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Onimusha 3 targeting takes me closer to the dark side


Is it really that hard to make a NORMAL targeting function in a game?? I think not, because Onimusha 2 had it right! I don't remember the first game well enough. Then why is the targeting so messed up in the third part!?!

This archer demon thing is right in front of me, I can only hit it with arrows, which I can only use by targeting the demon. When I try to target it, a stupid orb enemy thing is targeted, on the complete opposite side of the room!! AAAAARGH There are many examples of this....why oh why can't they get it right?!?!


isn't there a way to choose/change who you have targeted? I believe there is, but can't remember for the life of me :\


works for Gamestop (lol)
Move the right analog stick to change targeting. Targeting still sux either way

Also, the game wasn't all that.


Wario64 said:
Move the right analog stick to change targeting. Targeting still sux either way

Also, the game wasn't all that.

OK, moving the stick works, but really gets in the way of the flow of the combat. I liked the second Onimusha a whole lot more than this one, but hey I got it for cheap so I shouldn't complain too much.
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