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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ton silence est cruel

Dominique Sopo, Président de SOS Racisme

Depuis, c'est par les ondes que j'ai suivi ta campagne qui a failli de peu t'amener au second tour de l'élection présidentielle. Et désormais, c'est la stupéfaction qui me gagne. Car, le 23 avril, là où l'évidence devait t'amener à appeler à une raclée électorale contre Marine Le Pen, ces mots ne sont pas venus. Devant la sidération qu'exprimaient maintes personnes autour de moi, je disais invariablement : "C'est décevant qu'il n'ait pas immédiatement pris position. Mais évidemment qu'il finira par se prononcer! Pour qui prenez-vous Jean-Luc? Pensez-vous qu'il soit ignorant du danger que représente le Front national? Regardez son parcours et ses combats!"

Et les mots ne sont pas venus, comme si l'orgueil blessé ou l'illusion d'un chaos duquel tu sortirais politiquement ragaillardi te servaient désormais de boussoles. A la place, toutes les pirouettes ont été utilisées: le refuge derrière une consultation manifestement fantôme, le silence du vaincu au repos, les épigones qui s'offusquent des offusqués, l'évocation par les tiens de l'intimité de ton vote (allons! allons!) et une émission sur ta chaîne Youtube où le tribun s'est transformé en cabotin: "Le Pen est un danger. De même, Macron est un danger. Permettez-moi de vous rappeler que Le Pen est vraiment dangereuse. Evidemment que je vais aller voter. Mais je ne vous dirai pas pour qui. Tout le monde a naturellement compris ma position". Depuis quand cabotine-t-on face au fascisme, pour reprendre la terminologie dont tu as toi-même affublé la pensée de Marine Le Pen? Depuis quand un leader politique de gauche, sans doute dans l'espoir de retrouver unies après le 7 mai des troupes divisées face au second tour, laisse une candidate d'extrême-droite s'adresser plus que lui à son électorat? Depuis quand l'énonciation de la morale suprême – lutter contre la canaille d'extrême-droite – s'efface-t-elle derrière des stratégies hasardeuses ou un ego meurtri?


Macron is "surfing" on populism as well. It's the common denominator of all the big player of this french election. Everybody is "anti-system".
Except my boy Hamon.

Yep it's populist rhetorics by the "elite" against the former "elites". Their last resort to save their domination and the regime that allowed it. This small paper by Gael Brustier clearly shows it.

La «Révolution» d'Emmanuel Macron en est bien une mais une «révolution passive», celle qui vise à faire surmonter au capitalisme ses propres difficultés et à faire adhérer des groupes sociaux aux intérêts matériels divergents à une même vision de l'avenir. Le candidat «En Marche» apparaît comme l'authentique intellectuel organique d'une France connectée à la globalisation, optimiste face à la mondialisation et à l'évolution du capitalisme.


Son combat ne se situe ainsi désormais plus au niveau de la compétence économique ou des «propositions» mais à celui de l'unification d'aspirations contradictoires et diffuses dans la société. Il se situe au niveau de la superstructure et de la quête d'une nouvelle hégémonie culturelle, qui passe par la contestation des élites du pouvoir par... ces mêmes élites. En témoignent les ralliements de personnalités appartenant au «cercle de la raison» (de Jean Pisani-Ferry à Jean-Marie Cavada, pour les exemples les plus récents).


Le cas Macron n'est pas isolé: en Europe apparaissent d'autres mouvements qui allient adhésion au libéralisme et contestation des régimes politiques en place. Il existe ainsi des exemples proches de celui incarné par Emmanuel Macron et qui répondent à la même fonction. Ciudanados, en Espagne, est apparu comme une forme de «Podemos de droite», dont la fonction était de renouveler un récit d'adhésion au libéralisme.


Pour survivre à la crise, le libéralisme est tenté par l'adoption d'une contestation de façade des régimes qui lui ont permis de s'installer. En cherchant à agglomérer autour de sa candidature et de son discours «contestataire» des groupes sociaux aux aspirations différentes, Emmanuel Macron annonce en fait que nous approchons du stade terminal de la crise de régime de la Ve République et de l'Union européenne.


Le grand soir arrive enfin les copains!

Yet another shade of social-democrat, winning yet another election thanks to a majority of the population voting for them once again. This can only mean one thing, that capitalism is on its last legs! Of course!

