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Outrun 2 -- Gamespot review


pretty good score. DOAU got an 8.8, so this has been a pretty good week for Xbox fans. I'll let them slide on these two games but if they underscore Halo 2 there's gonna be hell to pay.

Musashi Wins!

I like this game much, much more than I thought I would. Don't really feel either way about this score but I think I'll be playing this long after other arcade racers go away.


Banstick Emeritus
Did someone accidentally ban isamu and BoE? I am disappointed with the lack of frothing, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
or probably because he was like teh stupid?

8.8 sounds about right. Edge gave it 8 I think (please don't own me like anihawk if wrong... my issue is in the next room and I'm too lazy to walk there)


not an idiot
average score? that's a great score (actually, it is a great score as if you look right beside the 8.3 it literally says "great" heh).

i think it's a nice score and (haven't read review yet) is about right, especially considering how short the game is, which they probably took off for.

i loved the demo and will probably buy it as soon as it drops some more in price, or maybe pick it up w/ the TRU deal or sumfin. :)


I think its a low score considering how the reviewer (video) really didnt point out any real negatives other than it doesnt support split screen?


one bad thing, the textures in the Daytona 2 track, and probably the Scud track too, have taken a significant hit from the original versions, but oh well, it doesnt effect gameplay :D


DSN2K said:
average score for an average game.

8.3 is a great score coming from Gamespot. I think it's right on too after having my copy for a couple of days.

Bah, I probably shouldn't bother. Most people on the GAF are going to continue knock down games thinking that aren't alternatives within genres.


Chili Con Carnage!
The arcade modes are great, not so sure about the mission mode, dont know if Kuju just didnt have the time or if sega wouldnt let them mess around with the content too much or what but pretty much all the challenges feel half baked. Just something you have to get through to unlock the cars and the music (music is cool though).

Havent got a PAL xbox i can take on xbox live at the moment so i cant comment on the multiplayer, well i can but only to say where the fuck is the splitscreen support.

I think 8.8 is generous.


Argyle said:


LOL, you know what amuses me? No matter how much discussion there is on this board about how Model 3 stacks up against current hardware, there are still and always will be hard core Sega fans maintaining that Model 3 is "teh unsurpassed hardware!!!"

I think this really comes from an affinity for the games themselves. VF3 is one of my favorite games of all time (I used to battle the venerable Shogmaster as a matter of fact) but I have no illusions about how the graphics look today.


Model 3 has been totally surpassed by Gamecube and Xbox, in all areas, AFAIK.

however that does not mean that all games on Gamecube and Xbox are upto Model 3 standards. it still takes effort to make an impressive game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
xexex said:
Model 3 has been totally surpassed by Gamecube and Xbox, in all areas, AFAIK.

however that does not mean that all games on Gamecube and Xbox are upto Model 3 standards. it still takes effort to make an impressive game.

PS2 also has surpassed it and I would say Dreamcast did as well.


I've been playing the demo religiously...can't wait to get the full version. I think it is just as good if not better than the arcade version from what I remember.


I thought the game was too easy just playing through the arcade mode... got passed all the routes A-E within my first 10 tries total...

But then I started playing through the challenge/mission mode. There's like thousand things to unlock here! It started out all manner of easy though.. ugh.. and I unlocked the Scud Race stage with no problem.. but that just got me hooked. I knew the Daytona USA 2 tracks were unlockable and I just had to find them. Well it only took a few more mission stages to unlock those tracks but that was only stage 6 out of 15!!!! What else could possibly be unlockable? So here I am at mission stage 9 having the hardest dang time getting through this race. The game got hard quick around stage 8-9. Now I can tell it's going to be one of those keep trying each mission about 20 times until you luckily get passed, rest and move on to the next one kind of things. But what could possibly be better than unlocking Daytona USA 2 and Scud Race tracks? I must find out.

Hopefully one of the things will be the ability to do laps in any give stage. And also to mix individual stages from Scud Race and Daytona and the original OutRun 2.


PS2 also has surpassed it and I would say Dreamcast did as well.

Dreamcast and PS2 do surpass Model 3 in some areas, but not all areas. Model 3 could do trilinear filtering in one cycle and also has better anti-aliasing than either PS2 or Dreamcast, among other things. but i don't feel like spouting the virtues of ancient Sega arcade board too much now :)
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