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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel


Neo Member
What do you think of gears and uncharted tc?
Both aren't as good graphically, but the gameplay mechanics are much more polished.
Even thought uncharted may be formulaic now..... I'll still get it for the gameplay

Maybe a movie about the order would be cool.... Sort of like the dead space movies
That's why you give it to someone more capable and BOOM!
problem solved!!!!!!

Has this happened before? Like is there a precedent where a crap game was given to someone else and it became better? The Order was RAD's baby as far as I know, they were responsible for the design and theme of the game. It'd seem a bit of a slap in the face to just take that away and give it to someone else.

What should have happened is there should have been some oversight on the project, some guidance and that seems to be sadly lacking at Sony as of late.


I'll say it again. RaD could be the kings of this revitalized era of interactive cinematic story driven games ala Until Dawn, LiS, Quantic Dream, Telltale, etc if they wanted to. That's the only form I'd want to see a sequel.

Not sure if they'd be willing to give up control over the story, though. They seem to be pretty intent on scripting every tiny moment and making the story interactive would certainly get in the way of that. Personally, I'd love to see a more adventure-style game from them, though. I think it'd also lend itself pretty well to The Order's story and tone.


I'd disagree (because I honestly don't think that that's enough of a difference to make it "un-generic") but even going by that premise, stuff like an emphasis on verticality was only really introduced into the series in Uncharted 2. So Uncharted was given a sequel despite its first entry being pretty uninspired on the gameplay front and everyone ended up loving it. The same thing could very well happen with an Order sequel.

In 2007! Even the original Uncharted had light platforming and puzzle solving.

It is 2015 and the incredibly basic stop and pop gameplay in the Order is just not enough to carry a game anymore. Notice how Uncharted 4 is introducing all new mechanics and changing the combat set ups to be more in line with TLOU.


Incredibly Naive
It's dead guys, sorry for anybody hanging on to the idea. I'm sure sony is pissed they let RAD take control of this one, because they really pumped this one up. They seemed to be hoping this was something they could add rotate with UC/TLOU or whatever ND was putting out. Unfortunate, because it had a ton of potential.


I agree, especially after that ending. No reason why they can't improve the game tenfold now with all the feedback they've received.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The game has very good setting and intriguing world.

It's just the developer themselves have seemingly so much contempt towards what actually constitute as a "game". I *would* buy a sequel to the Order sure, since it bounds to have incredible eye candy and I love eye candy, but only if it is handed to a developer that actually care about what makes a game a game and doesn't ooze pretentiousness from every pore of their skin to the point of nauseating.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Fuck that, sorry to just dismiss your opinion like that OP but personally I'd rather Sony sink that money into funding a revival of Star Craft Ghost on the PS4. It would be so good coupled with today's technology. I'd actively campaign for that if I were Sony and it could work out for them,they seem to share a mutually lucrative relationship with Activision with both Destiny and Call of Duty, so why not add another franchise to that list that can satisfy that 3rd person shooter itch with a robust multi-player component that many customers want scratched? I assure you it'd do better than The Order 2


They seemed to be hoping this was something they could add rotate with UC/TLOU or whatever ND was putting out. Unfortunate, because it had a ton of potential.

Yeah. Uncharted 4 is supposed to be the last one
until PS5 ? :)
, so they have to find something else to rotate with TLOU..right ? ;)


In 2007! Even the original Uncharted had light platforming and puzzle solving.

It is 2015 and the incredibly basic stop and pop gameplay in the Order is just not enough to carry a game anymore. Notice how Uncharted 4 is introducing all new mechanics and changing the combat set ups to be more in line with TLOU.

The Order had light platforming, as well.

Honestly, I don't really know what to say. With these kinds of games I just tend to pretty much ignore the gameplay, anyway. To me, Uncharted 2's and Uncharted 3's gameplay was just as meh as The Order's for the most part and I'm sure that that won't change much with Uncharted 4. I get that there are differences between them and if it were up to me, The Order's gameplay would be completely different but at the end of the day, The Order is the kind of game that you play for the story, the atmosphere and the pretty graphics first and the gameplay second or third. Of course, if the story wasn't somebody's cup of tea, I can see how they'd dislike the game as a whole (just like I don't like Uncharted 3 because I think its story is shit) but other than that I really think that people should try and look beyond the gameplay.


