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Okamiden |OT| The SQUEE-quel! Put down your Pokeymans!

nincompoop said:
It makes about as much sense as Capcom giving them a lucrative contract to port the game and then effectively sabotaging the port by not giving them any of the original code/assets to work with. I'm saying that I don't believe the excuse that Capcom made it that difficult for them in the first place.
It's also possible Capcom didn't have it, who knows. With releasing Okami right before PS3 and Wii(360 already released). The crappy port to Wii. Now sending it's DS sequel to die releasing at the same time as Pokemon and a few weeks later 3DS. Seems like Capcom has essentially doomed and sabotaged the franchise to start with.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
nincompoop said:
Why do you people keep making excuses for their terrible port job? It's telling that some of your excuses (i.e. the ones about why they had to remove the end credits) keep contradicting each other. If the odds were really that stacked against them, don't you think common sense would have stepped in and they would realize that porting a game without being able to use any of the original assets or having any input whatsoever from the original developers was a bad idea? I'm not buying that at all. Plus you still haven't accounted for why they shoehorned excessive waggle into a combat system where it had no place, or why they couldn't do something as simple as have the IR tracker account for the tilt angle of the remote so that the pointer would actually follow your movement when the remote isn't tilted perfectly straight, unlike every other Wii game ever made.

I formed the opinion that RaD were talentless hacks when I first played the travesty known as Daxter, and playing their "interpretation" of Okami didn't do anything to change my mind, so nyah.
Moving the goal post now?
Here, now shut the fuck up, it's even on friggin wikipedia's Ōkami entry and Luca Pessino talked about it at IVDC and besides, not only Capcom never denied RAD's troubled port-job but, in fact... get ready for this... it was Svensson himself (Capcom's Vice-President of Strategic Planning and Business Development) to bring it up in the first place.

"Svensson reported that the original game assets given to them from Capcom Japan were incomplete, and even after requesting old hard drives and computers to recover more assets, Ready at Dawn was still required to recreate some from scratch.[57]
Ready at Dawn's creative director Ru Weerasuriya later reflected that porting Ōkami to the Wii was a challenging task—"we started with no assets and literally reverse-engineered the whole thing back onto Wii"—they did out of love for the game, but the level of effort would preclude them from attempting such a port again.[61]"

On the Imoi:

"A Capcom representative noted that the credits, a pre-rendered movie, had the Clover Studio logo within it, and they had "no legal right to use the Clover logo in a game they were not involved with directly". Since they also lacked the source to the credits, they opted to remove them entirely from the game.[68]"

Pessino said that it was never their decision to cut them, if it really couldn't fit on disc was never their concern because they were were given specifics from Capcom about the credits, so the point Malenfant (true ot not) of disk space is moot.
In fact, the credits were added back for the Japanese version of Ōkami Wii.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Yeah, I was shocked. I called to check a trade in value, and they recognized my voice and said "Oh, your copy of Okamiden came in today". I was out the door in 2 minutes flat :p And the best thing? I didn't have time to get sucked into my pokeymans yet, so this gets started TONIGHT. Booyah! :)
That's pretty sweet. If you have the time, give us some impressions when you have a chance to play it. Also, did you get the brush stylus and cloth as a pre-order bonus? Are they nice?
Dash Kappei said:
Moving the goal post now?
Here, now shut the fuck up, it's even on friggin wikipedia's Ōkami entry and Luca Pessino talked about it at IVDC and besides, not only Capcom never denied RAD's troubled port-job but, in fact... get ready for this... it was Svensson himself (Capcom's Vice-President of Strategic Planning and Business Development) to bring it up in the first place.

