they are definitely stingy as fuck with lootboxes. 1 per levelup is not enough. i mean this aint f2p
I agree. Paying for random chance needs to go. Let me know exactly what im spending my money on.A and C. I feel like games that use chance for stuff that require money are really just supporting gambling and probably take advantage of many people who have addictive tendencies which is sad.
The rest of your post tells me that no, you don't understand the difference between microtransactions and expansion packs. So I'm done arguing.
Expansion packs are not microtransactions. Do try and learn what the difference is. You'd maybe have a point if their minor DLC packs cost money. But they don't, so you don't.
Is this bait or did you actually do this?I bought 50 boxes today.....
I find it so surreal to see people saying "you're paying $60 premium, and the microtransactions are there to support it further". It didn't used to be like that. Used to just be pay 50, 60 dollars for the game and maybe some DLC afterwards. It speaks a lot to the state of the industry now when it's seen that a huge company like Activision-Blizzard needs to include microtransactions to support a premium-priced game and have people praising them for doing so. I remember when unlockables and collectibles were just fun things that really dedicated players could get by playing well or long enough.
It's not really packed with microtransactions. Play a real AAA game that's packed with DLC, microtransactions, and season passes.Well, here's my unsolicited 2 cents. Some more and I'll be redeemable for a loot box.
Overwatch's microtransactions bug me. It just doesn't feel right to have a $60 title be packed with microtransactions
There is no need, point, or incentive to buy and use the microtransactions in Overwatch aside from your own vanity and being a completionist...., and I'm not one of those people who's complaining about it being MP only. Cosmetic or not, microtransactions are by their very nature designed to make you buy them and use them as quickly and often as you can, and the whole random loot crate system that VALVe pioneered is the perfect way to kick your psychological gambler's fallacy into high gear. It just gives me a vibe of subtly double-dipping that most people would balk at.
What who question mark exclamation pointSome people say it's because you can switch characters in game and sure it has more characters than TF2 but I don't find that reason for not being F2P, let alone a premium priced $60 game, to be compelling and I find it hard to believe that Blizzard isn't smart enough to find an interesting solution to that if it were F2P.
This is an unfortunate side effect of the current AAA game development cycle which seemingly requires massive budgets and constant revenue streams until the next iteration of a title comes along. Given all the shittiness that's happening in the industry at this point I ADORE what they're doing with Overwatch. I wish it were different but because there are soo many weak and exploitable people out there that buy incomplete games from these companies and continue to buy DLC and season passes they will continue these practices and all their piers are required to do so by their stakeholders. Vote with your wallets. To me, Overwatch is a complete game with optional microtransactions I don't give a single fuck about and have no impact on the game and I'll gladly pay the entrance fee. I'm sure 90% of the people in this thread that are complaining about these microtransactions have already inserted an additional $50 for whatever unfathomable reason yet still complain about it. It's simple: don't give them your money if you don't like it.I find it so surreal to see people saying "you're paying $60 premium, and the microtransactions are there to support it further". It didn't used to be like that. Used to just be pay 50, 60 dollars for the game and maybe some DLC afterwards. It speaks a lot to the state of the industry now when it's seen that a huge company like Activision-Blizzard needs to include microtransactions to support a premium-priced game and have people praising them for doing so. I remember when unlockables and collectibles were just fun things that really dedicated players could get by playing well or long enough.
Please explain.It feels like every new system that's brought in to part consumers with their money just needs to wear the storm of the first few iterations of smaller companies/projects before the bigger companies come in and are lauded for using the same system that was reviled earlier.
Lack of pricing diversity? The game is $40 for PC and $60 for consoles. That's practically unheard of. Also, all you digital only (console) fanboys can pay full MSRP or MORE while everyone else can sign up with Best Buy GCU or Amazon Prime or whatever retail outlet and get the game for much less than MSRP well before and after launch. It's only those that buy at GameStop or the MS/Sony stores that pay a premium.Overwatch makes me think of all these subtly interconnected things, from the lack of pricing diversity in retail to companies desperate to eek out any amount of cash via microtransactions, and it just kind of makes me wonder just where all of this is heading.
I'm a staunch, hardcore, cloud yelling, vote with my wallet mother fucker that holds grudges against companies for their shit practices for life and this is not one of them. The time for that [bolded quote] has already passed and has come full circle. This might be the first page in a glorious new era.I dunno. I don't want to sound like a geezer reminiscing with rose-tinted glasses. But still, it feels icky to me.
I remember when unlockables and collectibles were just fun things that really dedicated players could get by playing well or long enough.