I only played it recently and more or less knew what to expect. Given that and having purchased it at a reasonable price ($20) I was blown away. It wasn't perfect and I completely understand the many complaints people had with it but I still really loved it. From an atmosphere perspective, the visuals (and the audio) were just beyond amazing. This was clearly very loving crafted (it's apparent right from the title screen and with the hauntingly beautiful cello music playing) and it would be a real shame if there wasn't a sequel.


I played the first hour just last week and I struggle to find a reason to continue. I rather have a new Crash than another Order.


The Order had light platforming, as well.

Honestly, I don't really know what to say. With these kinds of games I just tend to pretty much ignore the gameplay, anyway. To me, Uncharted 2's and Uncharted 3's gameplay was just as meh as The Order's for the most part and I'm sure that that won't change much with Uncharted 4. I get that there are differences between them and if I had been the one calling the shots, The Order's gameplay would be completely different but at the end of the day, The Order is the kind of game that you play for the story, the atmosphere and the pretty graphics first and the gameplay second or third. Of course, if the story wasn't somebody's cup of tea, I can see how they'd dislike the game as a whole (just like I don't like Uncharted 3 because I think its story is shit) but other than that I really think that people should try and look beyond the gameplay.

I think it is very generous to say the Order had light platforming but whatever. Fair enough that you didn't enjoy gameplay in UC2/3 (even though the beta in UC4 pretty much confirmed that they finally nailed the combat so you really shouldn't write that off yet) but your assesment of "try and look beyond the gameplay" is completely missing the point.

These types of games don't have to be just shoot a bunch of dudes so you are rewarded with a new bit of story with TLOU being a huge step in the right direction. Compare that to the Order which had basically no gameplay at all, other than a bunch of killrooms, QTEs and prolonged walking sections that did nothing to help the story (which was pretty terrible anyway.)

Btw, I do agree that UC3 was pretty meh though :p


I said as much back when I beat it. Just open it up, give us more of the gameplay (which is actually good) and give it a longer, more fleshed out story. The foundation is there for something great.


Loved the lore and atmosphere, had a very "HBO Miniseries" type of vibe going and it was very intriguing. I'd love a sequel, and the problems people had with the game could be so easily rectified. Killzone1->2 is a very apt comparison. The potential is there, up the encounter intensity, horde mode co-op, build some awesome boss fights, and up the stakes with the lore.

Special shout-out to this lovely lady, one of the best characterized tough-chicks in a shooter i can think of
I completely agree with the OP. I recently played and got the platinum (which took about 12 hours on Hard) and I have to say that it was a blast. It has its faults I agree but never did I feel bored or felt like I had been wronged and ripped off because 'it's too short' or because 'it doesn't have enough gameplay'. The art direction, the setting, the lore, hell even the gameplay were highlights and I honestly felt like the game had a good balance between gameplay and story/cinematic segments. The combat sections in many games often overstay their welcome so it was a nice change to be told a story with some action thrown in sparingly.

It would be a crime not to allow RAD to make a sequel. It could be absolutely magnificent.


The Order had light platforming, as well.

Honestly, I don't really know what to say. With these kinds of games I just tend to pretty much ignore the gameplay, anyway. To me, Uncharted 2's and Uncharted 3's gameplay was just as meh as The Order's for the most part and I'm sure that that won't change much with Uncharted 4. I get that there are differences between them and if it were up to me, The Order's gameplay would be completely different but at the end of the day, The Order is the kind of game that you play for the story, the atmosphere and the pretty graphics first and the gameplay second or third. Of course, if the story wasn't somebody's cup of tea, I can see how they'd dislike the game as a whole (just like I don't like Uncharted 3 because I think its story is shit) but other than that I really think that people should try and look beyond the gameplay.

Uncharted has excellent gunplay when compared to the Order. The encounters, the environment, the platforming are far more interesting than anything you play in the Order. The only similarities are that they are both TPS games with guns and a cover mechanic. The two games could not be further apart gameplaywise.


my opinion is no, it does not deserve a sequel. they showed us very clearly that they didn't have any interest in making a game whatsoever, but a tech demo riddled with quicktime events and an unfinished story.

It was gorgeous, and I love the setting and ideas, but after that, they certainly don't deserve one, even if it's what they seem to have been banking on. it's literally the last thing they deserve.

talented bunch of artists though!

edit: to clarify, I would absolutely love to see the game done right, but their first effort did not inspire confidence in me, game-wise.
I honestly enjoyed the game. It was a nice departure from most of the "traditional" games available in the market today. Yeah, it definitely deserves a sequel.


