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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


Despite his outward appearance, he's still a human male and he wants to get it on with different kind of chick, good on him. I hope he's happy while he's nailing her.


Windu said:

If he says one thing positive about her music, I'm done.


The smashing pumpkins ceased to be an entity for me right after siamese dream - nothing they've done since then is any good.


"1979" plays on soft rock stations now. I'm talking Dental Office rock. So Billy Corgan would be lucky at this point to even be mentioned on a celebrity blog.


krioto said:
The smashing pumpkins ceased to be an entity for me right after siamese dream - nothing they've done since then is any good.
Your loss. They did a lot more than that, and it was all great.

That said, today, it's a damn shame to see how far Billy Corgan (especially as a person) has fallen since 1998-2000.
A Song for a Son - live, one year ago with Jimmy on the drums.... so much better than what we got officially. It makes such a difference with a pro at the kit. plus their live stuff usually sounds much better than their over-produced album stuff with Billy at the controls for months on end. Someone needs to just grab him with a mic and press record and let that be the damn music.



Speaking of the pro...

"He's played stadiums, won a Grammy, sold millions of CDs and toured the world.

And yet Jimmy Chamberlin, former drummer for the 1990s alternative rock band Smashing Pumpkins, was anxious before giving a free drum clinic for 200 fans Thursday at SSE Music.

"I'm used to three other people up there with me," Chamberlin said. "It's different on my own."

The evening was a mix of music and motivation. Chamberlin talked about drumming and played songs from his solo project, the Jimmy Chamberlin Complex, and his newest band, This.

But Chamberlin went beyond the music, encouraging people to follow their passion.

"Anything you do, make sure you can be happy doing it," Chamberlin said.

Drumming always has made Chamberlin happy, something he's done for 37 years. His idea of success, he said, isn't selling millions of records.

"I've seen people walk off the stage of stadiums miserable, and I've seen people playing smoky clubs who are lighting up the room with joy," Chamberlin said. "Fame and fortune doesn't equal happiness."

Chamberlin has followed his own advice - he left the latest incarnation of the Smashing Pumpkins last March.

"For me, I felt like I needed to be more than a drummer," Chamberlin said. "I didn't feel like I had enough ownership. It's better sometimes to say ‘It's time to do my own thing.'"

That's where This, his latest band comes in. He describes the music as "progressive, symphonic pop," and said the band plans to hit the studio in January. It has challenged him musically and given him more freedom - things he finds essential for happiness.

"You need to find your own idea of what success looks like to you," Chamberlin said. "It all has to do with formulating a clear vision."

SSE Music usually has a drum clinic once a year, said owner Steve Earp.

"It's become a tradition," Earp said. "This is probably our largest one. It's our way of giving people an opportunity to see and hear a national artist."

Drummers Chris Paquette, 18, and Aaron Frost, 20, liked that Chamberlin talked about more than music.

"You usually just hear about technique," Paquette said. "I liked what he had to say about finding what you love, even if it isn't music."

"He took it beyond that level," Frost said. "He seems to really have a passion for it."

This. I like it.

Also, more evidence that Corgan is batshit insane:

Whenever news gets slow, all one has to do is mosey on over to Billy Corgan’s spiritual blog and Jessica Simpson’s alleged new boyfriend brings the goods. We knew that Corgan has two book projects on the way, but details were scarce, aside from that bit about one of them being a collaboration with French über SP fan/writer Claire Fercak. Would it be another volume of poetry? Or a Smashing Pumpkins tell-all, a la Mötley Crüe’s (haha more umlauts) The Dirt?