I remember when unlockables and collectibles were just fun things that really dedicated players could get by playing well or long enough.
Would you be ok with it if they were unlockable just by playing the game?
It's not really packed with microtransactions. Play a real AAA game that's packed with DLC, microtransactions, and season passes.
There is no need, point, or incentive to buy and use the microtransactions in Overwatch aside from your own vanity and being a completionist.
What who question mark exclamation point
Please explain.
Lack of pricing diversity? The game is $40 for PC and $60 for consoles.
I'm a staunch, hardcore, cloud yelling, vote with my wallet mother fucker that holds grudges against companies for their shit practices for life and this is not one of them. The time for that [bolded quote] has already passed and has come full circle. This might be the first page in a glorious new era.
Is this bait or did you actually do this?
Regardless, congrats on bankrolling all that free content I'll be enjoying for the next few years! By then I would have unlocked all the skins, sprays, and quips anyway.
Overwatch's MT model isn't even as bad as Warcraft's. You can't get the mounts/pets they sell in WoW by in-game means at all, you have to buy them. Massive overreaction from OP.
『Inaba Resident』;204941466 said:Leveling up doesn't take long.
What? Many people are already at the maximum level for the "grind". The grind stops increasing at level 20, and it resets when you reach level 100 until you get to 120, and so on and so on.Maybe, maybe not. The unlocks start really slowing down in the later levels. Also the boxes seemed very very stingy. I haven't received a single skin for the characters I actually play and I'm lvl 16. I also only have 255gold so far. The unlock system is honestly terrible from my point of view. Incredibly stingy.
This is only partially true. I'd rather just buy the skins I want than play this loaded lottery game of buying random boxes or grinding forever to maybe, hopefully get what I actually want. This system is all kinds of ass and promotes gambling.
Man this game is going to have quite the backlash in about a month when people see the real grind of these loot boxes lol.
Yes, you're right, spending money isn't as good as just playing the game due to the rng, so don't buy them. It would be a good point if the game didn't let you just...get everything like that for free.Maybe, maybe not. The unlocks start really slowing down in the later levels. Also the boxes seemed very very stingy. I haven't received a single skin for the characters I actually play and I'm lvl 16. I also only have 255gold so far. The unlock system is honestly terrible from my point of view. Incredibly stingy.
This is only partially true. I'd rather just buy the skins I want than play this loaded lottery game of buying random boxes or grinding forever to maybe, hopefully get what I actually want. This system is all kinds of ass and promotes gambling.
Man this game is going to have quite the backlash in about a month when people see the real grind of these loot boxes lol.
Cant you just get a ton of lootboxes by playing all the characters briefly since they level quickest at low levels?
Maybe, maybe not. The unlocks start really slowing down in the later levels. Also the boxes seemed very very stingy. I haven't received a single skin for the characters I actually play and I'm lvl 16. I also only have 255gold so far. The unlock system is honestly terrible from my point of view. Incredibly stingy.
Man this game is going to have quite the backlash in about a month when people see the real grind of these loot boxes lol.
Cant you just get a ton of lootboxes by playing all the characters briefly since they level quickest at low levels?
Personally I hate this random crate mechanism thats popular now - a lot of people struggle with gambling addiction, its deliberately designed to be additive and I get a feeling a lot of players end up depressed after finding they have spent too much when they add everything up.
you dog you
The unlock types I was referring to were things like being rewarded for, say, doing specific actions or accumulating experience in, say, getting 100 headshots or unlocking every attachment for every sidearm, and being rewarded with some fancy new, specific thing. Not getting a random lootbox that is designed to make you go "just one more".
Who gives a fuck? It's cosmetics, it doesn't affect the game. Get over it.
I never got this argument. "Cosmetics" used to be part of the gameplay, since they were often tied to the gameplay via minigames, challenges and such to unlock them.
More so, people act like aesthetics doesn't affect someone enjoyment of the game or it's not part of the game. Let's replace all the female characters with a generic dude and lock their skin behind a paywall, since it's just cosmetic, all it matters is how the game play, not how it looks, right?
I never got this argument. "Cosmetics" used to be part of the gameplay, since they were often tied to the gameplay via minigames, challenges and such to unlock them.
More so, people act like aesthetics doesn't affect someone enjoyment of the game or it's not part of the game. Let's replace all the female characters with a generic dude and lock their skin behind a paywall, since it's just cosmetic, all it matters is how the game play, not how it looks, right?
『Inaba Resident』;204974943 said:The cosmetics are apart of the gameplay since you get loot boxes for leveling up which is done by just playing the game. You can pay for loot boxes if you're really impatient and just want shit right away.
