I'm a big fan of Zenyatta now, but boy does he get shutout by Widow and Hanzo pretty handily. Considering the prevalence of those two characters, because everyone has to be a sniper I have to wonder if maybe Blizzard should maybe make him a little tankier or something. He has to be upfront to maintain orbs and having mostly shields as health serves him well in that regard, but I shouldn't be afraid to turn a corner every time a sniper is in the game.
As much as I love Zenyatta, it's basically not worth playing as him currently unless there are no snipers on the enemy team, as both Widowmaker and Hanzo pretty much hard-counter him. One fully-charged bodyshot will kill him from full health - the only other character in the game with this weakness is Tracer, and it's at least justifiable for her due to her extreme mobility.
Zenyatta has none. While he can function quite well as a tankbuster, between his low health and needing to keep line of sight for both his healing and his debuff, he's basically only playable in a game with an enemy sniper if he has some means of having his max effective health buffed (Torbjorn or Symmetra) or he can consistently and reliably be behind a tank or otherwise protected. The latter of which probably isn't going to happen, even on the most coordinated of teams.
It really sucks. I think thematically and design-wise, he's one of my favorite characters, but he's basically unplayable due to the hard-counters if there's an enemy sniper, which there will basically always be.
They could give him 25 more shields and he'd be playable if there's an enemy sniper - they'd at least have to get a headshot for an instant kill.
While my two friends and I were in a group and voice chat yesterday, we had this one Mercy player random who just kinda slid right into our groove without a single word.
He was basically on point at all times and made our three man team into a 4 man team. And we never said a single thing to him.
Someone with a support mindset can play support without needing to really communicate directly with their team. This, however, assumes that their team is at least fairly competent, but it makes you really appreciate it when you get even that one random Pharah who knows
exactly what she's doing.