The book, which is tentatively titled God Is Everywhere from Here to There (it was named that before Corgan’s blog “Everything From Here To There,” he insists) will be published by St. Martin’s Press. “I can say I am thrilled to be working with them,” writes Corgan in a post called “Christmas Memories.” “The book is going to be a spiritual memoir about how this boy named William came to find God, or, vice versa, how God came to find William.” :)lol )

Ever wonder how the short-lived puppet show “Gothageddon” came to be? Questions like that will perhaps be answered. “If you have ever wondered how I came to be so mercurial, reactionary, silly, or spiritually open,” Corgan continues, “then this book will provide insight into that.”
What a loon. I don't want insight into how he became a Jesus freak.
wow i can't think of anything more unappealing than hearing about how god found billy or billy found god. i have no ill will towards someone who is spiritual or believes in god but something about shit like this just rubs me the wrong way.

good for billy that he is happy and has found a savior i suppose


FrenchMovieTheme said:
wow i can't think of anything more unappealing than hearing about how god found billy or billy found god. i have no ill will towards someone who is spiritual or believes in god but something about shit like this just rubs me the wrong way.

good for billy that he is happy and has found a savior i suppose
He's found a savior in an eerie devotion to his idea of God, and the kind of pop culture that he once despised.

Billy Corgan in 1994:
"Music's pretty cool and I'm glad to be a part of it. Sometimes when you reach for the stars, you end up in the f---ing sh--. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in America. I don't believe in rock and roll. All I believe in is me."

...and some other time in the 90's:
"I don't know if God would agree with me, but believing in God is kind of unimportant when compared to believing in yourself. Because if you go with the idea that God gave you a mind and an ability to judge things, then he would want you to believe in yourself and not worry about believing in him. By believing in yourself you will come to the conclusion that will point to something."

And he also said something like "if you buy Siamese Dream over a Mariah Carey record, that would mean a lot to me." Now he dates girls like Tila, Jessica Simpson and has Paris Hilton pose for his album artwork.

You've come a long way, Billy :lol


I gave up on Billy's personal affairs a long time ago. The second he started layering on the Jesus was about the time I just threw myself into the music and let Billy be Billy. That's why I'm not especially bothered whether he dates high school kids or puts them in his band -- just give me the music.

That said, the same goes for Jimmy. Not sure how to take the ' symphonic pop' self categorization there, but I'm all down with the progressive element. The self titled JCC album was probably my favorite album the year it came out; I still dust if off regularly.
So I admit I haven't followed this too closely, but aren't we supposed to be getting 44 songs? Is there still only one available? What's that, like one a month? Where's the rest?
Fleet of Foot said:
So I admit I haven't followed this too closely, but aren't we supposed to be getting 44 songs? Is there still only one available? What's that, like one a month? Where's the rest?

If the rest sound anything like 'song for a son' then I don't want them, haet Guns 'n' Roses solo. I think 'Untitled' was the last good song they made, Billy alone does not equal The Smashing Pumpkins :(


PumpkinPie said:
If the rest sound anything like 'song for a son' then I don't want them, haet Guns 'n' Roses solo. I think 'Untitled' was the last good song they made, Billy alone does not equal The Smashing Pumpkins :(
You need the Pumpkin Pie! :p


Fleet of Foot said:
So I admit I haven't followed this too closely, but aren't we supposed to be getting 44 songs? Is there still only one available? What's that, like one a month? Where's the rest?

As a rule, whatever time line Billy gives, immediately discard. It will be broken. We'll probably get 44 songs, or close to it, but not before half of the band quits and Billy decides to never release the remaining songs.


Who even cares? Billy will say or do anything just to get attention, and as soon as that doesn't work he will move on to another dumb idea he's been kicking around in that big ol' bald head of his.

We went from the Zeitgeist skittles PR campaign, to a great tour, to a DVD where Billy preached about artist integrity and giving a big middle finger to corporations, to then turning around and doing stuff for Guitar Hero, the Super Bowl, Visa, defending LiveNation (which is a sham) in front of Congress, to making Jimmy quit after saying four months prior that SP was a lifelong commitment, to hiring on an awful drummer because it's quite obvious that Billy is really concerned about image :)lol)... there's no telling what he will come up with next.