They are tied to gameplay. Level up to get a box.I never got this argument. "Cosmetics" used to be part of the gameplay, since they were often tied to the gameplay via minigames, challenges and such to unlock them.
More so, people act like aesthetics doesn't affect someone enjoyment of the game or it's not part of the game. Let's replace all the female characters with a generic dude and lock their skin behind a paywall, since it's just cosmetic, all it matters is how the game play, not how it looks, right?
Yes, you're right, spending money isn't as good as just playing the game due to the rng, so don't buy them. It would be a good point if the game didn't let you just...get everything like that for free.
『Inaba Resident』;204963462 said:If you aren't getting absolutely destroyed quickly or leaving every match, leveling up doesn't take long at all. The amount of exp needed stays the same starting at level 20 and then resets when you get to level 100 where you do the same thing again.
And for aesthetics, it's kind of hard for me to care in first person. Everything is pure vanity here.
Not sure why anyone spend money on skins when you can't even see your person 99% of the time.
This is honestly a flat out lie. The game doesn't let you get everything for free without a substantial time investment. As in hundreds if not thousands of hours played. That's not ok. Not everyone has the time or desire to grind on a game for hundreds of hours to unlock a skin.
My time isn't free and I'm not going to grind a game just for extras. So I most likely will never get the skins I want due to rng and an overly hefty time requirement.
Yeah no, it's not really like Overwatch's skins are really something you essentially need to enjoy the game as besides minor alterations to the viewmodel, a different skin doesn't provide anything interesting to you, playing in first person.
Neither does Overwatch do something as change the gender or anything extreme of the sort, so your example is a bit far fetched for what is actually the case here.
Also this, I've played some Overwatch today and honestly getting a loot box isn't that hard (went from 18 to 20 in a matter of two hours) as it just requires you a small number of matches to level up. The experience requirement for the next level caps out at Level 22 and really it never really gets abnormally long to get your next loot box. Matches are pretty short and thus you do level up pretty fast if you play more than a match a session, especially due to getting a bonus for consecutive matches and grouping up.
If you are the kind of person who would grind that long just for a skin then you might have a problem also.
I might be crazy but I will play OW for hundreds of hours because of the actual gameplay, not because I want to unlock everything on everyone. They are just extras.
This is honestly a flat out lie. The game doesn't let you get everything for free without a substantial time investment. As in hundreds if not thousands of hours played. That's not ok. Not everyone has the time or desire to grind on a game for hundreds of hours to unlock a skin.
My time isn't free and I'm not going to grind a game just for extras. So I most likely will never get the skins I want due to rng and an overly hefty time requirement.
Ive never quit a match. And once again this post is less than honest. You level up at best once an hour after the early levels. That's very slow.
Yes of course there are going to be people already past max level. Those people are insanely good/spending crazy amounts of time on the game. Even my more hardcore friends are sitting in the 20-40s so being over cap is extremely hardcore at this point.
Guess it's a good thing that you get currency over time and can buy skins if you're not getting what you want from boxes. Unless you think that you need every skin for every character, when at the end of the day, you'll be using 1 or 2 at most and likely won't even be touching half the characters.
Which is very frustrating for me. I'm older (37) I have more money than time. You know how many skins and content I've unlocked for the 5 characters I actually like to play at level 19? 1 skin and some various sprays. I also have 255 gold. The skin is a palette swap not even a real skin. That's annoying.
Yeah that gold mechanic lol. Lvl 19 and 255 gold means it's going to be lvl 80 or so before I actually can buy one legendary skin I want. That's an 70 hour grind more or less. That's nuts.
This sounds just like cod I wonder how long till they start putting stay changing weapons into the crates.
Geez, if skins mattered at all that would suck. As is I guess that would be annoying, but not nearly as annoying as paying for all DLC down the line.
To each their own, I suppose.
Weird to see people complain that you'd have to play Overwatch a lot to get their ideal skin randomly. The game is intended to be played for a really long time, so of course it's all doled out in small doses. Plus, given that you get currency (faster as you start rolling duplicate unlocks that turn into currency), if you aren't getting what you want via loot boxes, you can unlock the specific items you want.
As games have gotten shorter or easier, to complain about a multiplayer game's length is crazy. It's not like you would stop playing once you get the skin you want. These games SHOULD have long reward cycles because the ideal player (in terms of value for both sides) will play for a very long time.
You could play this game for 400 hours and not unlock everything. If you can't see the problem and obvious design there I don't know what to tell you.