What would we do without the great wisdom of religious eschatology sorry I meant historical dialecticism? What's the worse that could happen, that we get it wrong for the 23459th time and we get another fascist elected?


Le grand soir arrive enfin les copains!

Yet another shade of social-democrat, winning yet another election thanks to a majority of the population voting for them once again. This can only mean one thing, that capitalism is on its last legs! Of course!

What would we do without the great wisdom of religious eschatology sorry I meant historical dialecticism? What's the worse that could happen, that we get it wrong for the 23459th time and we get another fascist elected?

I'm impressed by how you can find a new creative way to shitpost every time I post a link*. Today is irony, I wonder what you'll find tomorrow to raise once again the debate !

*the guy has a PhD but now he's some kind of delusionnal cultist


I'm impressed by how you can find a new creative way to shitpost every time I post a link*. Today is irony, I wonder what you'll find tomorrow to raise once again the debate !

*the guy has a PhD but now he's some kind of delusionnal cultist

Do not fret, comrade Coffinhal, my dude. His name has been duly recorded for posterity.
I'm being partially facetious. Really appreciate the links you keep providing. Cheers.


I'm impressed by how you can find a new creative way to shitpost every time I post a link*. Today is irony, I wonder what you'll find tomorrow to raise once again the debate !

*the guy has a PhD but now he's some kind of delusionnal cultist

Well I do have a problem with the general ideology that you seem to defend (I find it anachronistic and dangerous), and I do respond to it. That doesn't necessarily mean that I'm "shitposting".

I mean seriously, we're going to get the whole "capitalism will collapse under its own contradictions any minute now!" song and dance again? How many centuries has it been?


Well I do have a problem with the general ideology that you seem to defend (I find it anachronistic and dangerous), and I do respond to it. That doesn't necessarily mean that I'm "shitposting".

I mean seriously, we're going to get the whole "capitalism will collapse under its own contradictions any minute now!" song and dance again? How many centuries has it been?

I'll take that over the spiel about how what French people need and want is A NEW REPUBLIC!!!!! Because the old one sick and the reason for everything that is bad including Brexit and Trump.


The Birthday Skeleton
Any political system in history had elites. Including the Communist ones. This "new elite replaces old elite" is the same type of baseless hidden accusation like " he's a banker". Making him sound guilty without providing any actual wrong doing.


I tried discussing politics a bit with a colleague* yesterday, and simply couldn't believe that he was tempted to vote for MLP just to bring in some change.
In his opinion, bringing immediate chaos now (his own words) would still be a better option than doing nothing (read: vote for Macron, and possibly have things continue to worsen a bit).

I know we've already seen an example of such mentality in this thread, but seriously, what kind of logic is that?

We both belong to the CSP+ category, for the record.


I tried discussing politics a bit with a colleague* yesterday, and simply couldn't believe that he was tempted to vote for MLP just to bring in some change.
In his opinion, bringing immediate chaos now (his own words) would still be a better option than doing nothing (read: vote for Macron, and possibly have things continue to worsen a bit).

I know we've already seen an example of such mentality in this thread, but seriously, what kind of logic is that?

We both belong to the CSP+ category, for the record.

a big crisis is usually also a catalyst for change.

For some reason some people believe that the resulting fallout will obviously be the society and power structure they dreamed of.


Just got this today
in my spam folder



"Dear fellow countrymen living abroad,

Like every French person, you own with your vote a part of of country's future.

We cannot wait anymore, France cannot wait anymore. She relies on you, I rely on you, I rely on the French people!

Next weekend, vote for a fee people, for vive la République, and for vive la France.

Marine Le Pen

I rely on you!"

C'mon Le Pen, you could at least put some effort into it lmao


What's the video about ? Did she really embed a video of her opponent in her own communication ? As if it wasn't obvious enough that her whole strategy crumbled down to "I don't have anything credible to say, so I'll just bash my opponent".


What's the video about ? Did she really embed a video of her opponent in her own communication ? As if it wasn't obvious enough that her whole strategy crumbled down to "I don't have anything credible to say, so I'll just bash my opponent".

This is the one.

Complete with the horde of scary foreigners invading France.

But yeah, especially in the case of people living outside of France, the FN obviously knows it's got absolutely nothing to offer us. Their only strategy is to stoke fear and trashtalk Macron.


