ManaByte said:
That trailer captures the true feeling of the movie better than anything I have seen.
ManaByte said:
I actually agree with this statement. I was WAY more excited for the Ep1 teaser premiere than Ep3 teaser premiere... but as far as movies go, I am definitely more excited for Ep3. Ep1 was still just way too unknown. I was "relatively" spoiler free. Still knew much of the movie, but just through basic outlines. Maybe that is why I like TPM.. I went in with low expectations just because I knew George could and would throw a ton of curveballs at us.Thaedolus said:I've never been so excited for a movie to be released in my life. Not even TPM compares to how giddy I feel now.
Kabuki Waq said:guys i suggest you wait for my definative unbaised impressions when i see the movie.
I will be taking one for the team on the 19th.
galeninjapan said:I think episode 3 will be a decent movie, but after watching my room mate play the video game and watching some clips from the movie, I still think the dialouge will horrible and the CG really crappy. Oh well.
Scoot said:That trailer captures the true feeling of the movie better than anything I have seen.
tedtropy said:Heh, I've having a hard time getting actual work done as I continue to replay that trailer again and again. It's nice to actually feel excited as an old Star Wars fan again. Hopefully the movie does not dissapoint.
Manics said:The peope who are creaming their pants while waiting for this movie to be released are starting to scare me. It's just a movie.
right on....tedtropy said:You're right, get exicted over stuff is ghey! In fact, I plan on sitting through all of E3 with merely a stoic expression and the phrase "Looks meh." at ready and assigned to a keyboard shortcut. That's what men do!!1
Im in the same boat....If my wife can't get the next day off (the day of the 19th ) then a midnight viewing is all but out of the cards.Tabris said:Argh. My problem right now is I'm having problems convincing my friends/gf to go to the midnight showing on wednesday.
They just don't understand that I can't wait 10-12 hours before the first mantinee! I'm just too excited. Work and normal sleeping patterns be damned!
Q. So you liked "Revenge of the Sith"?
A. I may have even loved it a little.
Q. What, were you bribed?
A. Only by quality, dear reader. Only by quality.
The bottom line is that "Sith" has a discipline - an aggressive discipline - missing from Episodes I and II. It is just repeatedly not-embarrassing at nearly every turn. Most of the flabby expository walks to landing pads have been neatly snipped. Important things are said with images instead of words. The special effects are better, but draw less attention to themselves.
I had no idea Lucas had a movie like this left in him, and I can't wait to see what he does next. As a much-abused fan who came of age during the first trilogy's original release, I'm overjoyed; after I saw "Sith," I actually stared at a blank Word document for a full day before all these words poured out, because I couldn't figure out a way to put my relief into sentences. (Obviously, I've since solved that problem with a vengeance.) I think you'll feel the same way.
There were tears at my screening
citrus lump said:slightly off topic- but Lucas says the live action show will be 100 episodes at 1 hour each. *faints*
citrus lump said:slightly off topic- but Lucas says the live action show will be 100 episodes at 1 hour each. *faints*
SteveMeister said:Sorry, I'm ahead of you in line. I'll be seeing it this Thursday, May 12th at 7:30PM.
calder said:I need some Ep3 desktop images to get me through the next week and a bit. Anyone have any high-res and cool stills from the movie? Nothing super-spoilery, just any good poster pics or whatnot.
J2 Cool said:Does anybody else think Yoda's pretty damn different as far as personality in the OT? It seemed like even in episode I Lucas was still trying to get a hold of who he was, and he perfected it in episode II. But in the OT he's damn near hysterical when we meet him. I just couldn't see the reverred and wise one become that.
Bacon said:Why didn't Yoda/Obi-Wan just train Luke from a young age?
Mooreberg said:I've never followed the storyline too closely but can somebody explain this:
why does dooku/tyranus tell obi-wan about the "dark side" ruling the senate? He's supposed to be Palpatine's right hand man, but he blows the lid on his on biggest secret like it was no big deal
DrForester said:What I don't get is these things...
Vader knew Luke was his son, how did he not know Leia was his daughter. I know he may not have known it was twins, but how was he to know male or female.
Luke and Leia were hidden from the Emperor and Vader. Why would they put him on Tatooine with the one person with ties to anakin?
If Padme dies in ep. 3, how does Leia remember her mother?
DrForester said:What I don't get is these things...
Vader knew Luke was his son, how did he not know Leia was his daughter. I know he may not have known it was twins, but how was he to know male or female.
Luke and Leia were hidden from the Emperor and Vader. Why would they put him on Tatooine with the one person with ties to anakin?
DrForester said:If Padme dies in ep. 3, how does Leia remember her mother?
Mooreberg said:I've never followed the storyline too closely but can somebody explain this:
why does dooku/tyranus tell obi-wan about the "dark side" ruling the senate? He's supposed to be Palpatine's right hand man, but he blows the lid on his on biggest secret like it was no big deal
Bacon said:Why didn't Yoda/Obi-Wan just train Luke from a young age?
Scoot said:May 19.
DrForester said:Luke and Leia were hidden from the Emperor and Vader. Why would they put him on Tatooine with the one person with ties to anakin?