That 10 Million Downloads event... is actually... decent.
1) Rainbow Gem daily, as per usual
2) Two 5 million XP meats (Login during May 10-16 for the first, May 17-23 for the second)
3) Facebook event, details on May 12
4) Replay Rush
- May 10-14: Rising Sun, Rising Fortunes (Kimono SHs)
- May 14-18: Halloween Part 1
- May 18-22: Halloween Part 2
- Rayleigh training: May 11, May 21
5) FP Recruit: May 17-23, pictured are Skypiea units, Doublefinger, Mr. 1, Zeff and... Enel (Plus free 1,000 FP each day)
6) 2x Super Success and Skill Up: May 17-23
The exact text for the 2x Super/Skill Up:
"All during this part of the event, you'll have twice the chance to level up your characters' Specials every time you Power Up using a character with the same Special or the right Manual and a chance at 1.5x EXP! Don't miss this chance to get your crew in fighting trim!"
Holy crap, I might be able to finish my sockets on LL and G3... Glad I got a new Nami, maybe I'll finish my Halloween Zoro...That 10 Million Downloads event... is actually... decent.
1) Rainbow Gem daily, as per usual
2) Two 5 million XP meats (Login during May 10-16 for the first, May 17-23 for the second)
3) Facebook event, details on May 12
4) Replay Rush
- May 10-14: Rising Sun, Rising Fortunes (Kimono SHs)
- May 14-18: Halloween Part 1
- May 18-22: Halloween Part 2
- Rayleigh training: May 11, May 21
5) FP Recruit: May 17-23, pictured are Skypiea units, Doublefinger, Mr. 1, Zeff and... Enel (Plus free 1,000 FP each day)
6) 2x Super Success and Skill Up: May 17-23
The exact text for the 2x Super/Skill Up:
"All during this part of the event, you'll have twice the chance to level up your characters' Specials every time you Power Up using a character with the same Special or the right Manual and a chance at 1.5x EXP! Don't miss this chance to get your crew in fighting trim!"
edit: for the firend recrit doesn't seem to indicate any limitation to what characters we can get..does it usually limit itself to the units shown in the banner in japan or can i found the likes of crocodile,wapol or foxie too?
I max socket my Int Iva with 65 copies.![]()
Yeah, this event is good. Gonna have to gem a bit to run Arlong enough alongside the reruns.
And two Meats is a surprise. Was gonna use one to max Legend Croc (as I'm about to evolve him), but now I gotta figure out where to use the other one. My Sengoku's at 70, so it seems kind of a waste to use it on him, but he's arguably better to max than any random RR unit.
Just fight Ivankov lolOkay yellow turtle time, got Sengoku to 85, evolved kid shanks and log franky. But now I'm down to 200k beli. Guess it's a money cave weekend.
So anyone in particular isn't at the friend pull limit? Will attempt to choose whichever particular member that hasn't already maxed to 99, so they'll have max pulls come friend Sugo.
Just fight Ivankov lol
I got the 2.5x shanks during Sugo btw, is he used for anything in particular?
I maxed, zero gemming ¯\_(ツReal life got in the way of grinding but I got a decent amount of runs in
But MAN you would not know there's a skill up event. Didn't get Iva maxed this time![]()
I maxed, zero gemming ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I got 3/9 skillups from my Ivas, now CD 12. Not bad, but not really important. I did get some good sockets though: 5 Bind | 4 Despair | 3 CD | 3 Auto-Heal.
Obviously those sockets didn't ALL come from today's farming. But 4 or 5 of them did, which I consider a win.From 9 Ivankovs?![]()
But people told me I would have to wait for 2017 till the next skill up event.
AND WHITEBEARD BOOKS DURING A SKILL UP EVENT!!!! OMG!!! At least for one day. Looks like I will socket every Luffy, Franky, Nami and Chopper while I try to get WB books.
Wish they would have announced a new raid boss with the event. Now we have to hope that we will get one. ._.
Most LL has CD/Orb matching instead of autoheal so I usually don't bother with that orb matching on mjne. With CD reduction, it may allow you to clear some fortnights without stalling.With the upcoming islands I consider to switch my orb socket to a cd socket for my LL. Don't know if its worth the effort...
Yeah, part 1 island is the one that drops his books, the second part drops Rayleigh books.which event isle are the whitebeard books in? the haloween one?
Most LL has CD/Orb matching instead of autoheal so I usually don't bother with that orb matching on mjne. With CD reduction, it may allow you to clear some fortnights without stalling.
Yeah, part 1 island is the one that drops his books, the second part drops Rayleigh books.
I only got evolved kid Ace the last time the three brothers were in the sugo.
Tell me it's silly to pull for them and remind me that they are subpar units. I beg you.
I only got evolved kid Ace the last time the three brothers were in the sugo.
Tell me it's silly to pull for them and remind me that they are subpar units. I beg you.
I've got everyone done except Hatchi and Rayleigh. I just want to get Rayleigh to 20,just need one more...One more skill level to skillmax Apoo ...
Hope I can manage before this event ends!
Heracles'n is the raid for this week. Better get your gems rea.. oh.
Heracles'n is the raid for this week. Better get your gems rea.. oh.
I've heard he's good for Rayleigh teams too, right?
I've heard he's good for Rayleigh teams too, right?