"Svensson reported that the original game assets given to them from Capcom Japan were incomplete, and even after requesting old hard drives and computers to recover more assets, Ready at Dawn was still required to recreate some from scratch.[57]
Ready at Dawn's creative director Ru Weerasuriya later reflected that porting Ōkami to the Wii was a challenging task—"we started with no assets and literally reverse-engineered the whole thing back onto Wii"—they did out of love for the game, but the level of effort would preclude them from attempting such a port again.[61]"

On the Imoi:

"A Capcom representative noted that the credits, a pre-rendered movie, had the Clover Studio logo within it, and they had "no legal right to use the Clover logo in a game they were not involved with directly". Since they also lacked the source to the credits, they opted to remove them entirely from the game.[68]"

Pessino said that it was never their decision to cut them, if it really couldn't fit on disc was never their concern because they were were given specifics from Capcom about the credits, so the point Malenfant (true ot not) of disk space is moot.
In fact, the credits were added back for the Japanese version of Ōkami Wii.
Why would they even agree to port the game under such shitty conditions? It's not like they wouldn't be able to get work making another crappy PSP version of a popular Sony franchise if they refused. You can believe what Wikipedia tells you all you want, but something here just doesn't add up. You also still haven't explained why they ruined the combat with unnecessary waggle or why they were unable to implement IR tracking correctly.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I don't explain? I would if I knew you could get it, but at this point it's clear you can't.
"believe Wikipedia all you want" when words are straight from the horse's mouth (Capcom, not RAD).
"useless hacks", "crappy psp versions of Sony franchises"; I see you're just a useless troll or an idiot, probably both.

Chains of Olimpus 91%, Metacritic PSP GOTY
Ghost of Sparta 86%
Daxter 85%

You put the worst of the worst juniors to shame, I'm done with you.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
nincompoop said:
Why would they even agree to port the game under such shitty conditions? It's not like they wouldn't be able to get work making another crappy PSP version of a popular Sony franchise if they refused.

You're fucking stupid.

I don't normally tell people on this board that they're stupid. That's usually harsh. But in this instance, you are clearly being stupid.

They agreed to port the game under those conditions because developers need money to make payroll. They need money to grow their company. And in an game development environment where studios struggle to survive, companies need all the contracts and money they can get. And they aren't going to turn down money because a potential project may be difficult.

You're being a grade A asshole right now. I'm pretty sure you have zero idea what game development is like, especially on a programming side. People worked hard on that project. Perhaps the project wasn't perfect. I certainly admit there were flaws. But spewing vitriol over this when guys worked their asses off just to get the game playable makes you a douchebag. Period.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Utako said:
Hyper-generic commentary in the OP. Nice controls? Cool story etc.

There are reviews in the OP. They are good reviews. That's what he was saying.
TripOpt55 said:
That's pretty sweet. If you have the time, give us some impressions when you have a chance to play it. Also, did you get the brush stylus and cloth as a pre-order bonus? Are they nice?

Yes, they were a bonus.....the cloth is tiny, but nice, with a drawing on it of the characters. The stylus is far too big to be practical for me, and pretty cheap looking, honestly. A big plastic paintbrush with a little stylus tip at the end :p



man such a beautiful preorder bonus but i have sooo many games to play and i never even played the first okami, and i dont wanna spend more money right now.

argh, but look at that stylus!! i will probably preorder it soon lol


i really do like what they have done with the game it has a nice and sweet vibe to it and i felt it work's well with the touch screen on the DS
ZealousD said:
You're fucking stupid.

I don't normally tell people on this board that they're stupid. That's usually harsh. But in this instance, you are clearly being stupid.

They agreed to port the game under those conditions because developers need money to make payroll. They need money to grow their company. And in an game development environment where studios struggle to survive, companies need all the contracts and money they can get. And they aren't going to turn down money because a potential project may be difficult.

You're being a grade A asshole right now. I'm pretty sure you have zero idea what game development is like, especially on a programming side. People worked hard on that project. Perhaps the project wasn't perfect. I certainly admit there were flaws. But spewing vitriol over this when guys worked their asses off just to get the game playable makes you a douchebag. Period.
I'm being stupid for thinking that they should show some discretion in choosing which projects to accept? There are much better ways to grow your company brand than doing a project which is guaranteed to reflect poorly on your company. Look at companies like Wayforward and Shin'en, and more recently Double Fine who have managed to stay afloat by doing licensed games. If you can't see why accepting to port the game under the conditions that Capcom allegedly imposed is a bad idea, then maybe you're the one who's stupid. Also,
at Dash Kappei using Metacritic as a barometer for the quality of their games. Daxter was the biggest waste of $50 I've ever spent in my life, and the demo for Chains of Olympus didn't seem much better. Still waiting for an explanation on why the fucked up they combat and IR implementation so badly in Okami BTW.


