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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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People not voting for Macron is just dumb. Do you want Le Penn? Ugh.

Even if you don't like the dude, everyone is better than a Far Right nut.

I'm going to be stressed out in two weeks. Please go vote. Please.
Yeah, Schulz/Macron would be a classic pro-EU tandem. Would also be able to reverse some of the more restrictive monetary and fiscal policies by e.g. Schauble. Moscovici (the French EU Commissioner) is also pro-Macron and I'd say a pretty good guy.
That just made me a little hard.

A liberal from France and a social democrat from Germany as the European tandem.

One can only hope.
That's true, she spent a lot of time sweeping dust under the rug including her own father).
But also the terrorist attacks kinda helped her prove the point she was trying to make.
Ah ok. Reading her Wikipedia it says that she broke from party line on gay marriage and a few other things.
Recently? Isn't she polling high (even higher than this result) since a long time already?
It's not recent at all, they got to the second round in 2002
Sorry, by "recent" I meant like in the past few years.


If Macron wins, the pragmatic thing to do would be to make sure to take policies that will draw the left's support without alienating center-right voters. He has to take a real centrist stand, and at the same time appear tough on security. Otherwise, FN will be in the second round again in a few years. Losing gives them the chance to still appear as an untested solution if things don't turn around.

If Macron disappoints the left even more than they have been, it will lead the left further left (as seen by JLM's numbers) as they will refuse to vote right again just to keep the FN out, which would likely lead to a JLM vs LP battle and a likely chance for the FN to win.


I'd say Schulz and Macron would create a good a dynamic in the European Council, but I don't how big the chances of that are.

Oh definitely. I'm assuming a Macron-Merkel axis for the time being, but Macron-Schulz works just as well, and saves Europe from Merkel's austerity push. Germany doesn't really seem to have any chance of falling to the crazies. Either side is fairly reasonable there, at least for the big stuff. But the idea of them losing a strong French partner was terrifying.


Macron, Lepen..... we are so fucked.
Even Fillon as third. That shit is depressing. Fuck all those that voted Lepen and Fillon at least.

So glad I'm leaving this country...


Exit poll I'm seeing on Al Jazeera says Macron is on 23% and Le Pen is on 21%. Macron has to be favourite in second round then. Still a big realignment of French politics. A far left candidate getting so many votes is unprecedented. Good thing imo.


paid requisite penance
I didn't mean that as a wish for entertainment but for social progress.

Macron policies will make more MLP voters next time. Nothing to be happy at all.

No worries man, sorry if I sounded harsh. I wasn't chastising you, just making a general comment.

As for your second comment: I doubt any other issues wouldn't make more MLP voters next time. Plus I think it's foolish to think 5 years ahead of time. It was hard enough to predict this election, let alone the next one.


It's not recent at all, they got to the second round in 2002

2002 was a fluke because of a split in the left. Jean-Marie Le Pen had 16.86% of the vote whilst the Socialists had 16.18% of the vote. The real rise in FN is recent, and is due to a number of reasons, namely growing dissatisfaction in the traditional parties, refugee crisis, terrorism, economic downturn etc.

And FN has become slightly more mainstream. Ditching Jean-Marie and the anti-Semitism/holocaust denial had an effect.


Reading r/france and seeing people say they're abstaining because Melenchon lost - ugh.

Also I just realized, Fillon won't get immunity :D
Yes! Le Pen got enough. Pulling for her in the second round.


Well, at least I finally got to use that gif.


paid requisite penance
Yeah, if anyone here is thinking of abstaining/voting blank, let me tell you this:
1) If you think they're both equally awful: you can't possibly this foolish
2) If you think Macron has this locked and MLP can't possibly become president, let me remind you: "Trump can't possibly win".

Please vote for him. Whatever he is, he will always be preferable to Le Pen.


So why did Le Pen surge so much recently?

Just general polarisation? I've heard some suggest that she has kind of politely packaged their far right ideas into something that appears more mainstream. Is that true?
Well marine lepen is at the 2nd turn because holland was a weak president, because of the terrorism

And i think too that like for the us russia is behind the surge of lepen and melenchon
Because our division makes things easier for them. Little Englanders can feel bigger again if the union dissolves.

Of course. They also would directly profit from the EU dissolving - instead of having to deal with EU regulations if they wanted to get into the EU market, they could make bilateral deals with each country separately. EU has immense economic power behind it, and the UK government is intimidated because they're caught between a rock and a hard place, having to pull through with Brexit even though they really don't want to and know that breaking off with the EU is dumb.

That would be good for Europe, yes. But seeing at the state of the social-democrats in Europe I wonder how realistic it is for Schulz to win this fall.

Social democrats in Europe have been rotting in their life support state because they just were secure in the establishment. Recent years have shown however that the voters stop supporting bloated parties if they are dissatisfied. FPD and SPD got punished very hard by the voters. SPD also didn't have a face that was particularly rousing to the public, but Schulz has potential to actually get support.


All over. All of the left will switch to Macaroon. A lot of the centre right will too. Just not enough potential votes for FN. Don't be too smug though, some bridge building will be needed as an awful lot of disenfranchised poor rural working voters were seduced by FN.

