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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


Macam said:
*shrug* I think you're being overly harsh, but I just flat out disagree and I'm still eager to hear what SP's next album is going to sound like.


The way they made it sound, I was expecting what it would sound like if I played drums with Corgan which would be horrible. This wasnt bad.


Diablos said:
Macam, call it harsh, but seriously... this is Jimmy when he basically had no idea how he would fit into the band. Consider it him at his sloppiest. The whole band was pretty WTF. And yet, he still sounds 10x better.

I think the problem is you're busy comparing drummers, while I'm busy trying to figure out if I'm going to like the new SP album.

I know JC is a better drummer, even on acid or godknowswhat, but it's irrelevant. It wouldn't matter if the new kid was 34 and had been in 8 different really good bands, the fact is the new SP is going to sound different because JC isn't there. That's fine, but I always liked SP for a number of reasons, one of which was BC's songwriting ability and, last I checked, he's still got that.

As long as BC is making music, and JC is playing drums somewhere, I'm happy.
new drummer sounded alright... my guess is he kinda choked though. if he did, that's understandable. i'm a musician and i know the best of us bite it sometimes. especially at his age.

as for the new song... you really can't judge by those early live performances. the studio versions are usually substantially different when it comes to the pumpkins.



Forum asks Butch Vig some questions about Siamese Dream. Quite an interesting read.

Oh yes, there were a LOT of guitars!

Because we were using analog tape, and had most of the guitars on the 2nd reel, we had to punch in different parts in different sections, sometimes submixing 8 or 12 guitars down to stereo...( this is before Pro Tools)...
I remember some songs like Hummer and Soma had so many parts, I had to make "guitar maps" for us to remember how to approach the mix.
Alan Moulder asked "what is a guitar map?"
He knew what a guitar map was after he'd been kidnapped for 6 weeks!

Also look for posts by "jefft" as he was in the studio as well.
Seems like we're getting the new album sooner rather than later :D
This Wednesday the 16th of September Billy Corgan will reveal all the new plans for the next Smashing Pumpkins album including how music will be made available and the title of the album.

The news is expected to be "absolutely groundbreaking".

Also this was posted on facebook...
The Smashing Pumpkins It looks like 44 is the new 33...
about an hour ago · Comment · Like


Interesting experiment, but I'm not sure if I like it. In fact, I hate the thought of bands now releasing music like this in the future.

I like the idea of a band getting in the studio and making one start-to-finish album -- one cohesive idea. Releasing songs like this will change the thought process. And granted, that could be interesting, but 44 songs? There's bound to be a crapload of material that would otherwise be regarded as b-sides.


omg rite said:
Interesting experiment, but I'm not sure if I like it. In fact, I hate the thought of bands now releasing music like this in the future.

I like the idea of a band getting in the studio and making one start-to-finish album -- one cohesive idea. Releasing songs like this will change the thought process. And granted, that could be interesting, but 44 songs? There's bound to be a crapload of material that would otherwise be regarded as b-sides.

SP's B-sides are generally awesome, so that doesn't bother me.


Christ, 44 songs? That's way too many. I do not look forward to sifting through all of the inevitable garbage to find the few good songs.
Afrodium said:
Christ, 44 songs? That's way too many. I do not look forward to sifting through all of the inevitable garbage to find the few good songs.

Maybe Corgan can pull off another MCIS.......maybe he's been saving songs to release now


Full details:


I'm happy to finally announce the plans for the new Smashing Pumpkins album.

Recording began yesterday, September 15th, 2009 on the new record which will be entitled 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope'. The album will feature 44 songs, 4 of which are now being recorded. My desire is to release a song at a time beginning around Halloween of this year, with each new release coming shortly after until all 44 are out. Each song will be made available absolutely for free, to anyone anywhere. There will be no strings attached. Free will mean free, which means you won't have to sign up for anything, give an email address, or jump through a hoop. You will be able to go and take the song or songs as you wish, as many times as you wish.