I wish Okamiden were a little better. It may have good-for-DS graphics, but that isn't saying much, and the recycled, downsampled music was a huge disappointment. Charming story and characters, though.


Chesskid1 said:
man such a beautiful preorder bonus but i have sooo many games to play and i never even played the first okami, and i dont wanna spend more money right now.

argh, but look at that stylus!! i will probably preorder it soon lol

Seriously, I have like 4 console games I haven't even opened yet, and 3 or 4 DS games I haven't beaten and then there's the 3DS and it's games on the horizon. Oh and about 3 Wii games I haven't picked up yet i.e. Goldeneye, DKCR, and Sonic Colors. I'll probably buy it, but only to support it and have it in the case that the game eventually becomes impossible to find (or at least for a decent price).


Capcom store strikes again!

Dear --,

Thank you for preordering Okamiden!

Little Chibiterasu has been a very popular pup. Unfortunately we are facing a delay from the factory of a portion of the Chibiterasu plush key chains. They are shipping now but the delay will hold up some Okamiden orders. More than half of all preorders will ship by March 15th with Chibiterasu and we anticipate shipping more a few days later and the following week for the balance of all preorders. If you do not receive a shipping confirmation by the end of day on March 15th, it is likely your order will be delayed until more plush key chains are delivered.

If you are unconcerned about the delay do nothing; your game and Chibiterasu will ship together as soon as possible. If you do not receive a shipping confirmation by the end of day on March 15th, and prefer not to wait for your game to arrive with Chibiterasu, please remove him from your order and we will ship your game immediately. We will ensure that all those who remove Chibiterasu from their order will receive him in a separate delivery.

Thank you for supporting this great game and please let us apologize for the factory delay.

The Capcom Store Team

Oh well, Ar Tonelico 3 and Hard Corps Uprising will be mine next week anyways. So I can wait for the game and keychain to arrive together.


Dot Hacked
Volcynika said:
Capcom store strikes again!

>_< Aww c'mon stupid Capcom! How can they have a hiccup making something in very limited quantities to begin with? Bleh! Guess I'll just hope for the best in getting it asap.


Volcynika said:
Capcom store strikes again!

Oh well, Ar Tonelico 3 and Hard Corps Uprising will be mine next week anyways. So I can wait for the game and keychain to arrive together.

Yeah no issues here either. I could use the delay and save my wallet some... ArT3 next week + Musou 6 this week and maybe even Yakuza 4.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
nincompoop said:
at Dash Kappei using Metacritic as a barometer for the quality of their games.
You're right, silly me, I should have used your shittacular tastes instead!

Anyway, tried the Nintendo Channel demo... No surprise that it doesn't suit the game right, but the graphics semm cute, art is lovely as usual and as a first impression I'm good with the controls.
Gonna buy it next month.

The Lamp

>Release Okamiden during Pokemonth
>Nobody buys it
>"Okami is not a profitable IP, we won't make it anymore"
> ;_;

I would love to buy this, really, I would, but I don't even have the money for any DS games, neither Pokemon nor Okamiden.

But oh man :( I wish I could play it.
Volcynika said:
Capcom store strikes again!

Oh well, Ar Tonelico 3 and Hard Corps Uprising will be mine next week anyways. So I can wait for the game and keychain to arrive together.

I thought everyone learned after MVC3?


The Lamp said:
>Release Okamiden during Pokemonth
>Nobody buys it
>"Okami is not a profitable IP, we won't make it anymore"
> ;_;

I would love to buy this, really, I would, but I don't even have the money for any DS games, neither Pokemon nor Okamiden.

