Thanks, I'm very insecure so it helps having an outside view.
Too bad your date didn't go well, I guess we have to be prepared to go through those as it's part of the game, but it's hard.
If anything, you can try cropping the picture out but it might look awkward. When in doubt, having a woman look at your pictures will help.
After a day of letting it sit, it wasn't so bad compared to another date I had in May this year where the girl and I were disagreeing about a lot of stuff. But my energy wasn't there so I acted disinterested which made it a chore for me to get through.
I'm sure everyone in this thread has been on their share of dates where they weren't on their A game. It's the nature of the beast. I won't let one bad date and a string of dates that ranged from good to okay this week bring me down so I'll get back on the horse and keep moving forward. My first date in August: Tuesday with a theatre girl from CmB at a Starbucks in my neighborhood. Will walk down to the nearby bar from there.
So to summarize my final week in July's dates:
-Monday: Made out with Asian girl which was a really fun date. Followed up with her a few days later asking to hang out again but she said she was getting back with her ex. Wished each other the best and moved on.
-Wednesday: A pigeon pooped on the table I was sitting on whille on date with slide girl which was funny and one I will tell in the future to friends. Chemistry was there but when I followed up with her she cited distance being an issue. Wished each other the best and moved on.
-Thursday: A failed attempt to go art gallery hopping led to going to a bar with Puerto Rican-Irish girl. As chatty as she was via text, in person I found her to be quite boring and was struggling to act interested in conversation at the bar. It didn't help that I was annoyed that it took me roughly 30 minutes to find her at the park we were supposed to meet up at. I followed up with her and she said she said she didn't feel feel it to which I agreed and suggested platonic friends. She agreed.
-Friday: Dietician girl was physically attractive but ditzy and struck me as being a typical 9-5 drone who was into traveling, going out with roommates, and was Snapchatting her brother every now and then. I had mixed feelings about her throughout the date since we didn't have much if anything in common. Awkwardly kissed her at the end as an afterthought which was meh. Followed up with her yesterday and she said she didn't feel any chemistry but wants to hang out as friends. I haven't responded to her yet but my draft text basically says that I agree about not feeling much chemistry as well and would be cool with that. I don't expect to replace her dearest BFF but I can learn something new about myself so screw it.
-Saturday: Hovering picture girl date was me at my C game on account of being 40 minutes late. The girl was nice and I thanked her for the paying for the drinks but I wasn't into it so I won't contact her again.
Looking back on July, I grew a lot as a person. I realized that I do have the confidence to make out with girls and need to overthink things a lot less. I also learned that I'm not attracted to shy girls at all and need to arrive to my dates early if not on time as well as try not to be super eager to talk about myself. I'm still on a dry spell but I'm not worried about that at all.
Dates have gotten super easy for me to land these days so it's a matter of just keeping the ball rolling and making plans for a second date if the prior date went well. I'm looking forward to more success stories as well more stories of struggles going into next month since we're all in it together. Most importantly, have fun with it, and don't complain about spending $6.