We will however sell highly limited edition EP's (of 4 songs each times 11), and details of how those EP's will be made available are still being worked out.
Because the songs themselves will be free, the EP's will be more like collectors items for the discerning fan who will want the art itself, along with the highest possible audio quality available. The EP's will be more like mini-box sets rather than your normal cd single. We may also offer other variations for sale, say for example a digital single with a demo version of a song. The commitment that is most important is the one I'm making to you: that the music of 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope' will be available for free to everyone. All 44 songs: free for ALL.

When the entire album is finished, it will be compiled into a deluxe box set which will also be made available for sale. Those who have bought the EP's need not worry, as the box set will not be a recompilation of the limited edition pieces.

The story of the album is based on 'The Fool's Journey', as signified in the progress of the Tarot. It is my intention to approach this by breaking down the journey of our life here into four phases as made by these different characters; the Child, the Fool, the Skeptic, and the Mystic.

The music of 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope' harkens back to the original psychedelic roots of The Smashing Pumpkins: atmospheric, melodic, heavy, and pretty.

I already have 53 songs written for the record, so I am quite confident that I already have much of the material that I would need to undertake such an extensive project. I am very committed to seeing this album through to its completion and very, very excited about the prospect of delivering new Smashing Pumpkins music to you in a unique and exciting way.

I'm stoked.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
slightly interested. i'll have to hear the first set before i give him any benefit of the doubt

Agreed, with the exception of Zeitgeist, Billy Corgan has set me up for disappointment plenty of times.

Josh Homme has since replaced him.


NICE. Too bad Jimmy won't have anything to do with it at all. :(
We shall see how good the songs are. Billy can really only go two ways at this point, up or down.


Macam said:
The quality of their last album was awesome in my book.

Pretty sure you're in the minority on that one. Never met a person who didn't think it was complete shit.

Maybe it has more love on GAF.
zeitgeist was good.

doomsday clock, 7 shades of black, tarantula, bleeding the orchid, united states, starz, bring the light, and come on lets go are all good songs

Seth C

I love this announcement. And I agree, the last album was not bad by any means. I'm very interested to hear this new album, and if some of it sucks, who gives a shit really? It was free.
I really like some songs from Zeistgeist but I don't really like it as an album if that makes sense..

Excited about this, I'm thinking of it being it like TAFH part 2. Although you just know Billy will give up on the project three releases in.


Macam said:
The quality of their last album was awesome in my book.
The songs themselves were awesome -- live. Pomp and Circumstances, which they played here in Pittsburgh for the first time anywhere, is just outstanding. In the studio it sounds like a poor man's Enya song. I am not particularly fond with the extremely loud production that entirely lacks dynamics and has even louder vocals that pierce through the noise. Machina 1 was a little dirty, but it still had some kind of dynamics, and texture to the guitars.

The Spirits in the Sky vid is decent, I guess. Mike Bryne has some timekeeping issues, clearly. He's really not that good. Jimmy would have knocked that out of the park. I still can't understand why he picked this kid. When Jimmy left, while you can't find anyone exactly like him, choose someone with talent at least. But hey, at least Dave Navarro is there, right? :lol

I've really been seeing the band in a different way over the past eight months or so. I don't feel any differently about their amazing, mostly flawless stuff from the 90's all the way up to the Zeitgeist tour, but after that Billy really started to act selfish and stupid. Preaching against selling out on the band's latest DVD, and then turning around and doing commercials for Visa and the Super Bowl, Guitar Hero, supporting Live Nation, etc. I think he's just totally lost it. It's really hard for me to look at him and his band in the same way. I'm sure he will still write good songs, but I doubt there will be as many, and I certainly can't see them being one of the best live rock bands around if there's no Jimmy Chamberlin, unless of course he focuses entirely on mellow stuff. But even then, Bryne is not right for the band. I think Billy is picking him for image and as a desperate attempt to reach out to the younger generation that will never buy his music.