But oh man :( I wish I could play it.
Don't forget that it's also 3DS month. Whomp. I don't give a shit though, Okami is one of my favorite games ever, so I preordered the crap out of this game, even if I won't have time to play it. Must. Support. Okami.
Managed to land a copy of Okamiden (along with Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes) today. I can't wait for the 3DS's post-launch lull, then I'll finally be able to plow through this mound of handheld games I've been adding to these last few months.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
nincompoop said:
It has 4 reviews from unknown sites you fucking idiot, RAD games have from 60 to 80 with every major website and magazine, you keep embarassing yourself... keep going (please don't), what a wreck LOL.
Are you even interested in Okamiden?

Btw guys, ONM UK gave the game an 88%, did we know that already? Arethose guys remotely reliable or what?
I'm pretty confident of the quality of the game with EDGE's 8/10, and obviously I'll keep more than an eye out for negative/positive impressions posted here, but iirc J-GAF consensus about the game wasn't glowing.
Dash Kappei said:
It has 4 reviews from unknown sites you fucking idiot, RAD games have from 60 to 80 with every major website and magazine, you keep embarassing yourself... keep going (please don't), what a wreck LOL.
Are you even interested in Okamiden?

Btw guys, ONM UK gave the game an 88%, did we know that already? Arethose guys remotely reliable or what?
I'm pretty confident of the quality of the game with EDGE's 8/10, and obviously I'll keep more than an eye out for negative/positive impressions posted here, but iirc J-GAF consensus about the game wasn't glowing.
Wow, you actually took my post at face value
. Since you're too fucking thickheaded to understand my point, here it is in plain English: AGGREGATE REVIEW SCORES ARE WORTHLESS! THEY LARGELY DEPEND ON A NUMBER OF FACTORS WHICH HAVE VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL QUALITY OF THE GAME AND WHICH MAKE THE SCORE ATTATCHED TO THE GAME WORTHLESS AS A BASIS FOR COMPARITIVE QUALITY! Are you completely incapable of forming your own opinion regarding anything? Or maybe you work in marketing for a major publisher or are somebody who has a vested interest in seeing their product receive a high metascore. (That would certainly explaining your half-assed damage control of RaD's botched Okami port.) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, a.k.a. THA BESTEST GAME OF ALL TIME!!!1


Well this thread certainly took a turn for the worse.

So guys, how bout that Chibiterasu? He's a cute little pup, ain't he?
Played the game for an hour or so.....it's soooo freakin adorable. This pup is cuter than any nintendog :p Loved Issun wondering who Ammy was fucked by to have her son lol. P Okami seems right at home on DS, the touchscreen stuff is far superior to the wiimote stuff....quick, easy and accurate. The game does exactly what you want with the brush. The graphics seem rough at first, but they're actually stunning for DS level 3d and are true to the style of the original. Lots of cute and funny animations too. Aside from the occasional pixelly texture, my only feeling while playing it was that I was playing more Okami, and that's high praise. Of course, they'll probably make me fight Orochi 16 times and throw the DS against the wall :p

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
What do you think of the combat? That's a major selling point for a 20 hours action game. Is the world a bit barren or does it get better and is the framerate steady and smooth?
I have to admit the DS 3D does put me off the game slightly but it good to hear that you get used to it. Plus the artstyle helps (the extremelt low res textures are as much a problem as the models for DS 3D I find).

Does this confirm the Okami port is the Okami equivilent of Metroid: Other M to Metroid game threads. That is, it always gets bought up and arguments ensue. Well I don't really mind in this case since its keeping the thread alive...

nincompoop said:
I'm being stupid for thinking that they should show some discretion in choosing which projects to accept? There are much better ways to grow your company brand than doing a project which is guaranteed to reflect poorly on your company
You are making the assumption they accepted the project knowing that they would lack the resources they required. With ports in general when you sign up you are told you'll have all the original assests available and that to work with.

I'd have to say that not happening is an uncommon but possible scenario. There was a topic a while back about some mobile port of an arcade game that had the same issue (only worse, it was nothing at all and was like, its been ported to the PS2 so it'll work...only troulbe is the "port" was an emulator). But its more realistic an 80s arcade game would have no useful materials left for it compared to a recent PS2 release.