I think it is very generous to say the Order had light platforming but whatever. Fair enough that you didn't enjoy gameplay in UC2/3 (even though the beta in UC4 pretty much confirmed that they finally nailed the combat so you really shouldn't write that off yet) but your assesment of "try and look beyond the gameplay" is completely missing the point.

These types of games don't have to be just shoot a bunch of dudes so you are rewarded with a new bit of story with TLOU being a huge step in the right direction. Compare that to the Order which (ignoring how terrible the story was) had basically no gameplay at all, other than a bunch of killrooms and prolonged walking sections which did nothing to help the storytelling.

I generally tend to not enjoy combat so UATE "nailing" the combat probably isn't going to do much for me :p. The improvement of the stealth mechanics might but we'll see.

Oh, I totally agree that they should be more than that. Like I said, if it were up to me, the game would play completely differently. Generally speaking, I'm a huge advocate of fusing gameplay and story together instead of separating them and I'm not even a huge fan of this whole obsession some developers (including RAD) seem to have with turning games into films (and I actually prefer games to have interactive stories instead of overly scripted ones). I'm not saying that The Order was perfect, there was a lot of room for improvement, what I'm saying is that The Order was enjoyable and entertaining (IMO) the way it was (although it definitely had the potential to be more enjoyable than it was) and that I personally don't see too much of a difference between it and some other games which people are absolutely crazy about which is why I find the way the game has been treated to be so unfair. And I think the reason why the whole "but that was 2007" argument rings kind of hollow to me is that I, personally, didn't enjoy that kind of gameplay even in 2007 so it's just sort of bizarre to me to see people who were totally enamoured by this type of game back then to suddenly take out their pitchforks at the sight of one now. So it's not necessarily that it's an invalid argument, it's just an argument that I can't really wrap my head around because I was never one of those people who thought Uncharted's gameplay was fun to begin with. If that makes any sense :p.


I don't know that I want a sequel as much as I want an alternate universe where RAD didn't completely botch the game. They crafted a great world in my opinion. Too bad they blew the execution in just about every way.

Timing based stealth kills was a neat idea. Instant death for failing was a shitty one. Plot was decent enough, if generic and cliche. Exposition was complete crap though. Character design was awesome. Character personalities were wet noodles. Shooting mechanics were great. Enemy AI and design were worthless. Levels were gorgeous. Level design was boring. The list goes on and on.

I've never been more disappointed with a game because I think there was a ton of missed potential.


I generally tend to not enjoy combat so UATE "nailing" the combat probably isn't going to do much for me :p. The improvement of the stealth mechanics might but we'll see.

Oh, I totally agree that they should be more than that. Like I said, if it were up to me, the game would play completely differently. Generally speaking, I'm a huge advocate of fusing gameplay and story together instead of separating them and I'm not even a huge fan of this whole obsession some developers (including RAD) seem to have with turning games into films (and I actually prefer games to have interactive stories instead of overly scripted ones). I'm not saying that The Order was perfect, there was a lot of room for improvement, what I'm saying is that The Order was enjoyable and entertaining (IMO) the way it was (although it definitely had the potential to be more enjoyable than it was) and that I personally don't see too much of a difference between it and some other games which people are absolutely crazy about which is why I find the way the game has been treated to be so unfair. And I think the reason why the whole "but that was 2007" argument rings kind of hollow to me is that I, personally, didn't enjoy that kind of gameplay even in 2007 so it's just sort of bizarre to me to see people who were totally enamoured by this type of game back then to suddenly take out their pitchforks at the sight of one now. So it's not necessarily that it's an invalid argument, it's just an argument that I can't really wrap my head around because I was never one of those people who thought Uncharted's gameplay was fun to begin with. If that makes any sense :p.

Okay, I see your point now. :) (even though I strongly disagree)


Uncharted has excellent gunplay when compared to the Order. The encounters, the environment, the platforming are far more interesting than anything you play in the Order. The only similarities are that they are both TPS games with guns and a cover mechanic. The two games could not be further apart gameplaywise.

