REVENGE OF THE SITH is a masterpiece. The final piece of the puzzle Lucas first presented me at age 6. 27 years later, the Jigsaw is complete and damn if it isn't just damn near the most tragically cool thing Ive ever seen put to film. We wont see another like this. This is it.
Well see enormous sci-fantasy told, with more focus and even grander visions in our lifetime
but well never care as much about a story like this one.
For our generation, Star Wars is our mythology. The big story we lived to see told the first time. For those of you that were kids in lines in 1977 through to the coming weeks
I have to say, it has been an absolute fucking honor to do this with yall.
We all know where we each were at the opening of all these films. In two weeks
this is your last story. Ill never see a new Star Wars movie with my father again. Ill see many more movies but this is the last Star Wars, Ill ever see for the first time with my dad. Ive seen all 6 with him. All on either the first day or before. Its the mythology hes grown old with and helped me grow up with. This one counts, this one is beautiful. This is the last one.
I cant possibly express how profoundly odd that is to type. How weird it makes me feel. I went out after the film I went to find a toy to sit on my desk to look at while I typed this. I went through aisle after aisle of Star Wars stuff, and I couldnt pick something out. I think the one I most thought was cool was this Lego play set of Anakin and Obi Wan on
. You pressed down the Lego characters head and the light sabers lit up. Gosh thats cool. Ill probably buy it for my nephew
Instead I came home, played the score to REVENGE OF THE SITH and wrote this.
Remember this isnt a Star Wars movie to cheer for, to erupt into applause and call cool. If you really love STAR WARS this one is heart ache. Not only is it the end of a nearly 30 year journey for us
It really is the story of how things got so bad, that the good guys had to be a rebellion, where the Jedi had to hide and how evil ruled the galaxy. Wow, Ive seen my last new Star Wars film. Fuck.