I can not comment on the celestial brush or combat aspects or how widely accepted the problem is but I'd geuss lack of focus group to test it was the issue. Even the focus groups can mislead very easily.

Dash Kappei said:
Btw guys, ONM UK gave the game an 88%, did we know that already? Arethose guys remotely reliable or what?
Them for giving Heatseeker a similar score (a medicore flight sim PS2 port which was 50Hz only*...it was 50/60Hz on the PS2), saying a few times in their review of Metal Slug Anthology that it supported the classic controller kind of tainted them as a whole for me. I've not read them since 2007 so can't comment on how their reviews fare now.

I do know that some reviews do appear on their website so maybe this one will and as always its best to read text and not numbers...

*-Not that they care as I remember on the forums they defended Nintendo putting 50Hz only games on the VC as anyone who knew what 60Hz was like must have been a pirate so thier argument is discredited (a bit of a "Hitler was a vegetarian, all vegetarians are evil")


i don't like pre-order's but i have had this or order since i found out it was coming to the DS so happy please hurry and get here
_Alkaline_ said:
nincompoop continuing to have a meltdown.
I'm trying to have a rational debate here, but it's difficult when the only people responding to me besides Starwolf are ignoring all of my arguments and resorting to personal attacks just because I'm criticizing a game/developer that they like.

Starwolf_UK said:
You are making the assumption they accepted the project knowing that they would lack the resources they required. With ports in general when you sign up you are told you'll have all the original assests available and that to work with.

I'd have to say that not happening is an uncommon but possible scenario. There was a topic a while back about some mobile port of an arcade game that had the same issue (only worse, it was nothing at all and was like, its been ported to the PS2 so it'll work...only troulbe is the "port" was an emulator). But its more realistic an 80s arcade game would have no useful materials left for it compared to a recent PS2 release.

I can not comment on the celestial brush or combat aspects or how widely accepted the problem is but I'd geuss lack of focus group to test it was the issue. Even the focus groups can mislead very easily.
See, that's why I have a hard time accepting that Capcom would agree to license a port when they couldn't provide the original code/assets; they usually seem a lot more professional than that (Splosion Man ripoff notwithstanding). Even if they didn't know at the time that they wouldn't have access to the source code, I'd still think they would've caught on early enough to realize that letting them continue with the port would be a bad idea and shut the project down.

The Hermit


I am glad Ready at Dawn made the port, or else I would have never played such a magnificent game. Yes, the Ps2 version is superior, but besides some flaws it still is an awesome game.

Anyway, back on topic: Yay Okamiden! :D


Square Triangle said:
The stylus and cleaning cloth pre order bonus, is that Gamestop exclusive or can I get it if I go through amazon?

Check Amazon's page for it? I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to GameStop though.


Square Triangle said:
The stylus and cleaning cloth pre order bonus, is that Gamestop exclusive or can I get it if I go through amazon?

Amazon is not providing any kind of pre-order bonus. :(

Can't wait for the 15th... keep those impressions coming!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
OMG Aero said:
In general, official magazines aren't reliable at all.
That's why I asked :)
Anyway, what Starwolf said about their stance on VC is enough to put them in the no-no book as far as I'm concerned. I still prefer to read each review for what it is, editorial staffs are made of individuals and I believe there can always be a nice, informed fella doing well written reviews even when working for a subpar Editor-in-Chief; if ONM UK puts the article online I'll be sure to check it out.
So I've been playing Okamiden for about 3 hours today and I must say, I'm in love. When it came to the original Okami, I beat Orochi and I went to some town that was very misty. I think I lost my interest around that point--I was in disbelief that after Orochi there was still a lot more to do. Not only that, but I find Issun incredibly annoying.

This game has such charm, though. I can't believe I'm playing an Okami game on my DS! Chibiterasu and Kuni have awesome chemistry, and the mystery surrounding Kuni is very interesting. I think I'll be seeing this one to the end for sure!
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