Using the words platforming and interesting in the same sentence when referring to Uncharted just doesn't sound right LOL. To me, both Uncharted's and The Order's platforming are just so dumbed down and automated that it doesn't really matter much which one is a little less dumbed down and automated. They're both boring as fuck for the most part (I'm just referring to the platforming here). Like I've said, I don't really like this type of third-person action shooter gameplay in general so I guess that's why I'm somewhat blind to its finer nuances. I find their gameplay is incredibly similar (especially when you compare Drake's Fortune to The Order) but apparently, that's just me. Again, all I can say is that I play these games for the story, characters, atmosphere and visuals and The Order delivered on those fronts IMO (as did the first two Uncharted games) so I never quite got why everyone hated on it so much (and I still believe that many were just doing it because it seemed like the cool thing to do at the time).
I thought the developer's really missed out on the Order. It had such an interesting atmosphere in a steam punk era, but the gameplay itself was so dry and boring. From what I remembered, those quick time event boss battles were bad and the whole looking at objects mechanic was pointless. Only positive I can really find was Tesla guy was in it and it was absolutely gorgeous


I'd buy the sequel as I enjoyed the sequel.

Definitely needs some changes in the following imo:

-Remove QTE
-Remove Unskippable cutscenes
-Add collectibles tracker per chapter
-Add weapon wheel like in Resistance 1 and 3
-Make boss fights challenging and unique


I found it to be an extremely mediocre game that didn't introduce anything interesting or compelling enough to warrant a sequel. It was a cover shooter with QTE's and a short run time, had the most generic of writing and plot lines, and is ultimately a graphical showcase that has already been surpassed.

I know it has it's fans, but if we're being completely and wholeheartedly honest here, The Order is only talked about because it's a first party console exclusive. That's really all it has going for it. It gets talked about more than legitimately great first party exclusives like Until Dawn and Sunset Overdrive, and only because it had impressive looking screenshots and GIFs(Until Dawn does too, but it's horror, a genre that gets ignored more often than not on consoles).

Most people finding it very mediocre and not bothering further with it seems to have romanticized it even more. To the point where I actually and actively want it to be forgotten haha. I already regret clicking on this thread and engaging it's fans. But felt like might as well post something as I know I'll be reading the thread and would like to share my opinion.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Loved the lore and atmosphere, had a very "HBO Miniseries" type of vibe going and it was very intriguing. I'd love a sequel, and the problems people had with the game could be so easily rectified. Killzone1->2 is a very apt comparison. The potential is there, up the encounter intensity, horde mode co-op, build some awesome boss fights, and up the stakes with the lore.

Special shout-out to this lovely lady, one of the best characterized tough-chicks in a shooter i can think of

Hell yeah. Also a good example of diversity. She's brown and a girl? Well, I'd never... :p

I'm playing it just now, and I'm at the part where you cover her on the dock entrance with the sniper and I just love how some enemies react to different body parts being shot.

I just shot this dude in the thigh (or maybe crotch?) and his face winced as he grabbed the spot I clipped him on and fell.

Awesome detail.


It needs a remake. The setting, atmosphere and story had so much potential but it led nowhere and it there was so little in terms of actual gameplay.
The Order had light platforming, as well.

Honestly, I don't really know what to say. With these kinds of games I just tend to pretty much ignore the gameplay, anyway. To me, Uncharted 2's and Uncharted 3's gameplay was just as meh as The Order's for the most part and I'm sure that that won't change much with Uncharted 4. I get that there are differences between them and if it were up to me, The Order's gameplay would be completely different but at the end of the day, The Order is the kind of game that you play for the story, the atmosphere and the pretty graphics first and the gameplay second or third. Of course, if the story wasn't somebody's cup of tea, I can see how they'd dislike the game as a whole (just like I don't like Uncharted 3 because I think its story is shit) but other than that I really think that people should try and look beyond the gameplay.
How can anyone say this? It's one of those what the hell am I even reading right now moments.


There's so many critical successes that sold poorly (niche games) that never got sequels and you want a game that both reviewed and sold poorly to get a sequel?

The only way I'd do it is if the mission designs were much better and more varied, the letter boxing disappeared and the QTE's were gone. That basically means I want a whole different game than the order.


How can anyone say this? It's one of those what the hell am I even reading right now moments.

Yeah, with Uncharted 2 Remastered fresh in my mind, it's pretty obvious how far ahead Naughty Dog is over RAD when it comes to encounter design and just plain creativity.

The Order doesn't even try to come close to something like the signpost shootout, let alone the obvious entire Train chapter.

The Order felt like pre-Gears of War game design. Like some real PS2 Kill.Switch shit, just with more polish.
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