Now we also have a book about William Patrick Corgan finding Jesus to look forward to, among his bipolar ramblings and random song output. Oh, and don't forget about that potential romance with Jessica fucking Simpson. Fuck, that he's even hanging out with her is an embarrassment. The man is a nearly a complete joke now. I never ever thought he'd get this bad. I am sure he will turn out some good tunes every now and then. However, he totally killed the potential for "SP2" to remain a solid commitment worthy of praise for those moments of brilliance, observed in songs like Gossamer, Superchrist and As Rome Burns, none of which are possible now without the most talented musician the band (and American rock over the past few decades) ever had out of the mix.


www.3news.co.nz said:
Jessica Simpson has gone public with her relationship with Smashing Pumpkins rocker Billy Corgan - revealing the odd couple has teamed up for a new song.

The singer/actress was alleged to be dating Corgan in December after they were snapped on a night out together.

Simpson has been friends with 42-year-old Corgan for years, but sources claimed the stars were taking their relationship to the next level and were "officially dating".

The musicians have remained silent over the romance rumours, but Simpson has now admitted they have been spending time together - in the recording studio.

In a post on her Twitter.com blog, the blonde beauty writes, "I am blessed. Going over a song w (with) @billy..."

She accompanied the message with snaps of the pair at work and admits she is enjoying working with Corgan.

Billy just keeps going down.
I had a dream that all this shit was just a joke and then the real Billy would come back, complete with hair, 'I love my mom' Strat and Big Muff...and some heavy riffs.


Billy was such an intelligent, unique, just awesome musician. Never in a million years would I have thought he'd be doing songs with Jessica Simpson in the studio, not to mention dating her.

I really think he should just disappear and stop tarnishing his legacy. His creative output from the late 80's to right before Jimmy left and Billy completely lost it a couple years ago is so deserving of praise it never received. He never got fully recognized as the incredibly prolific, talented artist that he is, and now he's giving people even more justification to not view him as such. What a dumbass.


distantmantra said:
I can't believe you're still hanging on. Sadly, the dude went nuts and became completely irrelevant years ago.
I'm not. I basically stopped after Jimmy left.

I disagree that he became totally irrelevant years ago. He still did a lot of great songs last decade. Even up until 2007/early 2008 their live show was fantastic. He still might put out a good song or two every now and then, but I don't expect anything that great anymore.

What's silly is that the things that, to you, kept me 'hanging on' are now going to be totally discredited by his recent actions in the past year or two. Really, after Jimmy left, it's insane how fast he completely fucked everything up.

New song should be out in the next four days or so! Who wants to bet it'll have Jessica's voice?


James Iha on a banana phone :lol


WTF is going on here? First they were apparently splitting and just good friends, and now...

JESSICA Simpson has fallen hard and fast for her new boyfriend Billy Corgan.

And according to insiders, the singer/actress is so taken with the musician, she’s hoping to marry him.

“Jessica is so in love with Billy right now,” a source revealed. “She’s talked about marrying him and maybe starting a family.

“She turns 30 this year and is keen to settle down after a string of failed romances.”

Jessica — who was previously married to Nick Lachey and has dated singer John Mayer and American footballer Tony Romo — and Billy, 42, were first romantically linked in November 2009 after they both attended a Los Angeles party, though they have been friends for some time.

Recent reports claimed Simpson’s friends and family had warned her against a romance with Corgan.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Jessica go this crazy over a man,” a source said earlier this month. “She’s attracted to his spirituality and wisdom and thinks he’s the most amazing person in every aspect.

“But Billy can be a dark guy. He admits he considered suicide in the past and has a long-running battle with depression. Not exactly the type of person you’d expect to be drawn to.

“Jessica’s so vulnerable emotionally right now. She’s scared of being alone.”



New song is up. I'm not even going to bother linking. It's that bad. Pretty sure Jessica Simpson is doing background vocals.


Diablos said:
New song is up. I'm not even going to bother linking. It's that bad. Pretty sure Jessica Simpson is doing background vocals.