British media in general. I am gonna watch british tv and laugh my ass off tonight.

Not sure where you are getting that from. Other than Murdoch owned outlets and the Daily Mail everyone else hates FN. BBC, Guardian, Indie, etc. Even the hated Tories refuse to engage with FN at all, they are just too toxic.

Other than the EU getting a headache, a FN win would have been bad for everyone.

Fuck them. They already decided to leave EU. Why do they want to screw the union if they're won't be part of it?

They don't and the media didn't leave anything.


Reading r/france and seeing people say they're abstaining because Melenchon lost - ugh.

Also I just realized, Fillon won't get immunity :D

Mélenchon has been compared to Bernie a lot. I don't think that's super accurate, but there are definitely a lot of parallels, especially when it comes to the Bros and BoBs for Bernie and the insoumis for Mélenchon.


All I can see given how close in score are the first four candidates is that the country is quite divided.

I was for Mélanchon, but I guess I will have to take the rational route that is Macron on May 7th.


The LR are going to destroy Fillon for not quitting when the Canard killed his momentum.
This was their election to lose.

Pretty much. LR winning was considered guaranteed ever since Hollande started floundering years ago. Fillon virtually lost an election on paper he should have won, all due to careless corruption. What a way to end your political career.


2002 was a fluke because of a split in the left. Jean-Marie Le Pen had 16.86% of the vote whilst the Socialists had 16.18% of the vote. The real rise in FN is recent, and is due to a number of reasons, namely growing dissatisfaction in the traditional parties, refugee crisis, terrorism, economic downturn etc.

And FN has become slightly more mainstream. Ditching Jean-Marie and the anti-Semitism/holocaust denial had an effect.

And this year wasn't split with Fillon and to some extend Macron on the right (especially with Fillon's affairs), and Mélanchon / Hamon on the left?


Yeah, if anyone here is thinking of abstaining/voting blank, let me tell you this:
1) If you think they're both equally awful: you can't possibly this foolish
2) If you think Macron has this locked and MLP can't possibly become president, let me remind you: "Trump can't possibly win".

Please vote for him.

1) is already bad enough and just shows how utterly naive or just dumb some people are, but
2) I really, really don't get. Like what's the logic behind that? How could anyone think that makes any sense? Especially in this election between a centrist that will most likely start some hurtful but necessary reforms and French Trump.


To people on the left hoping for a Macron win but still voting blank on round 2: you have already cast you "ideal candidate" vote. The next round is not about where your heart lies, it's what you prefer out of the two given options. You are not betraying your values by voting Macron. Please consider this.
Been away, is it officially Macron vs Le Pen?

To people on the left hoping for a Macron win but still voting blank on round 2: you have already cast you "idea candidate vote". The next round is not about where your heart lies, it's what you prefer out of the two given options. You are not betraying your values by voting Macron. Please consider this.

Mélenchon has been compared to Bernie a lot. I don't think that's super accurate, but there are definitely a lot of parallels, especially when it comes to the Bros and BoBs for Bernie and the insoumis for Mélenchon.

Bernie Bros are as rampant as Unicorns. But keep pushing the myth.


1) is already bad enough and just shows how utterly naive or just dumb some people are, but
2) I really, really don't get. Like what's the logic behind that? How could anyone think that makes any sense? Especially in this election between a centrist that will most likely start some hurtful but necessary reforms and French Trump.

Take it from us Americans. Never assume the general public is smart enough not to get conned.


2002 was a fluke because of a split in the left. Jean-Marie Le Pen had 16.86% of the vote whilst the Socialists had 16.18% of the vote.
There was a split in FN too. Add Megret, and you get more than 19.2%.

There's not that much a difference between 19.2 and ~21, and there was 16 candidates, not 11.

Though we won't see a 83-17 at second turn this time.
Based on the polling, Macron would win over the majority of voters of every major eliminated candidate, but Melenchon would have the most abstentions, which I guess is to be expected.


Mélenchon has been compared to Bernie a lot. I don't think that's super accurate, but there are definitely a lot of parallels, especially when it comes to the Bros and BoBs for Bernie and the insoumis for Mélenchon.

I'm sure they're smarter than that.

Also lmfao at r/t_D livethread, people accusing Obama of rigging the French election. A black president broke their minds.


I hope those in France may have learned from the election in the US. If you sit this election out and don't vote, thinking that Macron has an easy path to victory, then you are in fact giving Le Pen a foreseeable path to victory.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah Macron has won the election because he got lucky. Between Fillon affairs and the betrayal of everyone to Hamon, he was basically guaranted this election. This guy is not even capable of delivering a decent speech without screaming, he has basically no idea, he clearly does not understand how poor people lived their lives.
...do any of them?
To people on the left hoping for a Macron win but still voting blank on round 2: you have already cast you "idea candidate vote". The next round is not about where your heart lies, it's what you prefer out of the two given options. You are not betraying your values by voting Macron. Please consider this.

Macron should throw them a bone first if he has any political tact.
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