Complete with the horde of scary foreigners invading France.

Oh come ooooon, I couldn't believe it when I saw the picture of the "horde of migrants" walking on the road. As if it wasn't already terrible when Farage did it during the Brexit campaign... How can you be at the same time tasteless and unimaginative !


Huh, apparently things are getting (even more) complicated between Mélenchon and the communist party


France Insoumise (JLM's party) threatens to sue the PCF for using JLM and FI visuals to campaign for the législatives. Both parties had an alliance for the présidentielles, even though the PCF reluctantly validated JLM's candidacy. Also worth noting that the PCF, unlike JLM, was quick to call his voters to vote for Macron.


That's probably what most people will remember from the debate, sadly. Although I also like the "arrêtez tous les deux !" moment, but then I saw it live, while I missed the "envahisseurs" moment.
We've gone a long way from the "monopole du coeur".


a big crisis is usually also a catalyst for change.

For some reason some people believe that the resulting fallout will obviously be the society and power structure they dreamed of.

They think this magical society and politicians will come in and bring utopia. When even in the very best case scenario, you'd be starting from a deficit due to the resulting problems caused by this lot. In worse cases the people that come after may be just as bad or worse.

accelerationism is dumb


Hm, I wonder whether this endorsement can be found anywhere in its original (presumably) German. My French probably isn't good enough and it's not available for free at Le Monde's website anyway...

Does Gabriel not speak French? Varoufakis had his in English, but I couldn't find any for Gabriel. Asked him on Twitter.


meanwhile, Le Pen & Dupont-Aignan get the welcome they deserve at the cathedral of Reims

That calmy uttered "putain" at the end of the video :D

Does Gabriel not speak French? Varoufakis had his in English, but I couldn't find any for Gabriel. Asked him on Twitter.
I actually don't know, but let's just say Gabriel never struck me as someone knowing a lot of foreign languages... But maybe that's wrong.


Tonight begins the electoral truce, so I fully expect fake news to rain during the next 48 hours since the media won't be able to debunk them.

Brace yourselves guys

It's the final day of legal polling in 🇫🇷! We got:
—Macron +24% (+2)
—Macron +24% (+2)
—Macron +26% (+4)
—Macron +23% (+5)
—Macron +24% (+6)

Common thread: Melenchon voters likelier to say they're voting Macron. For instance in Elabe's poll: 54%, vs. 44% last week (14% say Le Pen)

Another common thread: These polls mostly post-Wednesday's debate, which Macron did better in. Was effect to pull ppl away from absention?

+26 would be nice.
Tonight begins the electoral truce, so I fully expect fake news to rain during the next 48 hours since the media won't be able to debunk them.

Brace yourselves guys
I'm expecting heaps of bullshit, they've shown they're desperate enough to be sloppy as long as they're disruptive.

Apparently, the first public posting of that fake SMS pic was on a campaign member's Twitter account. Journalists have asked him where he got it but got no answer. 🤔🤔


Just received a procuration through the En Marche website. Happy to contribute to lower Le Pen results.

I got my second "match up" lately, first one was already on holiday abroad on monday and could not fill the forms. :/
Second one hasn't answered yet, unsurprisingly those people don't seem too organized.

Apparently, the first public posting of that fake SMS pic was on a campaign member's Twitter account. Journalists have asked him where he got it but got no answer. ����

Yeah it was David Rachline, who's been quite active in the campaign, you could see his smug face everywhere on TV (I don't want to fall into "délit de sale gueule", but... nah better stop there).


^^ Well, Brassens summed it up amazingly well:
Le temps ne fait rien à l'affaire,
Quand on est con, on est con.
Qu'on ait vingt ans, qu'on soit grand-père,
Quand on est con, on est con.
Yeah it was David Rachline, who's been quite active in the campaign, you could see his smug face everywhere on TV (I don't want to fall into "délit de sale gueule", but... nah better stop there).
Actually, it was Kevin Pfeffer, another of them.

And yeah, I don't usually do this either as it should be about ideas, but in their case, with the utter lack of ideas and whatnot, c'est physique et je peux pas blairer sa tête de cul.


Well well well ...
WikiLeaks ‏Compte certifié @wikileaks il y a 1 minute

Update: #MacronLeaks contains many tens of thousands emails, photos, attachments up to April 24, 2017--around 9Gb in total
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