I bumped to say this. Just awful. I'd rather listen to Zeitgeist, which on reflection, is a solid 6

Seth C

I'm having trouble putting in to words just how terribly bad this song is. In fact, this isn't even a song. It is an obnoxious repeating chorus, and not even a catchy chorus at that.
Seth C said:
I'm having trouble putting in to words just how terribly bad this song is. In fact, this isn't even a song. It is an obnoxious repeating chorus, and not even a catchy chorus at that.

it is sub-zwan levels (im talking worst of zwan, they had some good songs). just awful.

why does billy have this new obsessions with going "oh, oh oh oh oh" he's done it in a bunch of songs since the "return" of the pumpkins. it sounds horrible....

hopefully this is the worst song on the album, because if it gets any worse than holy shit dudes!

Jedeye Sniv

Wow, this thread is so depressing, I should never read it again if I want to still love the old records. I always had the suspicion that Billy was a bit of a twat, but modern Billy seems totally intolerable. Oh well, we'll always have Siamese Dream...


This song is ... is ..... it's not even describable how bad this song is. This is worse than Raindrops and Sunshowers. Worse than Neverlost. You see, this is what happens when he doesn't have peers around him to tell him this sucks. D'arcy played that roll back when they were good. She was very vocal about calling his bullshit out.

I don't even want to hear the other 42 other songs he has in mind. Jesus Billy.


Geez, don't know how I missed this -- it's from the middle of last year. D'Arcy unexpectedly calls Q101. First time anyone had heard from her since she left the Pumpkins, basically.

http://media.q101.com/Blogs/1000308/01 D'Arcy.mp3

D'Arcy sounds uhh... REALLY coked out and weird. I hope she's ok. Any long-time SP fan should probably listen to this...

Wow. Just finished listening. She ends the call with "sometimes I caaannn... talk. Sometimes I can't." She's being sincere. It's hard for her to communicate anything throughout the entire call. I think there is something seriously wrong. Ongoing drug use, consequences of prior drug use, maybe a little bit of both -- she sounds kind of... crazy. :( She's always been weird, but I don't know if it was ever this bad.
Diablos said:
Geez, don't know how I missed this -- it's from the middle of last year. D'Arcy unexpectedly calls Q101. First time anyone had heard from her since she left the Pumpkins, basically.

http://media.q101.com/Blogs/1000308/01 D'Arcy.mp3

D'Arcy sounds uhh... REALLY coked out and weird. I hope she's ok. Any long-time SP fan should probably listen to this...

Wow. Just finished listening. She ends the call with "sometimes I caaannn... talk. Sometimes I can't." She's being sincere. It's hard for her to communicate anything throughout the entire call. I think there is something seriously wrong. Ongoing drug use, consequences of prior drug use, maybe a little bit of both -- she sounds kind of... crazy. :( She's always been weird, but I don't know if it was ever this bad.

yeah i heard it when it came out. she's off her rocker bro. wtf is she talking about billy having vocal talents that only monks have or something?

i feel sorry for her. i think she just got mixed up with the wrong guy or group of people and it kind of ruined her career and ruined her life. but it's a choice she made so whatever.

any news on when we might get the next song out? it has to be better than the dog shit he released last. maybe that was one of the duds on the album because song for a son is a very good song


Why are you guys so upset about Jessica Simpson? That is like being upset Scott Weiland agreed to be on celebrity rehab. Where were you when Zwan came out? Just forget he exists and move on.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
maybe 4 songs on it!

some of their live acoustic stuff was really good though

I thought the first 6 songs on the CD were pretty good, with Honestly, El Sol, and Settle down being fantastic.

Also...All this Corgan news is mind blowing for me. I hadn't really followed the news since he released Zeitgest since it sucked, but this is a man I adored in the mid 1990's as a muscian, and now he's dating Jessica Simpson and she's contributing to Billy's music. Jessica fucking Simpson is contributing to the smashing pumpkins.

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