In my mind, I'm still awaiting a studio version of As Rome Burns with Billy and Jimmy cranking one of their most badass singles ever, but the reality is that I'm hearing mediocre recycled Zwan-like songs with a shitty drummer. Way to fucking go, Billy.


Question about their album "Machina II/The Friends & Enemies of Modern Music". I know it was released for free on the Internet originally. Is there still a legitimate source to obtain this album now?
pretty good. i liked the live version a bit better. i dont know, his voice sounds too clear or something here.

hopefully the other 43 songs are of Song for a Son's quality


FrenchMovieTheme said:
pretty good. i liked the live version a bit better. i dont know, his voice sounds too clear or something here.
Yes, the Zeitgeist "voice from another room" effect. It's awful.

And the drumming is severely lacking, gtfo Mike Bryne, ugh.

Nice guitars; they don't sound overproduced at all. Love the solo.
Diablos said:
Yes, the Zeitgeist "voice from another room" effect. It's awful.

And the drumming is severely lacking, gtfo Mike Bryne, ugh.

Nice guitars; they don't sound overproduced at all. Love the solo.

yep, the guitars are nice. he can still write some good stuff. looking forward to the 44 song set!


Jimmy talks about his split a bit more. From Hipsters United (quoted from what he said on stage):

"I felt like there was stuff inside of me that I needed to, as an individual, as a father, as a husband, and as a musician that I needed to kind of explore my inner studio space a little bit more. And I didn’t think that being a drummer was what I needed to do at that particular point.

Just if anyone has any questions…I am still friends with Billy. We still love each other. And more power to the Pumpkins, I think he deserves to go on with the name and the guy’s a great songwriter and he’ll go on to make a great record. So, let’s give it up for the man! [Crowd claps]

As will I go on and make great music as well! [More crowd applause] As WILL YOU! [More applause]

Because it’s not rocket science. All’s it takes is a spot you can see in the distance that’s where you want to get to. The rest is kind of easy. Once you have a vision of where you want to take it…you’ll get there!"


Props to the JC. I'm excited he's going to make more music, in whatever form.

And give Bryne a break, Diablos; you're setting unrealistic expectations rather than just enjoying the music.
jimmy is the man but we all knew that. i never knew he wrote the song zeitgeist (at least i read somewhere he wrote it a few days ago)

and i can't hate on the new drummer too much. there is no drummer corgan could have got that would surpass or match jimmy. it sucks that jimmy left, but i'm willing to give "the new pumpkins" a chance.

i just wish we knew who the pumpkins were. or i guess we know its billy and the new drummer, but i wish ginger and jeff were full time members and contributing ideas. i think they could bring some good things to the table.


Macam said:
Props to the JC. I'm excited he's going to make more music, in whatever form.

And give Bryne a break, Diablos; you're setting unrealistic expectations rather than just enjoying the music.
I enjoyed quite a bit of the music. It's just that he's an awful drummer.

I am not setting unrealistic expectations; no one can replace Jimmy, but that doesn't mean you hire on a teenager who can't play drums.
Diablos said:
I enjoyed quite a bit of the music. It's just that he's an awful drummer.

I am not setting unrealistic expectations; no one can replace Jimmy, but that doesn't mean you hire on a teenager who can't play drums.

that's a little harsh, he can clearly play drums. but it is going to be a definite drop off. i suspect corgan will dumb things down, just as he did for darcy

when is this 44 song "masterpiece" supposed to be hitting again?


FrenchMovieTheme said:
when is this 44 song "masterpiece" supposed to be hitting again?

I'd give you the date BC said in his original post, but let's be real: He's not going to meet it. Let's just say it'll be a year or two.

As for Bryne, I'm willing to give the kid a chance. He's got nothing but time on his side. Besides, at the current rate of band members, another year or so and we'll have another drummer.
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