Who honestly thinks that a team needs two Widows while ATTACKING on Hanamura.
S m h
Yeah wtf, the team clearly needs 2+ Hanzo instead for thematic purposes while playing on Hanamura.
Who honestly thinks that a team needs two Widows while ATTACKING on Hanamura.
S m h
It does say enter name for PSN etc, but it never brings anything up.
Might be an as yet nonfunctional feature then? Sorry. :cIt does say enter name for PSN etc, but it never brings anything up.
Or not. Are you checking in the correct region? I linked the en-US site.It works for me on mobile.
It does say enter name for PSN etc, but it never brings anything up.
Yeah wtf, the team clearly needs 2+ Hanzo instead for thematic purposes while playing on Hanamura.
The secret to winning is to keep adding widow makers until you have 100% infrasight uptime. Then nothing can stop you.
You are all dreadful.Gotta get that sick 420 no-scope PotG.
That's the worst. You have these Widows calling out "healer", as if I would waste time healing them if they're just going to camp outside the building taking potshots while other players are actually trying to capture the point.I had a team with two Widowmakers and 2 soldier 76 trying to kill people from a distance repeatedly.
We were on a payload map, and it was nearing the finish line. :lol:
They were probably screaming behind their computer for "us" to do the objective too.
You are all dreadful.
That's the worst. You have these Widows calling out "healer", as if I would waste time healing them if they're just going to camp outside the building taking potshots while other players are actually trying to capture the point.
You must have come across some bad teams if they're letting Zenyatta do anything
Sooner or later your luck will turn. Law of averages.if I dont get a legendary from my lvl 20 box im asking for a refund ;_;
if I dont get a legendary from my lvl 20 box im asking for a refund ;_;
Which characters are the really great support characters?
I like playing support classes. Will I have fun with that in Overwatch?
Originally I was only really effective with Winston, Lucio and Torbjorn but I've been having more success with D. Va, McCree and Mercy recently. I want to get good with Zarya but whenever I try her it does not work out at all.
Zarya is such a beast
I love her right click attack :3
I'm okay with Mei in general but it is utterly nonsensical that she can contest and capture points in ice block form. It's not even an ult but she can go invuln and grandstand an objective. It's ridiculous.
I'm okay with Mei in general but it is utterly nonsensical that she can contest and capture points in ice block form. It's not even an ult but she can go invuln and grandstand an objective. It's ridiculous.
i teamed up with a GAFfer yesterday, and we went Roadhog (my fav) + Zarya (his fav, i presume), which sounds like a dumb combo, but worked really well ...
bash bros.
bash bros.
yes. Start with Mercy, gravitate to the ball of fun called Lucio, dabble in Zenyatta if you are feeling adventurous (his low health is a bitch tho). Symmetra is best saved for defense maps and, well, shes quite hard to use properly and now a actual support (you cant heal people)
The kill denial aspect definitely adds to her puckish charm. She's like a more frustrating dva in that way, cuz you don't even get the points for forcing her iceblock. Still, without it she'd be in poor shape indeed.That invulnerability ability is the one thing about Mei that pisses me off to no end.
So Mercy heals people?
The kill denial aspect definitely adds to her puckish charm. She's like a more frustrating dva in that way, cuz you don't even get the points for forcing her iceblock. Still, without it she'd be in poor shape indeed.
i teamed up with a GAFfer yesterday, and we went Roadhog (my fav) + Zarya (his fav, i presume), which sounds like a dumb combo, but worked really well ...
bash bros.
Mercy plays VERY similarly to tf2 medic. Weapon 1 has primary fire lock on heal beam, secondary fire lock on damage boost beam. She can also fly to distant teammates in los to get where she's needed most, and has an aoe rez. Her only offense is a pistol which you'll probably draw pretty rarely. She's the only character in the game you won't have an offensive weapon drawn on 99% of the game.So Mercy heals people?
Is that Foggy?
Looks like a young Señor Foggy
also, in "The Mighty" (without the ducks!) along with Kieran "Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi" CulkinWow, completely forgot Foggy Nelson was in The Mighty Ducks.
So Mercy heals people?
That feeling when your team is SO BAD you put up lackluster numbers and this happens:
Team, please.....do something.
And that GAFfer was me. Worked well when we had a good Lucio too.
That feeling when your team is SO BAD you put up lackluster numbers and this happens:
Team, please.....do something.
Yeah and her ultimate is aoe revive
She's buxom and she has a booty but she that is a very puffy coat. There's less warmly dressed concept art that shows she's certainly in decent form.She's in poor shape with it too!
Should def. do some workouts after the match!
Blizzards story writing is embarrassing drivel but their quips and auto callouts are fantastic. It's always an enormous boost to the charm of their games."I am on fire.... But an extinguisher is not necessary."
I love you, Zen.
You won't be out healing actively incoming damage, but yes. Always useful.Is Lucio's healing generally useless without the amp activated? Or can it still be helpful?
Is there no ranked mode?
Someone called Tracer's blink a "forward dash" while explaining how you need to control it to be good with Tracer, making the mistake assuming that her blink only takes her forward. This is something I noticed in the beta thread too, but people Tracer can actually blink in all 8 directions (up,down,left,right and diagonally) in total and blink through enemies as well.
Sooner or later your luck will turn. Law of averages.
i teamed up with a GAFfer yesterday, and we went Roadhog (my fav) + Zarya (his fav, i presume), which sounds like a dumb combo, but worked really well ...
Must be. People were noting similar things about the page on the website earlier in the thread. Are you experiencing this in game or on the site?Is the Hero gallery glitched? It's always showing as less things unlocked than I do have. Like for McCree for instance. I have five sprays unlocked for him, but it only says two.
The profile page is also incorrect. I've played with heroes that show up as 0 min playtime.
Maybe there's just a long delay to when all of this information gets updated?