Empty Space
When you cant find shit to complain about Overwatch:
"Characters have TOO much character"
Damn son, thats...thats good.
Balance seems wrong and I'm not talking about Bastion and Trojnborn. I admittedly haven't been looking to much on boards to see what consensus is and I haven't played enough to really know, but stuff like Mei dragging on overtime with Ice-block and Zenyatta being easily one shotted by Widowmaker aren't really good signs to me.
Travel time on Genji shuriken also seems problematic why use him over Mcree a lot of the time? He's more mobile yeah, but provides less utility without the stun and I'm already seeing people play way smarter against reflect.
Tracer's ult also has little to no warning, which doesn't seem to be in line with a lot of other ults. There's no solid way to counter when you get stuck by it and no audio cue to let you know that it's a threat.
A hunkered down Symmetra also seems far harder to deal with than should be necessary sure you could be Winston and destroy her stuff from behind a wall, but you're a tank your not supposed to be seeking out teleporters to destroy. None of the flankers seem well suited to handle it.
If there is a Mercy it can be difficult to tell which one ulted more than once I've heard the audio cue as I'm retreating thinking it was a friendly one and then heading back in to the fight only to run in to a guy I just killed because it was actually the enemy Mercy.
Those are just the problems I've run in to that feel not right. Perhaps I'm just bad though? The last problem though definitely is something that could be easily be fixed perhaps by always hearing the enemy Mercy say "Heroes never die!" in German. That actually might be a decent solution to resolve a lot of confusion for ability triggers. Have enemies always speak their native tongue when they are hostile and then English if they are friendly. There are obviously some issues like with Tracer, 76, etc. but just give the hostile ones a different line.