I'm partial to Torb'sAnyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
I'm partial to Torb'sAnyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
McRee is fucking awesome
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
it's about 8gigs on pc
There needs to be a mode where there's some sort of restriction of team comp. Too many gamaes where there's doubles of characters like D.va and Mei while you're attacking and you get steamrolled. Also I'm sick of playing Lucio/Zenyatta everymatch because literally no one wants to play support.
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
Ok so this game is anti-fun solo on PC, who wants to play right now
Crap. Do I get this?
Sounds like so much fun..
Crap. Do I get this?
Sounds like so much fun..
You are correct.Oh damn I just realize that MVP means Most Valuable Player, and I had gotten it with a 86% of match on fire with Lucio lol, unless MVP means something else in this game.
Oh damn I just realize that MVP means Most Valuable Player, and I had gotten it with a 86% of match on fire with Lucio lol, unless MVP means something else in this game.
MoVed the PayloadI mean what ELSE could it possibly mean?
MoVed the Payload
Junkrat is fucking amazing. Got play of the game twice in a row. Love it!
So what's the limit on how long a match can last? And does it just end the game in a draw or send you to the main menu?
I realize there's a timer btw. I'm talking about sudden death. If you wanted to force it.
Junkrat is fucking amazing. Got play of the game twice in a row. Love it!
You are correct.
86% of the match on fire means you were the main support definitely
MoVed the Payload
So what's the limit on how long a match can last? And does it just end the game in a draw or send you to the main menu?
I realize there's a timer btw. I'm talking about sudden death. If you wanted to force it.
I was stuck in limbo waiting for players last night and that happened twiceI've seen a console message that says "Match ended because it lasted too long" or something like that. Maybe they have a system in place if Overtime goes on forever.
I mean what ELSE could it possibly mean?
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
Ctrl and T respectivelyWhat's the keyboard command for crouching and using the spray? halp I don't see it in the controls.
What's the keyboard command for crouching and using the spray? halp I don't see it in the controls.
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio
CTRL and T
Ok, I'm ready for the Mei train now. Time to spread the disease.
Ctrl and T respectively
As a Mac user who had grown accustomed to Blizzard's dope-as-hell Mac ports, I am actually kinda happy this one won't get a port, because it means the game can be much better as porting is hell on earth.
Enjoy it, guys, while I cry in my steam library
I'm supposed to go to bed. Why am I still playing?
This game has the 'just... one... more... game' syndrome
Listen, I am up close and personal with Mac ports.Hmm, I don't think the Mac port held back any of Blizzard's games. Mac is not the lowest common denominator for their games.
Anyone have a favorite reload animation? I can't decide between Symmetra or Lucio