's next.

I may end up eating crow, but I think SP is notably more flexible than DM, but that's all subjective really.


Honest Q: Who cares about D'arcy? She's doing her own thing, which is well and good, but unless she's making music, she's just a former member to me.


Macam said:
The old memories will always be there, bring on the new ones. I'm not terribly disturbed by BC's Jesus bent or even Jimmy leaving. BC's solo album was really good to me (as was his show), as was JC's. I've long since stopped caring about BC's personal life by and large, and as someone who enjoyed Zeitgeist thoroughly, as well as the live show, I'm all in for whatever's next.

I may end up eating crow, but I think SP is notably more flexible than DM, but that's all subjective really.
The live show was amazing. Take away Jimmy and it goes from amazing to pretty good, possibly so-so. Billy could bust out another Adore, but he can only get away with that every few years. You need Jimmy for SP to be consistently good. I'm really not looking forward to anything Billy Corgan anymore. :( I do expect Jimmy to continue to impress for a long time, however.

Darcy sounds... :lol

FMT: Eh, James really didn't care about the band much after the mid 90's. And, really, Darcy was and likely still is a terrible bassist. She had a cool personality at times, but she was an awwwwful bassist.
Macam said:
Honest Q: Who cares about D'arcy?

basically fans who're over-nostalgic about the band's image in the 90's.

part of SP's success was their image - blonde chick, asian dude, two white guys. in 1993 it stood out among the throngs of long haired white guys in flannel shirts.

unfortunately people don't realize darcy - and james to a lesser degree - were essentially touring musicians who dropped by the studio for like two minutes for each album. but since they were always in photo shoots, interviews and awards shows it seemed like their involvement was more than it was


SP was always Billy and Jimmy for the most part.

James does deserve credit for a few select songs and their riff-ownage during the Gish and SD days, but even then, you know Corgan had the upper hand.


Neo Member
Tyrone Slothrop said:
part of SP's success was their image - blonde chick, asian dude, two white guys. in 1993 it stood out among the throngs of long haired white guys in flannel shirts.

unfortunately people don't realize darcy - and james to a lesser degree - were essentially touring musicians who dropped by the studio for like two minutes for each album. but since they were always in photo shoots, interviews and awards shows it seemed like their involvement was more than it was

This is pretty much it. Although I do remember reading somewhere that James had a fair amount of input on Mellon Collie's guitar arrangements. Personally I'd be quite surprised if that was the case -- with a few exceptions ("Zero" and "Where Boys Fear to Tread" come to mind) it sounds like it's all Billy to me. Either way, James deserves some credit, at least for co-writing "Mayonaise."
I really don't mean to shorthand james, he contributed a good deal. especially after SD, he started being in the studio more. but in gist of it all, in the much broader picture, he wasn't integral.

And Darcy had input on what went on the albums. i don't mean to write either of them off or anything. but their contributions are commensurate with what Jeff and Ginger are doing now, more or less.


I guess my bottom line is I'm willing to give SP a shot sans Jimmy, no matter what. BC can still write some fantastic music and while I'll miss Jimmy's 8 arms manning the drums, I can deal with the loss. JC just better put out some more music, b/c if he just disappears from the music scene altogether, that would be the bigger loss.
do not want.

the drumming isn't god awful but it's clear he's not even in jimmys universe when it comes to drumming.

better step up your game corgan, you don't have a world class musician bailing you out on drums anymore brohem!

billy is a giant doucher. he'd have to rock my fucking socks off with his new shit if he plans on getting anymore of my monies (concert or otherwise)


FrenchMovieTheme said:
do not want.

the drumming isn't god awful but it's clear he's not even in jimmys universe when it comes to drumming.

better step up your game corgan, you don't have a world class musician bailing you out on drums anymore brohem!

billy is a giant doucher. he'd have to rock my fucking socks off with his new shit if he plans on getting anymore of my monies (concert or otherwise)
Yep. I've paid for enough SP stuff over the years, anyway.


Oh christ, you two. He's no JC (unrealistic expectations much?), but I have no qualms with that performance or the song.

Bring on the new stuff I say.
I wish they just brought back the Big Muff sound and started rocking again :( I liked Zwan but that was because they weren't called The Smashing Pumpkins.


Macam said:
Oh christ, you two. He's no JC (unrealistic expectations much?), but I have no qualms with that performance or the song.

Bring on the new stuff I say.
What? He sounds like shit. Nobody can technically fill JC's shoes, but it would have been nice if Billy stopped thinking about image and went with someone who was still talented and could, you know, define themselves as a drummer. SP's music, a great deal of it, depends on a reliable, heavy-hitting drummer at the very least.

PumpkinPie said:
I wish they just brought back the Big Muff sound and started rocking again :( I liked Zwan but that was because they weren't called The Smashing Pumpkins.
While I didn't mind the changes in sound/direction (in fact I welcomed them) until about mid-2008, the Big Muff obsessed Corgan of the early 90's is a completely different person.


*shrug* I think you're being overly harsh, but I just flat out disagree and I'm still eager to hear what SP's next album is going to sound like.
While I didn't mind the changes in sound/direction (in fact I welcomed them) until about mid-2008, the Big Muff obsessed Corgan of the early 90's is a completely different person.

Oh yeah, I love Adore and Machina despite what critics say. I even feel that Machina was the true progression that the Pumpkins had been working towards, like they always knew that was going to be their finale. I just feel that the good old Big Muff days were the days when Billy seemed passionate about making music and not just doing it to satisfy fans.


PumpkinPie said:
Oh yeah, I love Adore and Machina despite what critics say. I even feel that Machina was the true progression that the Pumpkins had been working towards, like they always knew that was going to be their finale. I just feel that the good old Big Muff days were the days when Billy seemed passionate about making music and not just doing it to satisfy fans.
Billy's problem is that he wants to satisfy fans but acts like he doesn't. It's so painfully obvious. He wants to do his own thing and hope that enough people jump on the bandwagon.

Macam, call it harsh, but seriously... this is Jimmy when he basically had no idea how he would fit into the band. Consider it him at his sloppiest. The whole band was pretty WTF. And yet, he still sounds 10x better.
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